ChangeLogs 2¶
- Table of contents
- ChangeLogs 2
See ChangeLogs
December 20, 2006 -- By Amadeus []
- Updated ISXVG for 12.20.2006 Vanguard patch
December 16, 2006 -- By Amadeus []
- Updated ISXVG for 12.13.2006 Vanguard patch
December 12, 2006 -- By Amadeus] []
- Renamed the "MouseOverLocation" member of the character datatype to
"MouseWorldLocation" (with "MouseWorldLoc" as an alias)
- Removed the "Use" member of the 'pawn' datatype (for now).
November 11, 2006 -- By Amadeus []
- I just wanted to clarify that the "/target" command is not intended
to be used within scripts. With scripts you should be using the 'Target'
method of the pawn datatype as it is much more accurate and efficient.
For example, if you wish to target yourself, you should use either
]:Target" or "Me.ToPawn:Target"
- Removed the 'character' datatype member: "InRecovery"
- Reworked a lot of internal code to hopefully get rid of the last of those
annoying random crashes.
- Added new MEMBERS to the 'ability' datatype:
1. TargetInRange (bool type)
2. IsReady (bool type)
a) "IsReady" confirms that you're within range, that TimeRemaining equals zero,
and that you're not in global recovery.
- Added a new pawn type: "QuestNPC". Any NPC with a quest 'flag' over its head
will be classified as a "QuestNPC".
- Added new MEMBER to the 'radar' datatype: "ShowingQuestNPCs" (bool type)
- Added new METHOD to the 'radar' datatype: "FilterQuestNPCs" (toggle)
- Updated SimpleRadar.xml to reflect addition of new pawn type.
- Added new MEMBERS to the 'pawn' datatype:
1. HasQuestFlag (bool type)
[ie, has a quest "flag" over its head
2. QuestFlagColor (string type)
Green, Yellow, Blue, Red, or None
3. ContainsLoot (bool type)
used for corpses primarily
] a) Note: This works for corpses that have the "I have loot" glittery particle
effect as well as all 'resource' corpses.
- Added new datatype: 'form'
- Added the following MEMBERS to the 'form' datatype:
1. Name (string type)
2. Description (string type)
- Added the following METHOD to the 'form' datatype:
1. ChangeTo
- Added new MEMBER to the 'character' datatype:
1. Form (int type)
[Total Num of forms available to you
#] (form type) [# = 1 - Total Num of forms available to you
] (form type)
2. CurrentForm (form type)
November 10, 2006 -- By Amadeus []
- Added new MEMBERS to the 'character' datatype:
1. MouseOverPawn (pawn type)
2. MouseOverLocation (point3f type)
MouseOverLoc (point3f type)
[alias for 'MouseOverLocation'
- Added a new MEMBER to the 'effect' datatype:
1. Duration (float type)
[num of seconds remaining on effect (if applicable)
2. TimeRemaining (float type)
alias for 'Duration'
- Added a new 'search parameter' argument for pawn searching:
] (alias)
NOTE: This works for anything that uses pawn search routines (ie: /where,etc.)
November 7, 2006 -- By Amadeus []
- Added a new pawn type: "Clickable".
- Added new MEMBER to the 'radar' datatype: "ShowingClickables" (bool type)
- Added new METHOD to the 'radar' datatype: "FilterClickables" (toggle)
- Updated SimpleRadar.xml to reflect addition of new pawn type.
- Added new METHOD to the 'pawn' datatype:
1. Use (only works for pawns of type 'Clickable')
- Added new MEMBERS to the 'pawn' datatype:
1. OwnedByMe (bool type)
[works for any type pawns
OwnerIsMe (bool type) (alias for "OwnedByMe")
2. Owner (pawn type)
works for any type pawns
] a) If this does not (exist) then the pawn has no owner.
November 5, 2006 -- By Amadeus []
- Added the following MEMBER to the 'item' datatype:
1. Index (int type)
- Added the following METHODS to the 'item' datatype:
1. Delete
2. Equip (equips without prompting for "no drop on equip" confirmation)
(asks for confirmation on "no drop on equip" item)
3. Unequip
4. StartConvert
5. StackWith
(combine stack with item of Index#)
6. PutInContainer
] (alias for "PutInContainer")
- Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'character' datatype:
1. TargetOfTarget (pawn type)
2. ToT (pawn type)
[alias for 'TargetOfTarget'
NOTE: This only works if your perception skill is high enough for it to be
determined (in other words, if your target's target is visible in your
target window.)
