


Radar (command)


  • radar [Radar Name]


  • '''radar''' on
    • Turns on the radar using the default extensions\isxvgradar.xml file.
  • '''radar''' on <xmlfilename>
    • Turns on the radar using a different named xml file
  • '''radar''' off
    • Turns off the radar using the default extensions\isxvgradar.xml file.
  • '''radar''' off <xmlfilename>
    • Turns off the radar using a different named xml file

Please note that for each of these, the 'radar name' is optional. If you do not give a specific radar name, then your command will be applied to all radars.

  • '''radar''' [radar name] zoomin
    • Zooms in the radar (can zoom in to size 300)
Note: This setting is saved in the isxvgsettings.xml file. By default, it's set to "ALT+num +".
  • '''radar''' [radar name] zoomout
    • Zooms in the radar (can zoom out to size 3)
Note: This setting is saved in the isxvgsettings.xml file. By default, it's set to "ALT+num -".


This command will basically allow you to set/change your radar settings while in the game proper. Basically, you will edit/create your xml to have the defaults you wish and then modify those as needed while in the game. Your changes while in the game will be saved. Your other option is to create multiple xml files that suit your different styles of play and then load/unload/toggle those individually with the radar on <xmlfile> command.

VGRadar XML File

The 'radar' command manipulates a radar UI element that is defined in an xml file (called isxvgradar.xml by default). There is an example xml file included with the ISXVG release; however, for a description of all of the elements in the xml file and what they do, please see: Radar XML File Description.