Feature - Enhancement #2293
eq2icon - ToItem
Within eq2uipage, if I encounter a eq2icon, I can .ToAbility it. Some times I encounter items. I'd like to be able to .ToItem it.
Easiest example: Make sure there is an item in your guild bank, bag 1, slot 1
echo ${EQ2UIPage[_HUD,guildbank].Child[Icon,_HUD.GuildBank.MainTabPage.BankPage.Items.ScrollPage.Row0.Slot 0]}
Likewise, you can do a bag that you have open, but those are in an IconBank. So an extra step: Note with this one: This only works on the most recent bag opened
echo ${EQ2UIPage[_HUD,bag].Child[page,_HUD.bag].Child[2].Icon[1]}
Updated by Kannkor 10 days ago
Kannkor wrote:
Within eq2uipage, if I encounter a eq2icon, I can .ToAbility it. Some times I encounter items. I'd like to be able to .ToItem it.
Easiest example: Make sure there is an item in your guild bank, bag 1, slot 1
echo ${EQ2UIPage[_HUD,guildbank].Child[Icon,_HUD.GuildBank.MainTabPage.BankPage.Items.ScrollPage.Row0.Slot 0]}
Likewise, you can do a bag that you have open, but those are in an IconBank. So an extra step: Note with this one: This only works on the most recent bag opened
echo ${EQ2UIPage[_HUD,bag].Child[page,_HUD.bag].Child[2].Icon[1]}
I'm not sure if it's helpful, but eq2examineitemwindow has a .ToItem