Bug #2205
ISXIM - Stopped Working With Inner Space Version 1.18 (Build 6814) +
* WORKS * Inner Space Version 1.18 (Build 6800) [2021-09-23]
* BROKEN * Inner Space Version 1.18 (Build 6814) [2021-11-23]
* BROKEN * Inner Space Version 1.18 (Build 6835) [2022-01-20]
* BROKEN * Inner Space Version 1.18 (Build 6837) [2022-01-27]
< Skipped testing a number of builds. The following is the most recent development version >
* BROKEN * Inner Space Version 1.18 (Build 6857) [2022-02-24]
The build that appears to have broken ISXIM is 6814 which was released on 2021-11-23. Here are the release notes related to that build:
- World of Warcraft compatibility update
- EVE compatibility update
- Diablo II Resurrected compatibility update
- MIR4 compatibility update
- Aion Classic compatibility update [work in progress]
- Crowfall compatibility update
- Tree of Savior comptatibility update
- Audio engine is now loaded on-demand
- Improved handling of Console menu item
- Uplink window now fills the monitor work area
- The Maximize button on the Uplink window now does something (still non-standard maximize/minimize behavior)
- Fixed various keyboard/modifier state issues relating to switching windows
- Added "foreground" to relay resolver, e.g. "relay foreground echo hi"
- Agents
* Agent events now use the Agent's folder as CWD
* Agents now also include version, description, provides, conflicts, dependencies, minimumBuild
* unistring agent.Version
* unistring agent.Description
* uint agent.MinimumBuild
* jsonarray agent.Dependencies
* jsonarray agent.Provides
* jsonarray agent.Conflicts
* bool agent.AutoStart
* agent:SetAutoStart[bool]
- LavishGUI 2
* Numerous interaction fixes, including mouse wheel, modifier keys, clicking to focus
* Fixed issues with videofeed and videofeedsource elements
* Fixed a bug with combobox selection detaching the selected item
* Fixed crashes with with self-detructive Input Hooks, itemlist, and others
* Fixed an issue with item lists not appearing to have a highlighted item, if the item started out selected
* Added inputpicker control and lgui2inputpicker object type
* lgui2 object .JSON members moved to .AsJSON
* jsonobject lgui2layer.Bindings
* Fixed missing lgui2element.InputHook member
* Added 'none'/'nomodifiers' and 'any'/'anymodifiers' hooks and bindings (for specifying modifiers)
* LGUI2.Element[] no longer resolves to an element
- LavishScript
* NULL should now produce the same result as NULL
* Fixed an issue with pre-parsed sequences sometimes returning a "variable" type
* New "OnFileOpen" event
* Add Game window now fires "GamesChanged" event
* New LMAC task type "ls1.code"
* The Sessions TLO, within a Session, will return a jsonarray if given "array" parameter, e.g. 0
* bool issession.AllowFlashWindow
* issession:SetAllowFlashWindow[bool]