The EQ2 client does not store in memory details for every effect/buff on you or other actors. Rather, it waits until you request the information (e.g., when you "examine" or "hover over" an effect icon), then it stores it in a cache for quick access thereafter. Therefore, ISXEQ2 only has very basic information about all of the effect/buffs (the "effect", "maintained", and "actoreffect" datatypes) until the details are requested from the server (which becomes the "effectinfo" datatype.)
The challenge for scripting is that the request for details from the server does take a couple hundred milliseconds, and ISXEQ2 can't just "sleep" and wait for that data to arrive. Therefore, when a script needs to access member(s) of the "effectinfo" datatype, it must check to see if it's available and then "wait" until it's cached.
For example:
function main()
variable index:effect MyEffects
variable iterator MyEffectsIterator
variable int Counter = 1
;; In this sample script, we will be using the .ToExamineInfo MEMBER of all the character's
;; effects, and the current target's effects. The routines below will properly handle waiting
;; until the effectinfo object is cached and available; however, since there is only ever a maximum
;; of 30 beneficial, 30 detrimental, and 30 actor effects available to the client at any given time,
;; ISXEQ2 provides a useful method to start the process of getting the details cached for all effects
;; and buffs at once. This should save time in the iteration routines below.
if (${Target(exists)})
;; Beneficial Effects
;;;; The following routine illustrates how to iterate through beneficial effects. To return a single
;;;; effect, you can do so by using the "Query" argument along with a lavishsoft Query String. For example
;;;; to check if the character has a beneficial effect with a MainIconID of 234, simply use:
;;;; "if ${Me.Effect[Query, Type == "Beneficial" && MainIconID == "234"](Exists)}"
echo "Beneficial Effects:"
Me:QueryEffects[MyEffects, Type == "Beneficial"]
if ${MyEffectsIterator:First(exists)}
;; This routine is echoing the effect's "Name", so we must ensure that the effectinfo
;; datatype is available.
if (!${MyEffectsIterator.Value.IsEffectInfoAvailable})
;; When you check to see if "IsEffectInfoAvailable", ISXEQ2 checks to see if it's already
;; cached (and immediately returns true if so). Otherwise, it spawns a new thread
;; to request the details from the server.
;; It is OK to use waitframe here because the "IsEffectInfoAvailable" will simple return
;; FALSE while the details acquisition thread is still running. In other words, it
;; will not spam the server, or anything like that.
while (!${MyEffectsIterator.Value.IsEffectInfoAvailable})
;; At this point, the "ToEffectInfo" MEMBER of this object will be immediately available. It should
;; remain available until the cache is cleared/reset (which is not very often.)
echo "- ${Counter}. ${MyEffectsIterator.Value.ToEffectInfo.Name} (ID: ${MyEffectsIterator.Value.ID}, MainIconID: ${MyEffectsIterator.Value.MainIconID}, BackDropIconID: ${MyEffectsIterator.Value.BackDropIconID})"
while ${MyEffectsIterator:Next(exists)}
echo "NONE"
echo "---------------------"
;; Detrimental Effects
;;;; The following routine illustrates how to iterate through detrimental effects. To return a single
;;;; effect, you can do so by using the "Query" argument along with a lavishsoft Query String. For example
;;;; to check if the character has a detrimental effect with a MainIconID of 234, simply use:
;;;; "if ${Me.Effect[Query, Type == "Detrimental" && MainIconID == "234"](Exists)}"
echo "Detrimental Effects:"
Me:QueryEffects[MyEffects, Type == "Detrimental"]
if ${MyEffectsIterator:First(exists)}
;; This routine is echoing the effect's "Name", so we must ensure that the effectinfo
;; datatype is available.
if (!${MyEffectsIterator.Value.IsEffectInfoAvailable})
;; When you check to see if "IsEffectInfoAvailable", ISXEQ2 checks to see if it's already
;; cached (and immediately returns true if so). Otherwise, it spawns a new thread
;; to request the details from the server.
;; It is OK to use waitframe here because the "IsEffectInfoAvailable" will simple return
;; FALSE while the details acquisition thread is still running. In other words, it
;; will not spam the server, or anything like that.
while (!${MyEffectsIterator.Value.IsEffectInfoAvailable})
;; At this point, the "ToEffectInfo" MEMBER of this object will be immediately available. It should
;; remain available until the cache is cleared/reset (which is not very often.)
echo "- ${Counter}. ${MyEffectsIterator.Value.ToEffectInfo.Name} (ID: ${MyEffectsIterator.Value.ID}, MainIconID: ${MyEffectsIterator.Value.MainIconID}, BackDropIconID: ${MyEffectsIterator.Value.BackDropIconID})"
while ${MyEffectsIterator:Next(exists)}
echo "NONE"
echo "---------------------"
;; Maintained Effects (Buffs)
;;;; The following routine illustrates how to iterate through maintained effects (buffs). To return a single
;;;; buff, you can do so by searching for a particular buff name or the index of the buff in the array (i.e.,
;;;; ${Me.Maintained["NAME"]} or ${Me.Maintained[#]})
echo "Maintained Effects (Buffs):"
variable string Duration
variable string EffectTarget
variable int CountMaintained
if (${CountMaintained} > 0)
if (${Me.Maintained[${Counter}].Duration.Equal[-1]})
if (${Me.Maintained[${Counter}].Target(exists)})
echo "- ${Counter}. ${Me.Maintained[${Counter}].Name} (Duration: ${Duration}, Target: ${EffectTarget})"
while (${Counter:Inc} <= ${CountMaintained})
echo "NONE"
echo "---------------------"
;; ActorEffects (Current Target)
;;;; The following routine illustrates how to iterate through actor effects. To return a single
;;;; actor effect, you can do so by using the "Query" argument along with a lavishsoft Query
;;;; string. For example, to check if the current target has the effect with an ID of 123456, one could
;;;; check "if ${Target.Effect[Query,ID = "123456"](Exists)}"
echo "ActorEffects on the current target:"
variable int NumActorEffects = 0
if (${Target(exists)})
if (${NumActorEffects} > 0)
;; This routine is echoing the effect's "Name", so we must ensure that the effectinfo
;; datatype is available.
if (!${Target.Effect[${Counter}].IsEffectInfoAvailable})
;; When you check to see if "IsEffectInfoAvailable", ISXEQ2 checks to see if it's already
;; cached (and immediately returns true if so). Otherwise, it spawns a new thread
;; to request the details from the server.
;; It is OK to use waitframe here because the "IsEffectInfoAvailable" will simple return
;; FALSE while the details acquisition thread is still running. In other words, it
;; will not spam the server, or anything like that.
while (!${Target.Effect[${Counter}].IsEffectInfoAvailable})
;; At this point, the "ToEffectInfo" MEMBER of this object will be immediately available. It should
;; remain available until the cache is cleared/reset (which is not very often.)
echo "- ${Counter}. ${Target.Effect[${Counter}].ToEffectInfo.Name} (ID: ${Target.Effect[${Counter}].ID}, MainIconID: ${Target.Effect[${Counter}].MainIconID})"
while (${Counter:Inc} <= ${NumActorEffects})
echo "NONE"
echo "NO TARGET"
echo "---------------------"