


ChangeLogs 3

See ChangeLogs

March 3, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070222.7]

  • ISXVG now has an automated patching routine! If all goes well, isxvg should now update automatically when it is

 loaded (including patch days.)  Therefore, you shouldn't have to download ISXVG from the forums except when reinstalling
 on a new computer or when the patch notes say that you must.  Of course, if you encounter problems at any point in the future,
 you are encouraged to visit the forums to see if anything special is required due to new files being added, etc.

March 2, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070222d.exe]

  • Updated ISXDK to version 30.
  • The 'ToPawn' member of the "encounter" datatype should now be much more accurate.
  • Various changes throughout for better stability.
  • Fixed the 'Difficulty' member of the "Encounter" datatype
  • Added new arguments to the "Pawn Search Parameters"

 1. Pawn[from,,,,...         (Uses the location given as the center for all location based pawn searching)
    Pawnfrom,target,...              (Uses your current target as the center for all location based pawn searching)
    (NOTE: The 'from' argument must come BEFORE the following 'location based' search terms, which are affected by
           this setting:  Radius, Radiusr, xyrange, and zrange.)
 2. PawnNoOwner,...]                  (Taking your other parameters into account, returns the first pawn with no 'owner')
    (NOTE: This only works for attackable NPCs.)         

  • Added new EVENT:

 1.  VG_onAlertText(string Text, int Type)
     ~ This event fires on every instance that you receive the 'popup' alert text. (ie: "You are stunned!", "Invalid Target", etc.)
     ~ NOTE: The 'text' for this comes with all of the formatting included, for example:
            " <18> 

Your Dodge skill increased!


It is now 164.

" OR

            " <18>  1200 

You are stunned!

" -- So, you will probably want to use

            the "Find" member of the string datatype rather than "Equal".
     ~ NOTE: Also note that quest updates, area names as you enter, etc (most all onscreen announcements)...come across this event.

  • Added the "AlertText" (mentioned above) to the IS Trigger system.
  • Removed the "ID" MEMBER of the 'character' datatype.
  • Removed the following METHODS from the 'refining' datatype:

 1. ChangeToolbelt[ToolbeltID#
 2. AddItemToTableItemID#]

  • Added the following METHODS to the 'item' datatype:

 1. UseAsCraftingToolbelt       (crafting containers only) 
 2. AddToCraftingTable
 (Note:  It is the responsibility of the script to be sure that the "AddToCraftingTable" method is used with the proper items and at the proper

February 25, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070222b.exe]

  • Added new EVENTS:

 1. VG_onFactionUpdate(string FactionName, int NewFactionValue)
 (NOTE:  If ISXVG is unable to determine the Name of a particular faction, it will return that faction's ID#)
 2. VG_onHitObstacle(string ObstacleName)
 (NOTE: This event will often fire more than once for the same instance of hitting an obstacle  (this is unavoidable
        unless I make changes that would then make this event unreliable.)  "ObstacleName" should be useful in most 
        cases; however, in some instances it may be a more generic term.  All limitations aside, it WILL fire at 
        least once if you hit an obstacle by which you cannot pass.)
 3. VG_onTouchPawn(string PawnName, int PawnID)
 (NOTE:  This event fires when you physically touch another pawn (NPC,PC, or otherwise).  It will probably fire more
         than once per touch, so you will to anticipate and/or deal with it in your scripting.  This is unavoidable
         unless I make changes that would then make it unreliable.)

  • Added new datatype: 'faction'
  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'character' datatype:

 1. FactionCount     (int type) 
 2. Faction[#]       (faction type)      [# is 1 through ${Me.FactionCount}      
    FactionName    (faction type)
    FactionID,#]    (faction type)      (ie: "${Me.Faction[ID,${Me.Target.FactionID}].Value}")  

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'faction' datatype:

 1. ID               (int type)
 2. Name             (string type)       (Note:  This is sometimes blank in ISXVG even though the name appears when you raise/lower it.)   
 3. Value            (int type)

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'vg' datatype:

 1.  Ping              (float type)
 2.  FPS               (float type)
 3.  NetFPS            (float type)
 4.  PacketLossIn      (float type)
 5.  PacketLossOut     (float type)

February 22, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070222a.exe]

  • The "/flush" command will now go to Vanguard to be parsed (when typed in the chat window) instead of InnerSpace.
  • Fixed the "ContainsLoot" member of the 'pawn' datatype to not include corpses that are only harvestable.
  • Added the following new MEMBER to the 'pawn' datatype:

 1. IsHarvestable      (bool type)
 (Note: When a pawn becomes dead, it either "ContainsLoot" or "IsHarvestable".  However, if you loot a pawn that is 
        harvestable, it actually changes ID#s and becomes an "IsHarvestable" pawn.   So, the moral to this story is
        that in your scripts you will check to see if it has loot first, THEN (after looting) check to see if it's

  • Added a new EVENT:

 1.  VG_onSoundEffect(string EffectName)
     ~ This event fires every time that your client produces a sound effect of any sort.  

  • Removed the 'VG_onStartSwimming' and 'VG_onStopSwimming' events. Due to some very odd Sigil coding,

 they were causing crash issues with some users.  I also had to remove the "IsSwimming" MEMBER of the 
 'vg' datatype for now.  Hopefully I will come up with a new method for determining if the current
 player is 'swimming' soon.

  • The 'CurrentDisplayed' MEMBER of the 'QuestJournal' datatype now properly returns a

 "CurrentDisplayedQuest" datatype object (as stated in previous patch notes.)