3. TargetAsEncounter (encounter type)
4. TargetToEncounter (encounter type)
alias for 'TargetAsEncounter'
5. TaE (encounter type)
alias for 'TargetAsEncounter'
6. TtE (encounter type)
alias for 'TargetAsEncounter'
] NOTE: Either of these members will return your target as an 'encounter'
datatype object.
7. TotalGenInvSlots (float type)
8. GenInvSlotsUsed (float type)
NOTE: These members only relate to your "general inventory" (ie, the 20 slots you
start with before you aquire containers.)
- Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'encounter' datatype:
1. TargetOfTarget (pawn type)
2. ToT (pawn type)
[alias for 'TargetOfTarget'
] NOTE: This only works if your perception skill is high enough for it to be
3. Distance (int type)
4. Level (int type)
5. Difficulty (int type)
0 = This target is slightly easier than normal for its level
1 = This target is of average difficulty for its level
2 = This target is slightly more difficult than normal for its level
3 = This target is more difficult than normal for its level
4 = This target is much more difficult than normal for its level
5 = This target is extremely difficult for its level.
- Removed the following TLOs:
1. Target
2. DTarget can access these by using ${Me.Target} and ${Me.DTarget}.
November 4, 2006 -- By Amadeus []
- Added the following MEMBERS to the 'pawn' datatype:
1. HaveLOSTo (bool type)
['HaveLineOfSightTo' works also
- Added a new datatype: "encounter".
- Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'encounter' datatype:
1. Name (string type)
2. ToPawn (pawn type)
3. PctHealth (int type)
- Added the following MEMBERS to the 'character' datatype:
1. NukeModTotal (int type)
2. HealModTotal (int type)
3. Encounter (int type)
[Returns number of pawns in your encounter
(encounter type)
(encounter type)
4. LootingMyCorpse (bool type)
5. Inventory
Search Params
(item type)
6. Bank
Search Params] (item type) [This only works if you're in a bank transaction
- Search Parameters:
1. <#>
# = 1 - NumInventoyItems/NumBankItems
1. ID,<#>
2. NotID,<#>
3. Type,
4. ExactName,
substring match to item name
- Added the following MEMBER to the 'ability' datatype:
1. Toggled (bool type)
2. HealthCost (int type)
3. HealthCostPerSec (int type)
4. EnergyCostPerSec (int type)
5. EnduranceCost (int type)
6. EnduranceCostPerSec (int type)
- Fixed all of the Ability related things throughout the extension
- Fixed the "IsAggro" member of the Pawn datatype. For clarification, this
member indicates if the mob is 'aggressive' (ie, attacks pawns it hates on
- Added a new datatype: 'itemmodifier'
- Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'itemmodifier' datatype:
1. Name (string type)
2. CurrentMod (int type)
3. MaxMod (int type)
- Added the following METHOD to the 'item' datatype:
1. Use
- Added the following MEMBERS to the 'item' datatype:
1. ID (int type)
2. ToLink (string type)
(string type)
3. Description (string type)
4. CraftedBy (string type)
5. InContainer (item type)
6. Type (string type)
7. Rarity (string type)
8. CurrentEquipSlot (string type)
9. DefaultEquipSlot (string type)
10. Weight (float type)
11. NumSlots (int type)
12. Keyword1 (string type)
13. Keyword2 (string type)
14. CurrentDmg (int type)
weapons only
15. DefaultDmg (int type)
weapons only
16. Speed (float type)
weapons only
17. ArmorType (string type)
Armor/Shields only
18. ArmorClassMod (int type)
Armor/Shields only
19. ArmorClassModMax (int type)
Armor/Shields only
20. RangedWeaponType (string type)
ranged weapons only
21. NumModifiers (int type)
21. Modifier
#] (itemmodifier type) [ # = 1 - NumModifiers
] (itemmodifier type)
22. Flags (string type)
23. Quantity (int type)
- Using the "TargetEffect" member of the 'character' datatype without
an argument will now return an integer representing the same value
as "NumTargetEffects"
- Using the "Maintained" member of the 'character' datatype without
an argument will now return an integer representing the same value
as "NumMaintained"
- Using the "Effect" member of the 'character' datatype without
an argument will now return an integer representing the same value
as "NumEffects"
- Using the "Minion" or "MinionAsPawn" members of the 'character' datatype without
an argument will now return an integer representing the same value
as "NumMinions"
- All that being said: REMOVED the following MEMBERS from the 'character'
1. NumTargetEffects
2. NumMaintained
3. NumEffects
4. NumMinions
5. NumInEncounter
October 30, 2006 -- By Amadeus []
- Added the following MEMBERS to the 'character' datatype:
1. NumTargetEffects (int type)
2. TargetEffect
[#] (effect type) [# = 1 - NumTargetEffects
] (effect type)
3. IsLooting (bool type)
- Added the following METHOD to the 'character' datatype:
1. LootTarget
(Note: This opens the loot window. Once you issue this method, you
will need to use Loot:LootAll or loot the item individually
using the item datatype method 'Loot'.)
