Feature - Enhancement #1456
Ship directional scan control
stealthy mentioned about 8 months ago that the directional scan control was not functioning as there was something he needed to change to get it working. would love to be able to write a script to scan down things in space using the directional scan.
Updated by Amadeus over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback Required
This report isn't helpful because it doesn't provide information on what isn't working as it should. If you're writing a script, then provide information on what members/methods are not functioning properly.
Updated by MSMage over 9 years ago
Amadeus wrote:
This report isn't helpful because it doesn't provide information on what isn't working as it should. If you're writing a script, then provide information on what members/methods are not functioning properly.
As I mentioned in IRC, I believe that this is atleast partially implemented based on previous conversations with Cybertech, but when I had previously asked for datatypes to access it, was told it still needed some work. If it is implemented, it has never been in the patch notes or on the wiki.
Updated by flibbidy over 9 years ago
according to a forum post at https://www.isxgames.com/f/threads/directional-scanner-usage.6974/#post-43055 cybertech states d-scan was added to the wrapper but not released to isxeve. there are mentions of members/methods in that thread, but they do nothing.
it was cybertech i bugged about it last december, not stealthy.
<flibbidy> directionalScanner.GetScanResults would be friggan awesome. just sayin xP
<@CyberTech> yeah. probably during the holiday break.
<flibbidy> <3
<@CyberTech> it's all in there, there was just something i left unfinished, didn't want to release it as it was.
Updated by flibbidy over 8 years ago
just wondering if any progress has been made with being able to access and minipulate a ships directional scanner
Updated by flibbidy over 7 years ago
just here for my yearly check-in. now that Eve Pirates Little Helper isnt being updated it would be really nice to be able to control the directional scanner window.
full control isnt necessary for what i'd like to accomplish, though it would be pretty awesome to have. whats needed:
1. ability to put scan results into an index
2. ability to set the range
3. ability to run the scan
adjusting the scan angle and enabling/disabling filters would be nice but not necessary.
Updated by Funky over 6 years ago
This is going to be a nessesary feature in a lot of potential bots in the future. Should be looked into soon.
Updated by flibbidy over 5 years ago
*yearly poke*
with the looming change for the client going 64bit, i doubt yall are wanting to spend much time on new features just in case ccp stops development for the 32bit client... but one can still hope :P