- Login: jsmb768ypl
- Registered on: 2009-03-05
- Last connection: 2024-12-13
open | closed | Total | |
Assigned issues | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Reported issues | 7 | 1 | 8 |
06:57 AM ISXEVE Feature - New #2289 (New): Deposit Isk Into A Specific Corp Wallet
I am requesting the ability to donate/deposit isk to a specific corporation wallet. Currently we can donate isk to a ...
06:44 AM ISXEVE Feature - New #2288 (New): Donate LP
I am requesting the ability to handle LP donations. This would allow us to script donating LP from our character to a...
11:21 AM ISXEVE Feature - Enhancement #2284: Update to Compression
You will need at the minimum the following ship and items to test compressing:
Ship: Porpoise
-Medium In...
03:34 PM ISXEVE Feature - Enhancement #2284 (New): Update to Compression
We need to have compression updated. Currently if you itirate over a list of items in your cargo, and its ore and the...
01:28 PM ISXEVE Bug #2283 (Resolved): MyShip.ToItem:GetRepairQuote Does Not Work In Citadels
This is what allows us to repair our ship. It currently works in NPC stations but not player owned Citadels.
To t...
10:42 AM ISXEVE Bug #2281: Directional Scanner "Scan" Button Not Working Nor Recognized
Refrence issue #2218
02:26 PM ISXEVE Feature - Enhancement #2279 (New): Drone Control Range
I am requesting to have the drone control range reading. It would probably best be put under the Ship data type as th...
09:03 AM ISXEVE Bug #2238: HasOreHold returns False even if your ship has a mining ore hold
scire wrote:
Both options here are not working the first one will always be false and the other one will only ev...
04:10 PM ISXEVE Bug #2238 (New): HasOreHold returns False even if your ship has a mining ore hold
The HasOreHold Member of Ship entity always returns false even if your ship has an Mining ore hold.
To test you wo...
03:31 PM ISXEVE Feature - New #2219: Open Ore Compression Window
This has been fixed and now works as expected.
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