


ChangeLogs 4

See ChangeLogs

March 30, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070328.0056]

  • ISXVG will now refuse to load if you're not playing Vanguard and will also do some InnerSpace version checking as well (when needed.)
  • A few fixes to the radar in regards to corpses and the way it handles things going from live to corpse status (and vice-versa).
  • Fixed the "ID" MEMBER of the 'chunk' datatype. It returns an 'unsigned int' datatype object.xc
  • Fixed the "ChangeTo" method of the form datatype

March 28, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070328.0005]

  • Updated ISXVG for the 3.28.2007 patch of ISXVG
  • Updated isxGamesPatcher.exe and ISXVGWrapper.dll for the new .NET API changes.
  • The 'Pet' MEMBER of the character datatype will now return NULL if you do not have a pet.

March 27, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070319.0116]

  • Added the following MEMBER to the 'pawn' datatype:

 1. IsStunned     (bool type)

  • Added the following MEMBER to the 'isxvg' datatype:

 1. IsReady       (bool type)   [This is TRUE once ISXVG has finished with the patching and authentication procedures completely.]

March 26, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070319.0102]

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'vg' datatype:

 1. CheckCollision[FromX,FromY,FromZ,ToX,ToY,ToZ     (point3f type)
    - This Member checks to see if is a collision possible between two points.  If there is no collision, then the return will be NULL.  
      Otherwise, this member will return a point3f type representing the location of the collision.
    CheckCollisionToX,ToY,ToZ]                       (point3f type)
    - This works the same as above other than it uses your current location as the "From" point.
    [NOTE:  This methodology will require testing as far as range is concerned.  My thought is that it may work anywhere
            within the current chunks.  Also, I know that some 'pawns' that can obstruct, will not be caught by this (ie,
            a mailbox.)  Again, testing will be needed to determine if more tweaking needs to occur.]

  • Added the following new MEMBER to the 'pawn' datatype:

 1. CheckCollision                                    (point3f type)
    - This works the same as the aforementioned members of the 'vg' datatype.  It will check for a collision between your
      current location and the pawn.
    CheckCollision[FromX,FromY,FromZ]                 (point3f type)
    - Use this version if you need to check collision from another point other than your current location.

March 25, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070319.0084]

  • Added new Datatypes:

 1. songbook
 2. song
 3. trade

  • Added new TLO: "Songs"

 - Syntax:  ${Songs}          (returns 'songbook' datatype object)
            ${Songs[#}       (returns 'song' datatype object where # is between 1 and total number of songs)
            ${Songs]}  (returns 'song' datatype object where  is the name of the song.)

  • Added a new TLO: "Trade"

 - Syntax:  ${Trade}          (returns 'trade' datatype object)

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'songbook' datatype:

 1.  NumSongs             (int type)
     SongCount            (int type)   ['alias' for NumSongs]
 2.  CurrentSong          (song type)

  • Added the following METHOD to the 'songbook' datatype:

 1.  StopPerforming

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'song' datatype:

 1.  Name                (string type)
 2.  Description         (string type)
 3.  Melody              (ability type)
 4.  Verse               (int type)       [ number of verses used in this song
 5.  Verse#]            (ability type)   [# is 1 through "Count" for this and each of the following members.
 6.  Embellishment       (int type)
 7.  Embellishment#    (ability type)
 8.  Bridge              (int type)
 9.  Bridge#           (ability type)
 10. Lyric               (int type)
 11. Lyric#            (ability type)
 12. Chorus              (int type)
 13. Chorus#           (ability type)
 14. Coda                (int type)
 15. Coda#]             (ability type) 

  • Added the following METHODS to the 'song' datatype:

 1.  Perform

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'trade' datatype:

 1.  State               (string type)    ["TRADING", "INVITE_PENDING", "INVITE_SENT", "NOT_TRADING"
 2.  Trader              (string type)    name of the person with which you are trading
 3.  MyCoinOffer         (int64 type)     in copper
 4.  OtherCoinOffer      (int64 type)     in copper
 5.  MyOffer             (int type)       number of items I'm currently offering
     MyOffer#]          (item type)      [# is between 1 and 'number of items I'm currently offering'
     MyOffer     (item type)
 6.  OtherOffer          (int type)       number of items my trade partner is currently offering
     OtherOffer#]       (item type)      [# is between 1 and 'number of items my trade partner is currently offering
     OtherOffer]  (item type)
 7.  IAcceptedOffer      (bool type)
 8.  OtherAcceptedOffer  (bool type)

