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- about 20 hours ago commented on issue [ISXEVE] Bug #2286: Warp to and other 'local' based functions broken with latest update
This now seems to be working as intended.
Issue can be closed.
- 4 days ago commented on issue [ISXEVE] Bug #2286: Warp to and other 'local' based functions broken with latest update
Me.Fleet:GetMembers[FleetMembers] is not returning any members while in a fleet. Example to test below.
- 4 days ago opened issue [ISXEVE] Bug #2286 (New): Warp to and other 'local' based functions broken with latest update
Functions such as warp to, fleet joining and use of local area data has been affected by EvE changes with the Last up...
- 6 days ago commented on issue [ISXEVE] Feature - Enhancement #2284: Update to Compression
You can use any ship.
The requirement to see the compress context option are:
1) At least one (1) unit of uncompress...