February 19, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070215c.exe]

  • The "OwnedByMe" MEMBER of the pawn datatype should now return TRUE if your group has ownership of said pawn.
  • The "Owner" MEMBER of the pawn datatype should return the current player character (as a pawn type) if the

 player's group has ownership.  If said pawn has an owner, but ISXVG is not sure who that owner is (ie, another
 group), it will return the ID# of the owner as an int64 type.

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'pawn' datatype: "AutoFollowOn". That member now exists for both the 'character' and

 'pawn' datatypes.  (NOTE: In Vanguard, you always follow your defensive target, so "WhoFollowing" would be a 
 redundant addition to ISXVG.)

February 16, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070215b.exe]

  • Pawns will now correctly update properly as corpses on the radar.
  • Added a new ITEM TYPE: "Crafting Component"
  • Added the following new METHODS to the 'refining' datatype:

 1. ChangeToolbelt[ToolbeltID#
    (ie, "Refining:ChangeToolbelt${Me.Inventory[drill].InContainer.ID}")
 2. AddItemToTableItemID#
    (ie, "Refining:AddItemToTable${Me.Inventory[water].ID}]")     // NOTE: For use during table setup.

  • Removed the "RecipeCount" MEMBER from the 'vg' datatype.
  • Removed the "Recipe" TLO. (You will find it readded below as a member of the 'refining' datatype)
  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'refining' datatype:

 1. RecipeCount           (int type)
 2. Recipe[#             (refiningrecipe type)
    Recipe]        (refiningrecipe type)
 (NOTE:  Until you "Set" a recipe at least once in the crafting window, the only datatype members that will work
         for you are the "Name" and "ID" members.)

  • Removed the "SetRecipe" MEMBER of the 'refining' datatype.
  • Added new METHOD to the 'refiningrecipe' datatype:

 1.  Select                [Selects the recipe for use in the crafting station]

  • The "IsReady" MEMBER of the 'ability' datatype will now work properly for counter spells/attacks and chain abilities! You

 can use this in conjunction with the new "TriggeredCountdown" member for fancy scripting.

  • Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'ability' datatype:

 1.  LevelGranted         (int type) 
 2.  Type                 (string type)   
     (ie, Informational, Combat Art, Spell, Ranged Attack, Battle Cry, Defensive Maneuver, Song)
 3.  SongType             (string type)
     (ie: Shout, Melody, Embellishment, Lyric, Chorus, Rest)
 4.  TargetType           (string type)
     (ie: None, Self, Offensive, Defensive, Group, Ally)
 5.  IsChain              (bool type)  
 6.  IsCounter            (bool type)
 7.  IsRescue             (bool type)
 8.  TriggeredCountdown   (float type)  [For abilities that are "triggered", like chains/counters, this is their countdown timer -- in seconds
 9.  IsOffensive          (bool type)   Ability uses your offensive target]

February 15, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070215a.exe]

  • Added a new MEMBER to the 'pawn' datatype:

 1. Heading      (int type)    [This is the heading that the pawn is currently facing and/or heading.  Not to be confused with "HeadingTo", which
                                is the heading YOU would take to reach the pawn.]

  • Added new EVENTS:

 1. VG_onWeightUpdate(float NewWeight, float MaxWeight)
    - This event fires when any items are removed, added, or modified within your inventory regardless of whether it actually changes your weight.
      Suffice it to say, this should serve as an onInventoryUpdate event for 99% of your needs.
 2. VG_onAddInventoryItem(string ItemName, int ItemID, int Level, string Type, string Keyword1, string Keyword2, string MiscDescription)
    - This event fires every time you add an item to your inventory.
 3. VG_onCoinUpdate(int NewCopperCount)
    - This event fires every time your inventory coin count changes (ie, every time you gain or lose money.)
 4. VG_onItemStackCountChange(string ItemName, int ItemID, int NewStackCount)
    - This event fires at any point that a 'stack' of items is modified (ie, one of the items in the stack is used.)  The itemstack has to have at least
      a quantity of 2 (before manipulation) for the event to fire.  (In other words, it will not tell you when a stack reaches zero.)
 5. VG_onItemCanUseUpdated(string ItemName, int ItemID, string IsNowReady)
    - This event will fire when an item's status has changed as far as being "ready" or not (to use).  
      'IsNowReady' can be TRUE or FALSE.

  • Added new DATATYPES:

 1. craftingtaskmaster
 2. craftingworkorder

  • Added a new TLO: "TaskMaster"

 Syntax:  TaskMaster[Crafting]   (craftingtaskmaster type)

  • Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'craftingtaskmaster' datatype:

 1. AvailWorkOrderCount          (int type)
 2. AvailWorkOrder[#            (craftingworkorder type)
    AvailWorkOrder       (craftingworkorder type)
 3. CurrentWorkOrderCount        (int type)
 4. CurrentWorkOrder             (craftingworkorder type)   
 4. CurrentWorkOrder#          (craftingworkorder type)
    CurrentWorkOrder     (craftingworkorder type)
 5. InTransaction                (bool type)                 // TRUE if the "Available Work Orders" window is up and populated
 (NOTE: Available Work Orders are only accessable if ${TaskMasterCrafting].InTransaction} is TRUE)

  • Added the following METHODS to the 'craftingtaskmaster' datatype:

 1. Begin          
 2. End

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'craftingworkorder' datatype:

 1. Name                         (string type)
 2. Description                  (string type)
 3. IssuedBy                     (string type)
    - Note: This is only set AFTER you have accepted the work order.
 4. RequestedItems               (string type)
 5. IconID                       (int type)
 6. ID                           (int type)
 7. Difficulty                   (string type)
 8. RequiredSkill                (string type)

  • Added the following METHODS to the 'craftingworkorder' datatype:

 1. Select
 2. Abandon
 3. Complete

February 13, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070208d.exe]

  • Added a new datatype: "merchant"
  • Added a new datatype: "repairitem"
  • Added a new TLO: "Merchant"

 Syntax:  Merchant              (merchant datatype object)
 (NOTE: This TLO is used for both buy/sell merchants as well as repair merchants.)

  • Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'merchant' datatype:

 (NOTE:  All 'merchant' datatype members will return NULL if you're currently not in a merchant transaction.)
 1. NumItemsForSale             (int type) 
 2. ForSaleItem[#              (item type)
    ForSaleItem         (item type)
 3. NumItemsForRepair           (int type)    
 4. RepairItem#               (repairitem type)
    RepairItem]          (repairitem type)

  • Added the following METHODS to the 'merchant' datatype:

 1. Begin[BuySell              (begins a buy/sell transaction with a merchant)
    BeginRepair               (begins a repair transaction with a merchant)
 2. End                         (end transaction any])

  • Added the following METHODS to the 'item' datatype:

 1. Buy                         (will buy ONE) 
    Buy[NumStacks              (You can only buy in full stacks; however, you can sell any quantity.)
 1. Sell                        (will sell ONE)
    SellQtyInAStack]           (You can only buy in full stacks; however, you can sell any quantity from WITHIN a STACK.)  
                                (Also, of course, you must be in a merchant transaction for both of these methods to work.)

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'repairitem' datatype:

 1. RepairCost                  (int type)   [in copper]

  • Added the following METHODS to the 'repairitem' datatype:

 1. Repair 

February 12, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070208c.exe]

  • CyberTech has graciously ported over Valerian's 'Radar' xml file from ISXEQ2. He also added some

 spiffy textures.  

  • Fixed the 'Select' method of the parlaycard datatype.
  • Fixed the crash that occured if you tried creating or customizing a character while isxvg was


  • Fixed the "Quantity" member of the 'item' datatype and ADDED a "MaxQuantity" member. (Note: These

 may also refer to item 'charges' as well.  I have nothing to test it with so I'm not sure.)

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'dialogresponse' datatype:

 1. PresenceRequired                  (int type)    
 2. PresenceRequiredType              (string type)

  • Added new TLO: "Journal"

 - Syntax:  Journal[Quest         (questjournal type)
            JournalQuest,#          (questjournalentry type)
            JournalQuest,     (questjournalentry type)
            JournalTravel           (traveljournal type)
            JournalTravel,#         (traveljournalentry type)
            JournalTravel,]    (traveljournalentry type)

  • Added new datatypes:

 1. questjournal
 2. questjournalentry
 3. currentdisplayedquest
 4. questrewardgroup
 5. questreward
 6. traveljournal
 7. traveljournalentry

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'questjournal' datatype:

 1. CurrentDisplayed                  (currentdisplayedquest type)   [This is also how you access a quest that is currently 'displayed' in an NPC dialog]
 2. EntryCount                        (int type)

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'questjournalentry' datatype:

 1.  Name                             (string type)
 2.  Description                      (string type)
 3.  Objectives                       (string type)
 4.  ObjectivesShort                  (string type)
 5.  CoinReward                       (int type)         [in copper
 6.  Status                           (int type)
 7.  IsTracking                       (bool type)
 8.  EndLocation                      (traveljournalentry type)
 9.  WaypointCount                    (int type)
 10. Waypoint#                      (traveljournalentry type)
     Waypoint                 (traveljournalentry type)
 10. RewardGroupCount                 (int type)
 11. RewardGroup#]                   (questrewardgroup type)

  • Added the following METHODS to the 'questjournalentry' datatype

 1.  Track
 2.  Select                   (Sets this quest as the "CurrentDisplayed" quest)

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'questrewardgroup' datatype:

 1.  RewardCount                      (int type)
 2.  Reward[#]                        (questreward type)

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'questreward' datatype:

 1.  ToItem                           (item type)             

  • Added the following METHODS to the 'questreward' datatype:

 1.  Select                                                  

  • Added the following MEMBER to the 'currentdisplayedquest' datatype:

 1.  ToQuestJournalEntry              (questjournalentry)

  • Added the following METHODS to the 'currentdisplayedquest' datatype:

 1.  Abandon
 2.  Accept
 3.  AcceptReward
 4.  Complete
 5.  Decline
 6.  Share
 7.  Track

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'traveljournal' datatype:

 1. EntryCount                        (int type)
 2. CurrentlyTracking                 (traveljournalentry type)

  • Added the following METHODS to the 'traveljournal' datatype:

 1. StopTracking                     

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'traveljournalentry' datatype:

 1. Name                              (string type)
 2. Category                          (string type)
 3. X                                 (float type)
 4. Y                                 (float type)
 5. Z                                 (float type)
 6. ChunkX                            (int type)
 7. ChunkY                            (int type)

  • Added the following METHODS to the 'traveljournalentry' datatype:

 1. Track
 2. Remove

February 9, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070208b.exe]

  • Major update to address crashing on Windows Vista. All known crash problems have been fixed. (This may also reduce some random

 crashes on WindowsXP)

  • Fixed the Group TLO/datatypes.
  • Using the "ParlayCard" TLO without an argument will now return an integer representing the total number of parlay

 cards you have in your repertoire.

