VGIgnore (command)¶
- Table of contents
- VGIgnore (command)
- Syntax
- Parameters
- Description
- Notes
'''VGIgnore''' [parameters]
'''VGIgnore''' all
'''VGIgnore''' List
'''VGIgnore''' Add "<phrase>"
'''VGIgnore''' Add "<phrase>" [Channel#]
'''VGIgnore''' Delete "<phrase>"
This command allows you to specify particular key phrases that will cause ISXVG to ignore an incoming chat window text. The given phrase will trigger an ignore if it is found in the chat window incoming text. You may also use the 'VGignore all' toggle to ignore ALL incoming chat window text (ie, if you need complete silence.) Use the 'VGignore all' command again to toggle things back to normal, which will again use the ignores you already had set up.
- 'Channel#' should be an integer which corresponds to the chat 'Channel#'. Thus far, your only option is the number 1 for the "incoming tell" chat type. I will add others as they are requested. However, my assumption is that most will just want to ignore the phrase completely.
- If no 'Channel#' is given, then ANY text that comes through that contains the phrase will be ignored.
- It is possible that having a long list of ignores MAY cause performance issues. It is doubtful, but possible. (ie, you'd probably have to have a VERY long list).
- Ignores are stored in the file '/innerspace/extensions/isxvgignores.xml'. You can edit this manually; however, you will need to do so when the extension is unloaded.
- If you cannot figure this out, or if you have questions needing an example for a particular instance, please ask on the GENERAL section of the forums.
- YOU DO NOT need to set to ignore any words that isxvg is already ignoring (ie, the anti-gold seller tell spam code already installed.) If you are getting spam tells from gold farmers, please private message or email Amadeus with the URL they are advertising and he'll add those to the extension's internal blacklist rather than you having to ignore them.
- If you are ignoring a phrase completely, it will also not appear if you type it yourself!