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# Project Tracker Status Priority Author Subject Assignee Updated
1400 StealthBot Feature - New New Normal rosudrag No movement 2015-05-06 12:43 PM Actions
1399 StealthBot Bug New Normal rosudrag Anomaly Ratting Blood Raider sites rosudrag 2015-05-06 12:40 PM Actions
1392 BJScripts Bug New Normal Kicksome bj inventory not going back to guild while in raid instance bjcasey 2015-04-30 11:25 AM Actions
1384 OgreBot Feature - New New Normal Darb Precast Items 2015-04-24 05:22 AM Actions
1382 OgreBot Feature - New New High fireopal Interrupt Tab 2015-04-20 09:05 PM Actions
1381 StealthBot Feature - Enhancement New Normal clarity Use % of Ore/Cargo Hold 2015-04-20 11:57 AM Actions
1380 StealthBot Bug New Normal clarity Freighter Mode & Corp Hangar Issues 2015-04-19 07:55 PM Actions
1379 StealthBot Bug New Normal clarity Not Utilizing Miasmos Ore Hold 2015-04-19 07:51 PM Actions
1370 OgreBot Feature - Enhancement New Normal Ability to add system sound when completing a set of writs? 2015-04-12 08:11 PM Actions
1369 OgreBot Feature - Enhancement New Normal Herculezz Auto Loot Enhancements 2015-04-07 11:41 PM Actions
1363 OgreBot Feature - Enhancement New Normal Post Cast 2015-03-14 07:47 AM Actions
1362 StealthBot Feature - New New Normal n0mad Orbit a wreck or Large Collidable Object 2015-03-13 08:42 AM Actions
1361 StealthBot Bug New Normal n0mad Omnidirectional Tracking Link - midslot 2015-03-13 08:39 AM Actions
1360 BJScripts Bug Feedback Required Normal raster Bug with Inventory bjcasey 2015-05-08 08:31 PM Actions
1351 EVEBot Feature - Enhancement New Normal Ability to use Personal Hangar Arrays for Ammo restock and loot dropoff 2015-02-11 06:38 PM Actions
1349 OgreBot Feature - New New Normal grimgolem2 Damage Heal spells 2015-02-02 12:09 PM Actions
1345 StealthBot Feature - Enhancement New High Futureman Cicardian Sleeper Attack Futureman 2015-01-24 08:42 AM Actions
1338 StealthBot Bug New Low toboe.kacuragi Hauling Mode - Fleet Hangar toboe.kacuragi 2015-01-24 06:36 AM Actions
1337 OgreBot Feature - Enhancement New Normal litewave cast stack differentation 2015-01-12 06:44 PM Actions
1333 OgreBot Feature - New Feedback Required Normal woozy Frostfell items 2015-12-22 09:43 AM Actions
1329 OgreBot Feature - New New Low KamphyChair # of Targets for Pre-/Post- cast tab 2014-12-30 05:30 PM Actions
1328 BJScripts Feature - Enhancement Accepted Normal srass BJ Consumables - Multiple Potions 2014-12-30 08:42 AM Actions
1327 OgreBot Feature - New New Normal KamphyChair Cast while moving 2014-12-26 11:57 AM Actions
1323 OgreBot Bug New Normal KamphyChair Dissonance and Cures Kannkor 2014-12-27 11:58 AM Actions
1322 StealthBot Bug New Normal zirconicus Mining drone's usage not counting pilot drones skill 2014-12-19 06:51 AM Actions
(326-350/397) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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