- Added a new TLO: "Loot" (returns a 'loot' datatype object). If ${Loot}
(exists), then you're currently looting.
- Added a new datatype: 'loot'
- Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'loot' datatype:
1. NumItems (int type)
2. Item
[#] (item type) [# = 1 - NumItems
] (item type)
3. LootingFrom (pawn type)
- Added new METHOD to the 'loot' datatype:
1. LootAll
2. EndLooting (This closes the loot window without looting anything.)
- Added the following METHOD to the 'item' datatype
1. Loot (loots without asking for no drop confirmation)
] (asks for confirmation on no drop item)
- Reworked some internal code to try and fix a few random and unexplainable
crashes. Blame STL.
- "Your" blip on the radar should now update properly after you die/revive.
October 29, 2006 -- By Amadeus []
- Added the following alias MEMBERS to the 'character' datatype for continuity:
1. PetHealth (same as 'PetHPs')
2. TargetHealth (same as 'TargetHPs')
3. DTargetHealth (same as 'DTargetHPs')
- Added the following MEMBERS to the 'ability' datatype:
1. TimeRemaining (float type)
[actual recast countdown
- Added new datatype: 'effect'
- Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'effect' datatype:
1. Name (string type)
2. Description (string type)
- Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'character' datatype:
1. NumEffects (int type)
2. NumMaintained (int type)
3. Effect
[#] (effect type) [# = 1 - NumEffects
4. Maintained
#] (effect type) [# = 1 - NumMaintained
] 5. Weight (float type)
6. MaxWeight (float type)
7. InGroup (bool type)
IsGrouped (bool type)
8. IsGroupLeader (bool type)
9. GroupInvitePending (bool type)
October 29, 2006 -- By Amadeus []
- Fixed the "ID" and "NotID" pawn search parameters
- Fixed some crashing
- Added a new datatype 'minion'
- Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'minion' datatype:
1. Name (string type)
2. Health (float type)
3. TotalTime (float type)
in seconds
4. TimeRemaining (float type)
in seconds
- Added the following MEMBERS to the 'character' datatype:
1. HavePet (bool type)
2. Pet (pawn type)
3. PetHPs (int type)
4. PetType (string type)
5. HaveMinion (bool type)
6. NumMinions (int type)
7. Minion
#] (minion type) [#: between 1 and NumMinions
8. MinionAsPawn
] (pawn type)
- ISXVG now distinguishes between the types "Pet" and "MyPet".
October 27, 2006 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20061027a.exe]
- Added new MEMBERS to the 'character' datatype:
1. NumAbilities (int type)
2. Ability
[#] (Ability Type) [# = 1-NumAbilities
] (Ability Type)
- Added new datatype: 'ability'
- Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'ability' datatype:
1. Name (string type)
2. Description (string type)
3. CastTime (float type)
4. RecoveryTime (float type)
[in seconds
] 5. Range (int type)
6. EnergyCost (int type)
- Added the following METHOD to the 'ability' datatype:
1. Use
October 26, 2006 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20061025a.exe]
- You can now use the following arguments while using the 'Pawn' TLO:
1. byDist (default)
2. byType
3. byName
4. byLevel
This optional argument will indicate to ISXVG that it should sort by this method
before searching for the first matching Pawn in the array.
