


Vglocation (Data Type)


This DataType includes all of the data available to ISXVG that is related to "vg locations" (accessed via ${VGLoc})



  • Delete
  • Port
    • This method will instantly teleport you to the location. Please note that it will only work for locations within your CURRENT chunk. (Type 'vgloc list' for the list of vglocs in your current zone.)


There are three types of locations for which isxvg keeps track: Waypoints, Points of Interest, and VGLocations. Waypoints and POIs are used by the game to display 'dots' on the map and therefore should only be used to keep track of things VISUALLY on the map. VGLocations are only used by ISXVG and make for an excellent way to keep track of locations for your scripts and internal usage. All three types are stored in 'isxvglocations.xml' with isxvg keeping track of which is which and using them accordingly.