  • Using the "Strategy" TLO without an argument will now return an integer representing the total number of strategy

 cards you have available.

  • Added new TLO: "Dialog".

 1. Dialog[General                  (dialog type)
    DialogCivic Diplomacy          (dialog type)
 2. DialogGeneral,#                (dialogresponse type)
    DialogGeneral,TEXT             (dialogresponse type)
 3. DialogCivic Diplomacy,#        (dialogresponse type)
    DialogCivic Diplomacy,TEXT]     (dialogresponse type)

  • Added a new DATATYPE, 'dialog', with the following new MEMBERS:

 1. ResponseCount            (int type)   [returns the number of 'General' or 'Civic Diplomacy' responses automatically]
 2. NPCTalkingWith           (pawn type)

  • Added a new DATATYPE, 'dialogresponse', with the following new MEMBERS:

 1. Text                     (string type)
 2. Type                     (int type)
 3. IsCivicDiplomacyResponse (bool type)     

  • Added new METHOD to the 'dialogresponse' datatype:

 1. Select

      • IMPORTANT NOTE *****

- The dialog related TLOs/Datatypes do not interact with the crafting work order system. You can select the

 "I am looking for work" option; however, past that point you will need forthcoming additions to ISXVG to 
 select work orders.  However, the dialog related TLOs/Datatypes should work just fine for diplomacy and 
 quest related NPC interaction.

February 8, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070208a.exe]

  • This build of ISXVG is for the tiny patch that went live on Thursday evening.
  • Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'vg' datatype:

 1. Version           (string type)    [Vanguard's current build version]
 2. Language          (string type)   
 3. LanguageID        (int type)
 4. LanguageSubtypeID (int type)

  • Added a new datatype: "effectsmanager". This datatype object represents the overall system that handles any

 effects that are 'attached' to your character.

  • MODIFIED the 'Effect' member of the 'character' datatype so that if you use it without an argument, it returns

 an 'effectsmanager' object.  It is now also divided up by "Beneficial" and "Detrimental" effects.  Therefore, it now 
 works like this:
 - Me.Effect          (effectsmanager type)
 - Me.Effect[#       (effect type)
 - Me.EffectName]    (effect type)
 (NOTE: I should point out that as of this edition of ISXVG, *ALL* effects will be included in this array, even the
        ones that do not appear in the UI (ie, racial abilities, forms, etc.)  Therefore, if you wish to limit your 
        list to only those that appear in the UI, check the new 'VisibleOnUI' member of the 'effect' datatype while
 (NOTE: I have also coded it so that you can use "Effects" as well as "Effect".  It does the same thing.)

  • MODIFIED the 'Maintained' member of the 'character' datatype so that if you use it without an argument, it returns

 an 'effectsmanager' object.  Therefore, it now works like this:
 - Me.Maintained       (effectsmanager type)
 - Me.Maintained[#    (effect type)
 - Me.MaintainedName] (effect type)
 (NOTE: The 'effectsmanager' object is the SAME no matter how you access it.  You can access it both through 'Effect' and
        'Maintained' simply because it makes sense for continuity.)

  • Added the following new MEMBER to the 'effectsmanager' datatype:

 1. Count     (int type)    [Number of effects or maintained buffs on your character.) 
 (NOTE: ISXVG will return the proper number depending upon if you access the effectsmanager via Me.Effect or Me.Maintained)

  • Added the following new MEMBER to the 'effect' datatype

 1. IsVisibleOnUI        (bool type)
 2. IsBeneficial       (bool type)
 3. IsDetrimental      (bool type)

  • Added the following new METHOD to the 'effect' datatype:

 1. Cancel
    Remove             (same as "CancelEffect")
    (Note:  You cannot cancel detrimental effects, of course.)

  • Added a new datatype: "targeteffect".
  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'targeteffect' datatype:

 1. Name               (string type)
 2. Description        (string type)
 3. TimeRemaining      (float type)

  • CHANGED the 'TargetEffect' member of the character datatype to return a 'targeteffect' datatype object as opposed to an

 'effect' datatype object.  This shouldn't affect much since they're basically the same.

February 7, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070207a.exe]

  • Update for 2.7.2007 patch

February 6, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070206b.exe]

  • Added new item 'Types':

 1. "Crafting Container"       [This does include 'toolbelts' as well as utility pouches
 2. "Crafting Gear"
 3. "Crafting Tool"
 4. "Crafting Jewelry"
 6. "Resource"                 ie, items harvested]
 7. "Diplomacy Held Item"
 8. "Diplomacy Gear"
 9. "Diplomacy Jewelry"

  • Added new inventory/bank search parameters:

 1. DefaultEquipSlot,
 2. CurrentEquipSlot,
 3. Rarity,

  • Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'item' datatype:

 1. MiscDescription            (string type)
    - This tends to be a shortened version of the 'Description' that gives a more generic sense of the item.  A
      "Description of the type of object that it is", if you will.
 1. IsFull                     (bool type)    [containers only
 2. NumSlotsOpen               (int type)     containers only]

  • Added the following new MEMBER to the 'character' datatype:

 1. InventorySlotsOpen         (int type)   
    - Number of inventory 'slots' left open in your general inventory PLUS "adventuring" containers

  • Fixed the "PutInContainer" METHOD of the 'item' datatype to work with all types of containers (including crafting containers)

 - Example: 'Me.Inventory[Rose Token]:PutInContainer[${Me.Inventory[Courier Pouch].Index}]

  • Added the following new METHOD to the 'item' datatype:

