Bug #2042
Cast stack
With the latest changes to AAs, there are now more diverse AA builds that our chars support.
Please, could you make s.t. [MAX Increments] filtering feature would distinguish between increments it's taking into account.
For the moment, if character has both Increments taken (left and right prestige specc'd), char would fire underpowered stacks (x/150) because he takes into account different Increments.
For instance, if we're talking about wizards, please make s.t. spells [Blast of Devastation] and [E'Ci's Frozen Wrath ] take into accunt [Frozen Solid] Increments only, the rest do not matter.
Warlocks need a similar fix: [Rift] & [Apocalypse] should take into account [Toxic Aura]
Thank you!
Updated by Deliavir about 7 years ago
I almost forgot about group stacks: [Frozen Detonation] and warlock's [Caustic Detonation]