Example: echo ${Pawn
- Added command: Where
- Parameters used are EXACTLY the same as the searchpawn arguments used with
with the Pawn TLO. However, in this instance, they are seperated with spaces
rather than commas. (Therefore, quotation marks will be necessary for multi-
token arguments.) Also, though it should be obvious, this command will print
out information about all pawns that match the search criteria.
- This command is often called the "Super Who" command in software such as this.
- Added TLO: "DTarget". It returns the same thing as ${Me.DTarget}; however, I
thought I would add it in for continuity since we have the "Target" TLO already
in place.
October 22, 2006 -- By Amadeus [ISXVG-20061018c.exe]
- "ISXVGe" is now officially "ISXVG"'
- Left clicking on a radar blip will now target that pawn
- Added command: Target
- Arguments used are EXACTLY the same as the searchpawn arguments used with
with the Pawn TLO. However, in this instance, they are seperated with spaces
rather than commas. (Therefore, quotation marks will be necessary for multi-
token arguments.)
- Note: isxvg will determine automatically if what you're targetting should be
targetted offensively or defensively.
- Note: Scripters are encouraged to use the "Target" method of the 'pawn' datatype
while writing scripts.
- Added command: VGEcho [output parameters]
* Possible Output Parameters:
1. > console
[directs the output to the Innerspace console
2. > screen
directs the output to your chat windows *DEFAULT*
3. > debugger
directs the output to an attached debugger
4. >> debugger
5. >
[This syntax will overwrite any file of the same name that
already exists]
6. >>
This syntax will append the file you specify with your output
] 7. >*
[This syntax is similar to '>' with the exception of that it
makes the file created a READ ONLY file]
- Added new METHOD to the 'pawn' datatype:
1. Target
- Added a new TLO: "ISXVG" (returns a 'isxvg' datatype object)
- Added a new datatype: 'isxvg'
- Added the following MEMBERS to the 'isxvg' datatype:
1. NumRadars (int type)
2. Version (string type)
- Added new TLO: "Radar" (returns a 'radar' datatype object)
Syntax: ${Radar}
[returns the first/only radar in the array
#]} [by index where # is between 1 and ${VG.NumRadars}
Name]} [by Radar Name
- Added a new datatype: 'radar'
- Added the following new METHODS to the 'radar' datatype:
1. FilterMe
2. FilterNPCs
3. FilterPCs
4. FilterSpecials
5. FilterResources
6. FilterMerchants
7. FilterCorpses
8. FilterCraftingStations
9. FilterTrainers
10. FilterGroupMembers
11. FilterAggroNPCs
12. FilterNamedNPCs
13. FilterPets
14. FilterMyPet
15. SetSize
16. ShowLabels
17. ZAxisClipping
18. ClipText
19. ClipRadius
20. Rotation
21. SetCustomFilter
] 22. ZoomIn (Min Size: 2000)
23. ZoomOut (Max Size: 90000)
- Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'radar' datatype:
1. ShowingMe (bool type)
2. ShowingNPCs (bool type)
3. ShowingPCs (bool type)
4. ShowingSpecials (bool type)
5. ShowingResources (bool type)
6. ShowingMerchants (bool type)
7. ShowingCorpses (bool type)
8. ShowingCraftingStations (bool type)
9. ShowingTrainers (bool type)
10. ShowingGroupMembers (bool type)
11. ShowingAggroNPCs (bool type)
12. ShowingNamedNPCs (bool type)
13. ShowingPets (bool type)
14. ShowingMyPet (bool type)
15. NumCustomFilters (bool type)
16. CustomFilter
(string type)
] (bool type)
17. CustomFiltersList (string type)
18. Size (int type)
19. ShowingLabels (bool type)
20. ZAxisClippingOn (bool type)
21. ClipRadiusOn (bool type)
22. ClippingTextOn (bool type)
23. RotationOn (bool type)
24. Name (string type)
October 19, 2006 -- By Amadeus [ISXVGe-20061018b.exe]
- Added command: face
- Note: Using /face alone faces your current target.
- Note: This command currently only works in 1st person view.