 1. MoveToGeneralInventory    (only works for items that are currently in a container)

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'groupmember' datatype:

 1. Health        (float type)      [percentage
 2. Energy        (float type)      percentage
 3. Endurance     (float type)      percentage]

February 6, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070206a.exe]

  • Updated for 2.6.2007 patch

February 5, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070202d.exe]

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'refining' datatype:

 1. InRecovery                 (bool type)      [cooldown timer initiated after using an action
 2. Recovery                   (float type)     time remaining in cooldown timer initiated after using an action]

  • Added the following MEMBER to the 'craftingstep' datatype:

 1. TypeID                     (int type)

  • Changed the following EVENTS:

 ~ VG_onParlayUpdate(string Type)                  --TO--> VG_onParlayUpdate()
 ~ VG_onParlayDialog(string Dialog, string Type)   --TO--> VG_onParlayDialog(string Dialog)
 ~ VG_onCraftingAlert(string Text, string AlertID) --TO--> VG_onCraftingAlert(string Text)

  • Added the following MEMBER to the 'item' datatype:

 1. IconID                     (int type)

  • Added the following MEMBER to the 'pawn' datatype:

 1. IsInMyGroup                (bool type)

  • Added the following MEMBER to the 'character' datatype:

 3. IsGroupMasterLooter        (bool type)

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'vg' datatype:

 1. InGlobalRecovery           (bool type)        [...after using an ability/spell/etc.
 2. GlobalRecovery             (float type)       number of seconds left in global recovery]
 3. GroupInviteSender          (string type)      

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'group' datatype:

 1. GroupLeader                (pawn type)        [If you're in a group and the group leader is within range, otherwise will return the ID# of the leader]
 2. ID                         (int64 type)
 3. Count                      (int type)

  • Added the following METHODS to the 'group' datatype:

 1. Disband
 2. InviteCancel
 3. InviteDecline
 4. Leave
 5. PassOnRewardBeingRandomed
 6. CloseRandomLootInvitation
 7. EnterGreedOnLootBeingRandomed
 8. EnterNeedOnLootBeingRandomed
 9. YellForHelp

  • Added the following new EVENTS:

 1.  VG_onGroupBooted()
 2.  VG_onGroupDisbanded()
 3.  VG_onGroupFormed()
 4.  VG_onGroupJoined()
 5.  VG_onGroupLootNotify()
 6.  VG_onGroupLootRandomStarted()
 7.  VG_onGroupLootRandomEnded()
 8.  VG_onGroupMemberAdded(string MemberName)
 9.  VG_onGroupMemberBooted(string MemberName)
 10. VG_onGroupMemberDeath(string MemberName)
 11. VG_onGroupMemberCountChange()
 12. VG_onCraftingStepComplete(string StepTypeID)

  • Added a new TLO: "Group"

 Syntax:  Group        (returns a 'group' datatype object)
          Group[#]  (returns a 'groupmember' datatype object)  [# is between 1 and 6
          GroupName]  (returns a 'groupmember' datatype object)

  • Added a new datatype: 'groupmember'
  • Added a new datatype: 'group'
  • Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'groupmember' datatype:

 1.  ID           (int64 type)
 2.  Name         (string type)
 3.  X            (float type)
 4.  Y            (float type)
 5.  Z            (float type)
 6.  ChunkX       (int type)
 7.  ChunkY       (int type)
 8.  Race         (string type)
 9.  Class        (string type)
 10. HeadingTo    (int type)
 11. Distance     (float type)
 12. ToPawn       (pawn type)       [Only for group members within your 'pawn visible radius', otherwise it will return the ID# of the group member]

  • Added the following new METHODS to the 'groupmember' datatype

 1.  Boot                           [ie, remove from the group if you're the group leader]
 2.  MakeMasterLooter               

  • Added new parameters to the "VGLoc" command:

 1.  "VGLoc list"      (echos all of the locations in your current Chunk)
 2.  "VGLoc list all"  (echos all locations)

  • Fixed some bugs in the crafting datatypes.

February 3, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20070202b.exe]

  • Fixed the VG_OnIncomingText event.
  • Fixed Me.Ability[] and Me.NumAbilities
  • Added new MEMBER to the 'vg' datatype:

 1. IsInParlay               (bool type)

  • Added the following new EVENTS:

 1. VG_onParlayBegin()
 2. VG_onParlayDialog(string Dialog, string Type)
 3. VG_onParlayUpdate(string Type)
 4. VG_onParlayOppTurnBegin()
 5. VG_onParlayOppTurnEnd()
 6. VG_onParlayOppPlayedCard()
 7. VG_onParlaySuccess()         (you won)
 8. VG_onParlayLost()            (you lost)
 9. VG_onParlayEnd()             (you ended prematurely)

  • Added a new TLO: "Parlay". It returns a 'parlay' datatype object.
  • Added a new TLO: "ParlayCard". It returns a 'parlaycard' datatype object.

 Syntax:  ParlayCard[#    (# is between 1 and ${Parlay.ParlayCardsCount}

  • Added a new TLO: "Strategy". It returns a 'parlaycard' datatype object.

