From 2024-11-29 to 2025-03-28
11:38 AM ISXEQ2 Feature - Enhancement #2293: eq2icon - ToItem
Kannkor wrote:
Within eq2uipage, if I encounter a eq2icon, I can .ToAbility it. Some times I encounter items. I'...
10:21 PM ISXEQ2 Feature - Enhancement #2293 (New): eq2icon - ToItem
Within eq2uipage, if I encounter a eq2icon, I can .ToAbility it. Some times I encounter items. I'd like to be able to...
07:37 PM ISXEQ2 Feature - New #2292 (New): Guild bank access for items (depositing and withdrawaling items)
Looking for a way that I can move an item from my inventory to the guild bank (specifiying the guild bank, and slot, ...
05:50 PM ISXEVE Feature - Enhancement #2291 (New): Expose Agility member under Entity object
I beleive in the same Entity/Ball object that house most of the isxeve Entity members there is also a double attribut...
04:59 AM ISXEVE Feature - New #2290 (Accepted): MoveTo XYZ | Approaching a Point in Space
Duplicate of issue with added information
EvE provides a ship navigation m...
06:57 AM ISXEVE Feature - New #2289 (New): Deposit Isk Into A Specific Corp Wallet
I am requesting the ability to donate/deposit isk to a specific corporation wallet. Currently we can donate isk to a ...
06:44 AM ISXEVE Feature - New #2288 (New): Donate LP
I am requesting the ability to handle LP donations. This would allow us to script donating LP from our character to a...
09:01 AM ISXEQ2 Feature - Enhancement #2287 (New): "Mob" type/shorthand for Actor query
It would be a scripting quality-of-life improvement if we could do:
${Actor[mob,Venekor]} instead of ${Actor[Query...
08:25 PM ISXEVE Bug #2286: Warp to and other 'local' based functions broken with latest update
This now seems to be working as intended.
Issue can be closed.
11:20 PM ISXEVE Bug #2286: Warp to and other 'local' based functions broken with latest update
Me.Fleet:GetMembers[FleetMembers] is not returning any members while in a fleet. Example to test below.
06:17 PM ISXEVE Bug #2286 (New): Warp to and other 'local' based functions broken with latest update
Functions such as warp to, fleet joining and use of local area data has been affected by EvE changes with the Last up...
07:43 PM ISXEVE Feature - Enhancement #2284: Update to Compression
You can use any ship.
The requirement to see the compress context option are:
1) At least one (1) unit of uncompress...
12:05 PM ISXEQ2 Feature - Enhancement #2285 (New): Update EQ2:GetAccountFeatures
Update EQ2:GetAccountFeatures please.
11:21 AM ISXEVE Feature - Enhancement #2284: Update to Compression
You will need at the minimum the following ship and items to test compressing:
Ship: Porpoise
-Medium In...
03:34 PM ISXEVE Feature - Enhancement #2284 (New): Update to Compression
We need to have compression updated. Currently if you itirate over a list of items in your cargo, and its ore and the...
06:24 PM ISXEVE Feature - Enhancement #2232 (Closed): modulecharge could use some more members
06:22 PM ISXEVE Bug #2257 (Resolved): Can't get an evefittingwindow object
Fixed in version 20240603.0012
01:29 PM ISXEVE Bug #2256 (Resolved): EVE:DronesEngageMyTarget[] no longer works
Fixed in 20240603.0009
01:28 PM ISXEVE Bug #2283 (Resolved): MyShip.ToItem:GetRepairQuote Does Not Work In Citadels
Fixed in version 20240603.0009.
01:28 PM ISXEVE Bug #2283 (Resolved): MyShip.ToItem:GetRepairQuote Does Not Work In Citadels
This is what allows us to repair our ship. It currently works in NPC stations but not player owned Citadels.
To t...
03:41 PM ISXEQ2 Bug #2282 (New): Item.ToItemInfo.ModFlag only works if the item has a single modflag
For example:
Me.Inventory[Fay Drake Foot].ToItemInfo.ModFlag |Returns blank because it has more than 1 modflag...
10:42 AM ISXEVE Bug #2281: Directional Scanner "Scan" Button Not Working Nor Recognized
Refrence issue #2218
10:35 PM ISXEVE Bug #2281 (New): Directional Scanner "Scan" Button Not Working Nor Recognized
EVEWindow[directionalScannerWindow].Button[1]:Press - presses the AU/KM unit conversation button. Using any other ind...
06:04 PM ISXEQ2 Feature - Enhancement #2280 (New): Actor - size/scale information
Information about the size/scale of an actor.
For example, when an actor shrinks or gets bigger, we need that valu...
02:26 PM ISXEVE Feature - Enhancement #2279 (New): Drone Control Range
I am requesting to have the drone control range reading. It would probably best be put under the Ship data type as th...
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