



Eq2baseobject (Data Type)


This DataType represents the object upon which all EverQuest 2 UI widget datatypes are derived.   


All eq2widgets are derived from this object.   Therefore, the members/methods below can be used with any ui widget in the game (e.g., buttons, icons, etc.)


  • string GetProperty["PropertyName"]
    • If the result of a GetProperty call is a boolean value, then it will return "TRUE" or "FALSE".  Otherwise, it will return a string unless an additional argument is provided as follows:
      • int GetProperty["PropertyName", int]
      • float GetProperty["PropertyName", float]
      • int64 GetProperty["PropertyName", int64]
    • (Please note that due to how LavishScript works, generally speaking, it is probably unnecessary to worry about 'type' and simply have GetProperty return as a string; however, the functionality is there if needed or desired.)
  • string Type
  • eq2baseobject Parent
    • This member will return the exact type of the parent, which are all derived from the eq2baseobject datatype.   For example, if the parent is a button, then the type returned would be a eq2button.


  • SetProperty["PropertyName", "Value"]
  • GetProperties[collection:string]
    • This method will populate a collection of strings with all of the current properties of the object.
  • SpewProperties
    • ​This is purely for convenience.  It simply prints out the current properties into the console.  (SpewProperties is not intended for use in scripts.)


When used with this datatype, the GetProperty member and SetProperty method will accept any of the following property names:

  • Name
  • FullPath