 Syntax:  Strategy[#       (# is between 1 and 5)

  • Added new datatypes:

 1. parlay
 2. parlaycard

  • Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'parlay' datatype:

 1.  MyCurrentCard           (parlaycard type)
 2.  CurrentOpponentCard     (parlaycard type)
 3.  IsMyTurn                (bool type)
 4.  IsOpponentTurn          (bool type)
 5.  Status                  (int type)    [values will be -10 to 10 is the center]
 6.  OpponentName            (string type)
 7.  Inspire                 (int type)
 8.  OpponentInspire         (int type)
 9.  Reason                  (int type)
 10. OpponentReason          (int type)
 11. Flatter                 (int type)
 12. OpponentFlatter         (int type)
 13. Demand                  (int type)
 14. OpponentDemand          (int type)
 15. InspireDisabled         (bool type)
 16. ReasonDisabled          (bool type)
 17. FlatterDisabled         (bool type)
 18. DemandDisabled          (bool type)
 19. DialogPoints            (int type)
 20. OpponentDialogPoints    (int type)
 21. MyStatementEmpty        (bool type)
 22. OpponentStatementEmpty  (bool type)

  • Added the following new METHODS to the 'parlay' datatype:

 1.  AssessTarget 
 2.  SelectConversation[ConvoID#  (default is '1')
 3.  PlayCard      plays the 'selected' card
 4.  Listen                        pass turn
 5.  Farewell      end the parlay (ie, similar to clicking on the 'farewell' button in the middle of a parlay)
 6.  Continue      end the parlay AFTER success or failure (ie, similar to clicking the 'continue' button)]  

  • Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'parlaycard' datatype:

 1.  Name                   (string type)
 2.  ID                     (int type)
 3.  RefreshRangeLower      (int type)
 4.  RefreshRangeUpper      (int type)
 5.  RoundsToRefresh        (int type)        [CURRENT number of rounds until card is 'refreshed'
 6.  Influence              (int type)        amount of status you gain or lose using this card]
 7.  ReasonCost             (int type)
 8.  InspireCost            (int type)
 9.  FlatterCost            (int type)
 10. DemandCost             (int type)
 11. ReasonGained           (int type)
 12. ReasonGiven            (int type)
 13. InspireGained          (int type)
 14. InspireGiven           (int type)
 15. FlatterGained          (int type)
 16. FlatterGiven           (int type)
 17. DemandGained           (int type)
 18. DemandGiven            (int type)

  • Added the following new METHOD to the 'parlaycard' datatype:

 1.  Select              [selects this card to be used as your next statement]

February 2, 2007 -- By Amadeus []

  • Updated for 2.2.2007 patch of VG
  • The "Pawn" TLO will now default to sorting by DISTANCE when iterating by index number.

February 1, 2007 -- By Amadeus []

  • Updated for 2.1.2007 patch of VG

January 31, 2007 -- By Amadeus []

  • Updated for 1.31.2007 patch of VG

January 30, 2007 -- By Amadeus []

  • Updated for 1.30.2007 patch of VG
  • Misc. bug/crash fixes

January 28, 2007 -- By Amadeus []

January 27, 2007 -- By Amadeus []

  • Updated for 1.27.2007 patch of VG

January 26, 2007 -- By Amadeus []

  • Fixed a bug that was causing crashes with various aspects of ISXVG

January 26, 2007 -- By Amadeus []

  • Updated for the launch of Vanguard!
  • Added new MEMBER to the 'pawn' datatype:

 1. PVPPoints  (int type)     [works for PCs only]

  • Modified the "ConnectionState" member of the 'isxvg' datatype. It now returns one of the following strings:


January 21, 2007 -- By Amadeus []

  • Removed the "StepAsInt" MEMBER of the 'craftingstep' datatype and replaced it with:

 1. InStage                (craftingstage type)

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'refining' datatype:

 1. State                  (int type)
 2. Stage                  (craftingstage type)
 3. OrigActionPointsAvail  (int type)

  • Removed the following MEMBERS from the 'refiningrecipe' datatype:

 1.  CurrentStepAsInt
 2.  CurrentStep

  • Added a new datatype: 'craftingstage' with the following new MEMBERS

 1.  Name                  (string type)
 2.  Index                 (int type)
 2.  StepCount             (int type)
 3.  Step[#]               (craftingstep type)    [# = 1 to "StepCount"]

  • Renamed the following MEMBERS of the 'refiningrecipe' datatype:

 1.  Section1Name -> Stage1Name
 2.  Section2Name -> Stage2Name
 3.  Section3Name -> Stage3Name
 4.  Section4Name -> Stage4Name

  • Added a new METHOD to the 'loot' datatype:

 1.  BeginLooting

  • Added a new METHOD to the 'pawn' datatype:

 1.  LootAll     (if the pawn is a corpse, of course)

January 20, 2007 -- By Amadeus []

  • Added a new TLO: "Recipe". It returns either a 'refiningrecipe' or 'assemblyrecipe' datatype object.

 Syntax:  ${Recipe[Refining,Name}       (Note: "Finishing recipes are included within the "Refining" array.)
          ${RecipeRefining,#]}          (# is between 1 and VG.RecipeCount[Refining])
 (NOTE:  Only "Refining" recipes are available at this time.)
 (NOTE:  Until you "Set" a recipe at least once in the crafting window, the only datatype members that will work
         for you are the "Name" and "ID" members.)