  • Added the following METHODS to the 'trade' datatype:

 1.  AcceptInvite
 2.  AcceptOffer
 3.  DeclineInvite
 4.  Cancel       
 5.  RemoveItem[Handle#]         [remove one item from your offer by item Handle#
     RemoveItemHandle#,Qty#]    [remove [Quantity#] amount of items from your offer by item Handle#]

  • Added the following METHOD to the 'item' datatype:

 1.  OfferInTrade            [add this item to your trade window (quanity: 1)
     OfferInTradeQty#]      [adds this item to your trade window using the quantity given]

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'item' datatype:

 1.  Handle              (int type)
 2.  Quality             (string type)   ["A", "B", "C", or "D"]

  • Added the following new EVENTS:

 1.  VG_onReceivedTradeInvitation(string PCName)   
 2.  VG_onSentTradeInvitationAccepted(string PCName)
 3.  VG_onSentTradeInvitationDeclined()
 4.  VG_onTradeOtherItemAdded()
     - Sent when the other party adds an item to the trade window
 5.  VG_onTradeOtherItemRemoved()
     - Sent when the other party removes an item from the trade window
 6.  VG_onTradeOtherCoinSet()
     - Sent when the other party adds coin to or removes coin from the trade window
 7.  VG_onTradeCancelled()
 8.  VG_onTradeOtherAcceptance()
     - This event is sent when the other party accepts the offer
 9.  VG_onTradeAcceptanceCancelled()
     - This event is sent when the other party changes their offer AFTER you've hit 'accept'
 10. VG_onTradeFinished()

  • Fixed the "VG_onParlayDialog" event to return the dialog text properly.

March 23, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070319.0039]

  • Fixed some issues with ISXVG using global variables causing problems with multithreaded .NET applications created for use with ISXVG (ie, fixed some bugs that only Karye would notice right now.)
  • Added a new TLO: "GV"! 'GV' stands for 'Game Variable' and is a TLO designed to give you access to all of the internal game variables that Vanguard uses. (for a partial list, type "/gvlist" in-game)

 - Syntax ( is the variable name)
   1.  ${GV[string,}            (returns string datatype object)
   2.  ${GVint,}               (returns int datatype object)
   3.  ${GVint64,}             (returns int64 datatype object)
   4.  ${GVfloat,}             (returns float datatype object)
   5.  ${GVbool,]}              (returns bool datatype object)
 ~ NOTE:  A 'Game Variable' can return multiple "types" of datatype objects, that is why it is necessary for you to be specific
          as to the type you want returned.  All of these are valid for ALL variable names; however, some will return information
          that is more useful to you than others. 

March 19, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070319.0020]

  • ISXVG should now refuse to load on Vanguard patch days, which will allow for the automatic patcher to do the updating once the new ISXVG version is released.

March 19, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070319.0004]

  • Updated for 3.19.2007 Vanguard patch

March 15, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070313.0073]

  • The 'Stage' member of the 'refining' datatype will now take an integer argument as the stage of the current recipe you want to query. Using no argument works as before.
  • Added new EVENTS:

 1. VG_onPawnStatusChange(string ChangeType, int64 PawnID, string PawnName)
    - ChangeType can be:  "NowDead", "NowAlive"
 2. VG_onPawnIDChange(int64 OldID, int64 NewID, string OldName, string NewName)
    - NOTE:  'OldName' and 'NewName' should be identical in most cases.

  • Fixed the 'InventorySlotsOpen' member of the character datatype.
  • Fixed the 'IsFull' and 'NumSlotsOpen' members of the item datatype.

March 15, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070313.0037]

  • Fixed the 'Table' member of the 'refining' datatype when using a string argument.
  • If all goes well, fixed ISXVG so that it will simply refuse to load when Vanguard patches (as opposed to crashing.)

March 13, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070313.0004]

  • Updated for 3.13.2007 patch
  • Added new EVENT:

 1. VG_OnIncomingCombatText(string Text, int Type)

  • Added combat text to the text trigger system.

