Feature - Enhancement #1304
EQ2UIPage - Treeview ( DataSourceContainer )
Trying to read the quest journal window.
Open the quest Journal (Default key: J)
I was able to get it down to knowing the left side composite has 2 children. A treeview, and a scroll bar. I haven't been able to figure out how or if we can get any data from a treeview.
XML source:
C:\Games\Everquest 2\UI\Default\eq2ui_journals_quest.xml
Proof of in the right area:
echo ${EQ2UIPage[Journals,JournalsQuest].Child[Button,JournalsQuest.TabPages.Quests.TabPages.Active.Before.ShareButton].Label}
(Returns share).
For the actual window (composite) itself:
echo ${EQ2UIPage[Journals,JournalsQuest].Child[composite,JournalsQuest.TabPages.Quests.TabPages.Active.Before.QuestList.composite].NumChildren}
Returns 2.
echo ${EQ2UIPage[Journals,JournalsQuest].Child[composite,JournalsQuest.TabPages.Quests.TabPages.Active.Before.QuestList.composite].Child[composite,1]}
Returns Treeview. And that is as far as I can make it. I haven't found anything that can get me any data at all into the treeview.