- Added new METHOD to the 'pawn' datatype: "Face"
- In the Pawn search routines:
- Changed "YRange" to "ZRange"
- Changed "XZRange" to "XYRange"
- The pawn TLO will now sort by distance as the default. By this I mean that if you
enter a Pawn name for which there are more than one in existance it will now return
a datatype object for the one closest to you.
October 18, 2006 -- By Amadeus [ISXVGe-20061018a.exe]
- Added new EVENTS:
1. VG_OnPawnSpawned(string ID, string Name, string Level, string Type)
2. VG_OnPawnDespawned(string ID, string Name)
3. VG_OnIncomingText(string Text, string ChannelNumber, string ChannelName)
- Added all incoming chat text to the innerspace trigger service
October 17, 2006 -- By Amadeus [ISXVGe-20061017a.exe]
- Fixed the "Heading" member of the character datatype
- Fixed the "HeadingTo" member of the pawn datatype
October 12, 2006 -- By Amadeus [ISXVGe-20061011a.exe]
- Fixed the 'distance' member of the actor datatype.
- Added Radar Functionality!
- I've included a 'simple radar' xml file to the zip. To use it, simply
put it in your extensions folder and type in the console:
ui -load extensions//simpleradar.xml
- You'll notice that the default "RadarSize" is set to 10000 in the xml file.
That is a nice average size based on Vanguard's coordinate system.
- Removed the "CanOpenDoors" member of the pawn datatype.
- Known Bug: "HeadingTo" member of the pawn datatype is wrong.
October 6, 2006 -- By Amadeus [ISXVGe-20061006a.exe]
- Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'character' datatype:
1. Location (point3f type)
2. TargetHPs (int type)
[ offensive target hitpoints as a percentage
3. DTarget (pawn type)
defensive target
4. DTargetHPs (int type)
defensive target hitpoints as a percentage
] 5. ToPawn (pawn type)
- RENAMED the 'actor' datatype to the 'pawn' datatype. This helps me
keep track of things internally.
- Added a new TLO: "Pawn". Below is a list of possible search parameters. Please
note that they can be combined within the same search. (ie, there is no limit to
the number of arguments on this TLO.)
A. Pawn
(type can be any of the 'types' listed in the datatype below.)
B. Pawn
(a substring of the pawn's name)
C. Pawn
D. Pawn
E. Pawn
F. Pawn
G. Pawn
H. Pawn
I. Pawn
J. Pawn
K. Pawn
L. Pawn
(if only two values are given, they are assumed to be X,Z)
- Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'pawn' datatype:
1. ID (int64 type)
2. Type (string type)
A) Possible Types: Me, PC, NPC, AggroNPC, Trainer, Merchant, Resource,
Crafting Station, Corpse, Pet, Clickable, Attackable,
Group Member, Unknown
3. Location (point3f type)
4. X (float type)
5. Y (float type)
6. Z (float type)
7. Pitch (int type)
8. Yaw (int type)
9. Roll (int type)
10. Distance (float type)
[ 3D
11. TwoDemDistance (float type)
12. HeadingTo (float type)
13. Level (int type)
14. Gender (string type)
15. TrueGender (string type)
16. Race (string type)
17. RaceAbr (string type)
18. Posture (string type)
A) Possible types: crawling, crouching, running, walking, UNKNOWN
B) DEFAULT is 'walking'
19. CombatState (int type)
20. GuildID (int type)
21. FactionID (int type)
22. Speed (float type)
23. MaxSpeed (float type)
24. CanSeeMeIfInRange (bool type)
25. CanSeeIfInRange
(bool type)
26. CanSeeMeIfStealthed (bool type)
27. CanSeeIfStealthed
] (bool type)
28. CanFly (bool type)
29. CanOpenDoors (bool type)
30. CanSwim (bool type)
31. IsDead (bool type)
32. IsStealthed (bool type)
33. IsLFG (bool type)
34. IsInOffensiveForm (bool type)
35. IsOutside (bool type)
36. IsIndoors (bool type)
37. IsAggro (bool type)
38. IsGroupMember (bool type)
39. IsAttackable (bool type)
40. IsClickable (bool type)
41. IsAPet (bool type)
42. CullDistance (float type)
- Added a new TLO: "Target". It returns a 'pawn' datatype object that
represents your current offensive target. (Note: This is identical to
${Me.Target}; however, I'm putting this in for continuity with other
- Removed the 'PCID' member from the character datatype.
