To use this test script, create a file in your /innerspace/scripts folder called DDBoxTest.iss and place the entire text below. Then, you can run the script by typing the following command in the InnerSpace console (while in the game): run DDBoxTest
function main()
variable index:collection:string Options
variable iterator OptionsIterator
variable int OptionCounter = 0
; You will need to be in a guild with the guild window open for this script to work.
echo "The 'ShowMembersSelection' DropDownBox has ${Options.Used} Options"
if (${OptionsIterator:First(exists)})
if (${OptionsIterator.Value.FirstKey(exists)})
echo "Option #${OptionCounter}:: '${OptionsIterator.Value.CurrentKey}' => '${OptionsIterator.Value.CurrentValue}'"
while ${OptionsIterator.Value.NextKey(exists)}
echo "------"
while ${OptionsIterator:Next(exists)}
To set a DropDownBox to a particular value, one would iterate through the "options" (as shown above), and then when the option "CurrentKey" and/or "CurrentValue" matches the goal, use the "Set" method using the current Counter (zero-based). For example: EQ2UIPage[mainhud,guild].Child[DropDownBox,Guild.MainTabPage.MembersPage.ShowMemberSelection]:Set[${OptionCounter}]