Bug #2207
CreateBookmark can not create a shared location bookmark
Wrecks.TargetList.Get[1]:CreateBookmark["${Config.SalvagePrefix} ${EVETime.Time.Left[5]}", "", "Salvage", 1]
This would, in times past, create a bookmark with a name of [insert prefix] and [the current time converted to 24hrs, in a shared bookmark folder called "Salvage", with a duration of 3 hours.
When Cybertech had the test build up this feature was fixed. Cybertech has gone AWOL for more than a year so it might be time for this to be fixed in the normal build of isxeve.
September 13, 2020 [20200909.0003] (TEST) * Patcher will now patch before authentication * Fixed crash that could happen on load with invalid isxeve.xml * Entity.Mine fixed; now does the same as Entity.MineRepeatedly. * Improvements to Module.IsActive and Module.IsDeactivating * Module.CurrentCharges now returns 0 if there are no charges in the module, instead of null. * Module.Volume now returns 0 on error, instead of null. * Module datatype methods will no longer be called if not in space, as we abort earlier. * Modified the "CreateBookmark" METHOD of the 'eve' and 'entity' datatypes to accept a shared folder name as the 3rd parameter, in addition to the corp shared folder name CreateBookmark[<label>,<optional notes>,<optional folder>,<optional expiry] Note that the otherwise optional 2nd and 3rd parameters must be specified in order to provide the 4th. ## ## EXAMPLE: EVE:CreateBookmark[MyLocation,"","", 1] ## Empty description, personal folder location, 3 hour expiration ## EXAMPLE: EVE:CreateBookmark[MyLocation,"This is my Location","Corporation Locations", 1] ## Create a bookmark named MyLocation, with a description of "This is my Location", in the Corporate shared folder (named for and owned by your corp, if your corp existed pre-2019 Shared folder change in EVE) ## EXAMPLE: EVE:CreateBookmark[MyLocation,"This is my Location","Bongos Shared Folder", 0] ## Create a bookmark named MyLocation, with a description of "This is my Location", in the shared folder "Bongos Shared Folder", with no expiration. ## NOTE - Shared folder must already exist, and you must have USE or higher access to the folder, or creation will fail.
Don't think I need to add any sample scripts to this, it is a base feature of isxeve with straightforward usage.