  • Added a new TLO: "Refining". It returns a 'refining' datatype object.
  • Added new DATATYPES:

 1. assemblyrecipe
 2. assembly
 3. refiningrecipe
 4. refining
   ("Finishing" recipes and crafting are included as a part of these datatypes.)
 5. craftingaction
 6. craftingstep
 7. complication
 8. correction

  • Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'refiningrecipe' datatype:

 1.  ID                   (int type)
 2.  Name                 (string type)
 3.  Description          (string type)
 4.  Section1Name         (string type)
 5.  Section2Name         (string type)
 6.  Section3Name         (string type)
 7.  Section4Name         (string type)
 8.  ActionPointsTotal    (int type)
 9.  ProgressBarPct       (float type)
 10. NumUses              (int type)
 11. IsWorkOrder          (bool type)
 12. IsRefining           (bool type)
 13. IsFinishing          (bool type)
 17. StepCount            (int type)             [number of 'step' icons available for this recipe
 18. Step#]              (craftingstep type)    [# = 1 to "StepCount"]
 (Note:  "Step" is a bit confusing because although a recipe typically only has 4 steps to it, sometimes there will be more than one
         icon per step that can be used.  "Vice" and "Solvent" for example.)

  • Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'refining' datatype:

 1.  CurrentRecipe        (refiningrecipe)
 2.  ActionPointsUsed     (int type)
 3.  UsableItemCount      (int type)       [number of usable items available in your inventory that can be used in this recipe
 4.  UsableItem#]        (item type)      [# = 1 to "UsableItemCount"
 5.  Quality              (int type)       0-1000  (0-250 = D, 251-500 = C, 501-750 = B, 751-1000 = A)
 6.  IsSetupComplete      (bool type)
 7.  ComplicationsCount   (int type)
 8.  Complication#]      (complication type)   [# = 1 to "ComplicationsCount"
 9.  CorrectionsCount     (int type)
 10. Correction#]        (correction type)     [# = 1 to "CorrectionsCount"]

  • Added the following new METHODS to the 'refining' datatype:

 1.  Begin
 2.  SetRecipe[#]         (after 'Begin')       [# = RecipeID]
 3.  DoSetup              (after 'SetRecipe')
 4.  Start                (after 'DoSetup')
 5.  Cancel
 6.  End

  • Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'complication' datatype:

 1.  Name                 (string type)
 2.  Description          (string type)

  • Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'correction' datatype:

 1.  Name                 (string type)
 2.  Description          (string type)
 3.  AvailActionsCount    (int type)
 4.  AvailAction[#]       (craftingaction type)

  • Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'craftingaction' datatype:

 1.  Name                 (string type)
 2.  Description          (string type)
 3.  ActionPointCost      (int type)

  • Added the following new METHODS to the 'craftingaction' datatype:

 1.  Use 

  • Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'craftingstep' datatype:

 1.  Name                 (string type)
 2.  Description          (string type)
 3.  AvailActionsCount    (int type)
 4.  AvailAction[#]       (craftingaction type)  

  • Added the following new EVENT:

 1.  VG_onCraftingAlert(string Text, string AlertID)  

January 16, 2007 -- By Amadeus []

  • Fixed the 'ZoomIn' and 'ZoomOut' arguments of the 'vgradar' command
  • ISXVG.xml has made an appearance in your 'extensions' directory and will be used to save

 various ISXVG settings.

  • Most commands and TLOs will now no longer work unless your ${ISXVG.ConnectionState} is "IN_GAME". If anyone

 discovers a reason to use anyone that IS disabled during server or character select, please let me know.

  • Added a new exported library to isxvg to be used with .NET projects: "ISXVGAPI"
  • Added a new FUNCTION to the ISXVGAPI library:

 1.  uint GetVGEventID(string EventName)

January 12, 2007 -- By Amadeus []

  • Added a new EVENTS:

 1. VG_onChangeChunk( string NewChunkX, string NewChunkY)
 2. VG_onStartSwimming()
 3. VG_onStopSwimming()

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'pawn' datatype:

 1. Title                 (string type)
 2. TitlePre              (string type)
 3. TitlePost             (string type)

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'isxvg' datatype:

 1. ClipBoardText     (string type)

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'vg' datatype:

 2. IsSwimming        (bool type)
 3. ServerID          (int type)

January 10, 2007 -- By Amadeus []

  • ISXVG will now "tick" even when the game is minimized!! This means that your scripts will continue to run

 as normal when the game is mimized.  (For those that are interested in such stats, my system went from one 
 pulse per 125 ms when running in maximized window to about one pulse per 200ms while minimized.  I can't imagine
 that small difference would affect scritps that much, but I thought I'd mention it.)

  • Added the following MEMBER to the 'isxvg' datatype:

 1. ConnectionState         (string type)  
    a. Possible results include:  AT_SERVER_SELECT, AT_CHARACTER_SELECT, IN_GAME 

  • Added the following EVENT:

 1. VG_onConnectionStateChange(string NewConnectionState)

January 9, 2007 -- By Amadeus []

  • Fixed the "TimeRemaining" and "IsReady" members of the ability datatype. Please note that

 "IsReady" will now return false if you're currently casting/using an ability (even if it's not
 the one you're checking.)

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'Ability' datatype:

 * SpecialPointsCost         (int type)
 * SpecialPointsCostPerSec   (int type)
 * PhenomenaPointsCost       (int type)
 * PhenomenaPointsCostPerSec (int type)
 * VirtuePointsCost          (int type)
 * VirtuePointsCostPerSec    (int type)
 * JinCost                   (int type)
 * JinCostPerSec             (int type)

January 9, 2007 -- By Amadeus []

  • Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'character' datatype:

 1. AutoFollowOn      (bool type)

  • Added a new datatype 'map'
  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'map' datatype:
  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'map' datatype:

 1. PoI                   (int type)    [Total Num of Points of Interest
    PoI#]                (poi type)    [# = 1 - Total Num of Points of Interest
    PoIName             (poi type)
 2. Corpse                (int type)    Total Num of Corpses on the map
    Corpse#]             (poi type)    [# = 1 - Total Num of Corpses on the map
    CorpseName          (poi type)    
 3. Waypoint              (int type)    Total Num of Waypoints
    Waypoint#]           (poi type)    [# = 1 - Total Num of Waypoints
    WaypointName]        (poi type)      

  • Added the following METHODS to the 'map' datatype:

 1. AddPoI[Name                        (Create a PoI at your current location with the name specified)
 2. AddWaypointName                   (Create a waypoint at your current location with the name specified)
     a) Waypoints/PoIs are not saved to the server or anything when you quit/camp; however, when you create 
        a custom waypoint or PoI using this method, the information is added to 'isxvglocations.xml' and will
        be loaded into your map window when you're using isxvg. 