March 11, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070307.901]

  • As of the next isxGamesPatcher update, the ISXVGChanges.txt file will not pop up unless you are in windowed mode.
  • Added the following MEMBER to the 'isxvg' datatype:

 1. FixAltTab
 (NOTE:  This method is here in case you get to windowed mode and are unable to alt-tab. (It is only usable from windowed mode.)  This
         is one method you should memorize as it's VERY useful for fixing this particular Sigil bug.)

  • Removed the datatype 'encounter'
  • Added a new datatype, 'combatnpc'
  • Changed the "TargetAsEncounter" MEMBER of the 'character' datatype to return a 'combatnpc' datatype instead of an 'encounter' datatype object.
  • Changed the "Encounter" MEMBER of the 'character' datatype to return a 'combatnpc' datatype object instead of an 'encounter' datatype object.
  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'combatnpc' datatype:

 1. Name          (string type)
 2. ToPawn        (pawn type)
 3. PctHealth     (float type) 
    Health        (float type)           [ alias for "PctHealth"]
 4. Target        (string type)
 5. Distance      (float type)
 6. Level         (int type)
 7. Difficulty    (int type)
 8. ID            (int64 type)

  • Added the following MEMBER to the 'form' datatype:

 1. IsReady       (bool type)

  • Removed the following MEMBERS from the 'character' datatype:

 1. PetHPs
 2. PetHealth


 1. pet
 2. petability

  • Changed the "Pet" MEMBER of the 'character' datatype to return a 'pet' datatyoe object instead of a 'pawn' datatype object.
  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'pet' datatype:

 1. ID               (int64 type)
 2. Name             (string type)
 3. Health           (float type)       (as a percentage)
 4. DefaultAbility   (petability type)
 5. ToPawn           (pawn type)
 6. AbilityCount     (int type)         ("NumAbilities" works as well)
 7. Ability          (int type)
    Ability[#       (petability type)
    AbilitySTRING]  (petability type)

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'petability' datatype:

 1. Name           (string type)
 2. Description    (string type)
 3. IsReady        (bool type)
 4. RecoveryTime   (float type)       [time until the ability is ready again .. in seconds]
 5. IconID         (int type)
 6. Type           (int type)

  • Added new METHODS to the 'petability' datatype:

 1. Use
 2. MakeDefault

March 10, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070307.7]

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'craftingtableitem' datatype:

 1. IconID              (int type)
 2. Handle              (int type)

March 9, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070307.6]

  • Fixed the 'InventorySlotsOpen' member of the 'character' datatype.
  • Fixed the 'Quantity' member of the 'item' datatype.
  • The 'UsableItem' MEMBER of the "Refining" datatype will also now accept the name of the item as an argument.
  • Added the following MEMBERS to the "Refining" datatype:

 1. Table               (int type)                 [ie, number of item stacks currently on the table
    Table#]            (craftingtableitem type)   [# = 1 thorugh ${Refining.Table}
    TableSTRING]       (craftingtableitem type)
 2. TotalTableSpace     (int type)

  • Added a new datatype: "craftingtableitem"
  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'craftingtableitem' datatype:

 1. Name                (string type)
 2. Quantity            (int type)

  • Added the following METHODS to the 'craftingtableitem' datatype:

 1. RemoveFromTable

March 9, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070307.5]

  • GLORIOUS NEWS! ISXVG now fixes the Sigil bug that prevents easily going from full screen mode to windowed mode and retaining ALT-TAB functionality. As of this release you should be able to ALT-TAB from fullscreen mode as well as transition back and forth between fullscreen and windowed modes without losing ALT-TAB functionality (ie, switching between windows.) In other words, Vanguard will no longer remain "on top" of the other windows when you go from full screen to windowed mode.
  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'vg' datatype:

 1. IsMinimized         (bool type)
 2. IsMaximized         (bool type)
 3. InFullScreenMode    (bool type)

  • Added the following METHODS to the 'vg' datatype:

 1.  ToggleFullScreenMode 
 2.  MaximizeWindow
 3.  MinimizeWindow

March 8, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070307.4]

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'item' datatype:

 1. ContinentalEffect      (string type)

  • Some massive updates and fixes for the isxGamesPatcher (primarily by CyberTech). See the forums for information on how

 to use this utility for your own script releases.