


recipe (Data Type)


This DataType includes all of the data available to ISXEQ2 related to recipes.  (Additional information is available in the recipeinfo datatype, which is accessible via the ToRecipeInfo member below.)

(Please note that all members of this datatype are available in memory at all times and never require a server or cache check.)


The best way to acquire an ability datatype object is via the Recipe member or QueryRecipes method of character.


Recipe Details

  • bool IsRecipeInfoAvailable
    • If the recipe "details" are not already stored in a cache, then this will return FALSE until it is available.  Script writers are encouraged to utilize the logic shown in the sample included with the Knowledgebase article "Iterating Recipes and Handling 'recipeinfo' Aquisition".
  • recipeinfo ToRecipeInfo
    • If the recipe "details" are not already stored in a cache, then this will return NULL until it is available.  Script writers are encouraged to utilize the logic shown in the sample included with the Knowledgebase article "Iterating Recipes and Handling 'recipeinfo' Aquisition".
    • (Note:   Due to how ISXEQ2 handles the acquisition of recipeinfo, script writers should check IsRecipeInfoAvailable until it's TRUE before using ToRecipeInfo (as opposed to checking ToRecipeInfo until it's not NULL.)    This methodology will avoid spamming the server with requests.)


  • Create
  • Examine