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# Project Tracker Status Priority Author Subject Assignee Updated
2042 OgreBot Bug New High Deliavir Cast stack 2018-01-04 08:05 AM Actions
2033 Quest Bot 3.00 BETA Bug New Normal ethreayd Cannot use QuestBotAPI to start a task that is not in the toon profile filter 2017-12-14 03:56 AM Actions
2021 BJScripts Bug New High Nerumph Hauler Not Extracting All Minerals from Containers 2017-11-23 03:30 AM Actions
2016 BJScripts Bug New Normal Nerumph Fleet Flee Inconsistancies 2018-01-15 03:47 PM Actions
1990 OgreBot Bug New Normal ethreayd I have proof that Ogre may eat Gnomes but certainly hate dogs 2017-09-02 03:26 AM Actions
1984 Quest Bot 3.00 BETA Bug New Normal ethreayd can't create a TS file when having one running in another IS 2017-08-30 03:08 AM Actions
1970 AstroBot Bug New Normal bjcasey Approaching From Multiple Functions 2017-08-17 09:34 AM Actions
1966 OgreBot Bug New Normal litewave chat event not saving command litewave 2017-08-04 02:01 PM Actions
1963 AstroBot Bug New Normal extremest Won't defend if "Assist Fleet Members" disabled 2017-08-19 05:27 AM Actions
1962 AstroBot Bug New Normal extremest Deactivate mining modules if cargo full 2017-08-01 10:00 AM Actions
1944 AstroBot Bug New Normal bjcasey Ammo Reloading and Auto Repeat Off 2017-07-07 07:25 PM Actions
1938 AstroBot Bug New Normal bjcasey Drones Not Working 2017-07-06 05:54 PM Actions
1937 AstroBot Bug New Normal bjcasey Drones Being Sent Against the Wrong Target 2017-07-06 05:48 PM Actions
1915 Quest Bot 3.00 BETA Bug New Normal ethreayd QB command does nothing 2017-06-04 01:13 PM Actions
1907 Prestige - Quest Bot Bug New Normal ethreayd Loop limit is not taken into account correctly 2017-06-01 01:16 AM Actions
1901 ISXEVE Bug New Normal bjcasey Anomaly Information Doesn't Match Game Window 2017-05-22 12:10 PM Actions
1898 OgreBot Bug New Normal avatarofwar Inquisitor CAs incorrectly marked as Flanking Only Kannkor 2017-05-14 08:38 PM Actions
1886 OgreBot Bug New Normal tlh4me TSAM Toon List Not Loading 2017-04-17 02:56 PM Actions
1878 Quest Bot 3.00 BETA Bug New Normal loopy NPC_Dialogue bug. 2017-03-22 11:18 AM Actions
1876 Quest Bot 3.00 BETA Bug New Normal ethreayd Loop set to "1" does not do the whole queue file 2017-03-21 05:36 AM Actions
1869 Prestige - Inventory Bug New Normal jgarza00 Universal/Character Settings bjcasey 2017-03-14 01:18 PM Actions
1868 Prestige - Inventory Bug New Normal jgarza00 Houses and Guild Halls 2017-03-14 12:18 PM Actions
1867 Prestige - Inventory Bug New Normal jgarza00 Destroy Excess Material bjcasey 2017-03-14 12:06 PM Actions
1865 Quest Bot 3.00 BETA Bug New Normal bjcasey Point to Point Navigation Flip Flopping 2017-03-13 04:52 PM Actions
1857 Quest Bot 3.00 BETA Bug New Normal loopy QuestbotAPI bug. 2017-03-04 07:05 AM Actions
1853 BJScripts Bug New Normal bjcasey Wait - For Actor Proximity 2017-03-01 01:16 PM Actions
1813 OgreBot Bug New Normal ethreayd strange behavior of Ogre Craft in Malduran then using it at the Forge of Brell 2017-02-06 09:13 AM Actions
1796 OgreBot Bug New Normal pelly new alias re-casting 2017-01-25 11:21 AM Actions
1795 OgreBot Bug New Normal LittleOgress LLL with Ogre Craft 2017-01-25 09:05 AM Actions
1792 BJScripts Bug New Normal ethreayd Second toon does not choose a door when exiting to a Public Zone with multiple Servers 2017-01-23 10:45 PM Actions
1776 OgreBot Bug New Normal bjcasey Ogre CM Breaking 2017-01-17 08:04 PM Actions
1759 Quest Bot 3.00 BETA Bug New Normal ethreayd QB 3 stay stucked after stop/start after a group wipe and revive 2017-01-07 08:12 PM Actions
1725 OgreBot Bug New Normal arachnid Undead Horde not Casting (Named CA) Mob Detection Kannkor 2016-11-19 12:20 PM Actions
1680 BJScripts Bug New Urgent blammo bjinventory 1.63 : salvaging wrong items bjcasey 2016-07-28 01:04 PM Actions
1678 OgreBot Bug New Normal Silk Ogre TSAM Kannkor 2016-07-27 12:06 PM Actions
1677 EVEBot Bug New Normal WildGear Crash on flee hualing 2016-07-27 01:24 PM Actions
1665 OgreBot Bug New Normal ClassicCoke ogre depot -hda doesn't recognize the large personal harvest depot 2016-07-21 06:34 PM Actions
1656 Quest Bot 3.00 BETA Bug New Normal bjcasey Recovery Option - Revival Ignores Pause 2016-07-20 11:57 AM Actions
1604 ISXEVE Bug New Normal rosudrag Unable to compute standings to pilots whilst in wormholes 2016-05-02 11:16 AM Actions
1603 EVEBot Bug New Normal Nerumph Hauler Tractor Glitch 2016-05-01 05:40 PM Actions
1599 EVEBot Bug New Normal Unstopable Mining Drones/Combat Drones in regards to Miner bot 2016-04-30 12:58 AM Actions
1593 EVEBot Bug New Ban Risk Nerumph Mining to Jetcan Error Nerumph 2016-04-15 01:05 AM Actions
1591 EVEBot Bug New Normal Nerumph Station NULL Nerumph 2016-04-15 12:49 AM Actions
1567 OgreBot Bug New Normal user01 ogre depot -wada not working 2016-01-10 08:34 AM Actions
1564 ISXIM Bug New Normal lazycrafter Connection Lost not being detected 2016-01-01 06:10 PM Actions
1549 BJScripts Bug New Urgent camikaze TraveltoBookmark and Attack NON AGGRO NPCs Option 2015-12-17 08:57 AM Actions
1546 BJScripts Bug New Normal camikaze Modules not activating while on Acceleration Gate Step in Missions 2015-12-16 01:50 PM Actions
1544 BJScripts Bug New Urgent camikaze Flee - Nearest Station Option if no Station is in System 2015-12-16 12:00 PM Actions
1523 BJScripts Bug New Normal pz (Distribution) undock without cargo 2015-11-20 03:03 PM Actions
1516 BJScripts Bug New Normal bjcasey Combat Issues - FPS Loss 2015-11-07 09:22 AM Actions
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