


Bug #2238

HasOreHold returns False even if your ship has a mining ore hold

Added by jsmb768ypl over 1 year ago. Updated 11 months ago.



The HasOreHold Member of Ship entity always returns false even if your ship has an Mining ore hold.

To test you would just need to be in a ship with a mining hold, a simple venture has a mining hold of 5k m3.

You can then type 

echo ${MyShip.HasOreHold} and it will return false but it should return true. 

This same function is in the ISXEVEWrapper and does the same thing. 


Updated by Teht over 1 year ago

jsmb768ypl wrote:

The HasOreHold Member of Ship entity always returns false even if your ship has an Mining ore hold.

To test you would just need to be in a ship with a mining hold, a simple venture has a mining hold of 5k m3.

You can then type 

echo ${MyShip.HasOreHold} and it will return false but it should return true. 

This same function is in the ISXEVEWrapper and does the same thing. 

There is a workaround for this now, so imo MyShip.HasOreHold should be deprecated.  The below statement should evaluate to true if there's an ore hold.

${EVEWindow[Inventory].ChildWindow[${MyShip.ID}, ShipOreHold](exists)} 


Updated by scire 11 months ago

Both options here are not working the first one will always be false and the other one will only ever return NULL even if in a ship with a Mining Hold.


Updated by jsmb768ypl 11 months ago

scire wrote:

Both options here are not working the first one will always be false and the other one will only ever return NULL even if in a ship with a Mining Hold.

Try ${EVEWindow[Inventory].ChildWindow[${MyShip.ID}, ShipGeneralMiningHold](exists)} 

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