- Fixed the 'MaxHealth' and 'MaxEnergy' members of the character datatype
- Fixed the 'Heading' member of the character datatype.
September 27, 2006 -- By Amadeus [ISXVGe-20060926a.exe]
- Added FUNCTIONALITY: ISXVGe will now hook into the Vanguard command
interpreter. This allows you to imput innerspace or isxvge commands
using the vanguard chat window and the slash (/).
- Added a new COMMAND: "VGExecute"
- Added new TLO: "Me" (returns a 'character' datatype)
- Added new datatype: 'character'.
- Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'character' datatype:
1. FName (string type)
2. LName (string type)
3. Class (string type)
4. ClassAbrv (string type)
5. Level (int type)
6. CraftingLevel (int type)
7. HarvestingLevel (int type)
8. XP (int type)
9. XPPct (int type)
10. XPDebtPct (int type)
11. CraftXP (int type)
12. CraftXPPct (int type)
13. HarvestXPPct (int type)
14. DiplomacyXPPct (int type)
15. HealthStr (string type)
[ie, "150/200"
16. Health (int type)
17. HealthPct (int type)
18. MaxHealth (int type)
19. EnergyStr (string type)
20. Energy (int type)
21. EnergyPct (int type)
22. MaxEnergy (int type)
23. EnduranceStr (string type)
24. Endurance (int type)
25. EndurancePct (int type)
26. MaxEndurance (int type)
27. X (float type)
28. Y (float type)
29. Z (float type)
30. Heading (float type)
31. ID (int64 type)
32. PCID (int type)
33. Casting (string type)
Name of the spell/ability currently casting
34. IsCasting (bool type)
35. InCombat (bool type)
36. HasDefensiveTarget (bool type)
37. HasVirtue (bool type)
38. HasCombatForms (bool type)
39. IsDrowning (bool type)
40. AutoAttackOn (bool type)
41. IsCamping (bool type)
42. InRecovery (bool type)
ie, in recovery time after using an ability/spell
43. BreathPct (int type)
44. Copper (int type)
45. Silver (int type)
46. Gold (int type)
47. Platinum (int type)
48. Stat
Type,Name] (int type) [See Below for more information on this
] 49. Target (pawn type)
50. Chunk (chunk type)
- For the "Stat" member of the character datatype there are four different "Types" and quite a few
"Names" of stats that are available. This is not a complete list. Please feel free to add to
the wiki any other stat names that you discover. Basically, anything that's on the UI for you
should be available via this datatype.
- ALSO NOTE: "Names" are case sensitve!
- Type: Adventuring
- Names:
Arcane Resistance
Cold Resistance
Combat Awareness
Dagger and Knife
Dual Wield
Fire Resistance
Hand to Hand
Heavy Harvesting Tools
Mental Resistance
One-handed Blunt
One-handed Piercing
One-handed Slashing
One-handed Wielding
Physical Resistance
Ranged Wielding
Safe Fall
Short Sword
Spirit Resistance
Tactic Recognition
Thrown Axes
Thrown Daggers
Thrown Hammers
- Type: Crafting
- Names:
Armor Smithing
Forging Tools
Forging Utilities
Material Preparation
Material Processing
Material Processing Tools
Material Processing Utilities
Problem Solving
Sculpting Tools
Sculpting Utilities
Shaping Tools
Shaping Utilities
Smelting Tools
Smelting Utilities
Stitching Tools
Stitching Utilities
Weapon Smithing
- Type: Diplomacy
- Names:
Dialogue Points
Dialogue Status
- Type: Harvesting
- Names:
- Added new datatype: 'chunk'.
- Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'chunk' datatype:
1. ID (int type)
2. BaseName (string type)
3. MapName (string type)
4. DisplayName (string type)
5. ShortName (string type)
6. X (int type)
7. Y (int type)
8. SectorX (int type)
9. SectorY (int type)
- Added new datatype: 'pawn'.
- Added the following new MEMBERS to the 'pawn' datatype:
1. Name (string type)