  • Added a new datatype: 'poi' (map PoIs and Waypoints)
  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'poi' datatype:

 1. Name    (string type)
 2. X       (float type)
 3. Y       (float type)
 4. Visible (bool type)

  • Added the following METHODS to the 'poi' datatype:

 1. Hide    ("Remove" works as an alias, though it's a bit of a misnomer.)
   (Note:  This method only works for POIs that are VISIBLE on the map, and it only removes the POI from the map
           window, not from your journal.  So, any POIs that are used by the game will reappear the next time you
           start Vanguard.  If you 'Hide' a custom PoI/Waypoint, you will have to re-add it in order to have it 

  • Added a new TLO: "Map" (returns a 'map' datatype object)
  • Added a new MEMBER to the 'isxvg' datatype:

 1. VGLocsCount    (int type)

  • Added a new METHOD to the 'isxvg' datatype:

 1.  AddLoc[Label

  • Added a new TLO: "VGLoc" (returns a 'vglocation' datatype object)

 Syntax:  ${VGLoc[#}     (# is between 1 and number of VGLocations stored (ie, "VGLocsCount"))
          ${VGLocLabel]} (returns the VGLocation that matches the given label)

  • Added a new DATATYPE: 'vglocation'
  • Added the following new METHODS to the 'vglocation' datatype:

 1. Delete

  • Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'vglocation' datatype:

 1.  Label          (string type)
 2.  Notes          (string type)
 3.  MapName        (string type)
 4.  MapShortName   (string type)
 5.  MapDisplayName (string type)
 6.  X              (float type)
 7.  Y              (float type)
 8.  Z              (float type)
 9.  ChunkX         (int type)
 10. ChunkY         (int type)
 11. SectorX        (int type)
 12. SectorY        (int type)

      • IMPORTANT INFO ***

There are three types of locations for which isxvg keeps track: Waypoints, Points of Interest, and VGLocations. Waypoints and POIs are used by the game to display 'dots' on the map and therefore should only be used to keep track of things VISUALLY on the map. VGLocations are only used by ISXVG and make for an excellent way to keep track of locations for your scripts and internal usage. All three types are stored in 'isxvglocations.xml' with isxvg keeping track of which is which and using them accordingly.

January 7, 2007 -- By Amadeus []

  • Removed the 'LootTarget' method of the 'character' datatype.
  • Added a new METHOD to the 'Pawn' datatype: "Loot". Obviously, it will only work for corpses.

 (Example:  "Me.Target:Loot")

  • Added a new COMMAND: 'VGDump'

 Syntax:   'VGDump Bindings'
 Example:  'redirect "../Extensions/MyVGBindings.txt" VGDump Bindings'
 (NOTE:  This command outputs a LOT you will almost always want to redirect the
         output to a file as shown above.)

  • Added new METHODS to the 'vg' datatype:

 1. ExecBinding[         
 (Note:  'ExecuteCmd' will work as an alias for 'ExecBinding', if that's easier for you to remember.)
 EXAMPLES:  "VG:ExecBindingJump"
    - You can get a list of bindings by using the "VGDump Bindings" command explained above, or by 
      going (in game) to Settings->Controls and looking at the list under "Key Bindings"

January 6, 2007 -- By Amadeus []

  • Update for 1.5.2007 patch

January 5, 2007 -- By Amadeus []

  • Updated for the last patch pushed on 1.4.2007
  • Various bug fixes as mentioned on the boards.
  • Added a new TLO: "VG". (returns a 'vg' datatype object)
  • Added a new datatype: "vg".
  • Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'vg' datatype:

 1. PawnCount (int type)   [number of pawns currently accessable by the vg/isxvg client]

  • Adjusted the 'Pawn' TLO so that a single argument as an integer will return the Pawn

 at that index within the array (1 based).   To access a Pawn by ID#, then you would do something like

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'item' datatype:

 1. ExpertiseCost       (float type)
 2. Condition           (int type)      
 3. Level               (int type)

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'character' datatype:

 1. AdvEquipExpertiseUsed           (int type)
 2. CraftEquipExpertiseUsed         (int type)
 3. AdvEquipExpertiseUsedAsString   (string type)
 4. CraftEquipExpertiseUsedAsString (string type)

January 1, 2007 -- By Amadeus []

  • Fixed the 'NumCustomFilters' member of the 'radar' datatype.
  • Added the "Radar" command. It works similarly to the isxeq2 radar command as described here:   Just substitute 'isxvg' for
 'isxeq2'.  To manipulate the radar, use the 'radar' TLO/datatype as described in earlier patch
 notes.  (NOTE: I will elaborate more upon the radar command when I write the wiki entry for isxvg.)

  • 'isxvgradarsettings.xml' should now appear in your extensions directory upon using the radar system

  and individual radar settings should be persistent.