


Feature - New #1788

Script for cycling through toons with KA rare harvest houseplant

Added by appleuser about 8 years ago. Updated almost 7 years ago.

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I'd like to request a script to cycle through toons with the rare harvest houseplant from the Kunark Ascending crafting timeline, so a list can be set up and run though like your ADT and TSAM please.

The house item is An Obulus Frontier Garden. This is a reward from this quest.

To claim your rare harvest every 24 hour,s right click the An Obulus Frontier Garden and select the first option Check for Harvests. You can also double click the An Obulus Frontier Garden and get the rare. There is no accept box to click, the rare just goes straight into your inventory.

If you are too early to get another rare it returns the chatbox text You search but find nothing.

Could I also request that the script runs toons to the Portal to Housing, and once in the house to the An Obulus Frontier Garden, and if possible, returns them to the Guild Hall once the rare is collected, please?

Hope I have covered everything you need to know. Thanks Kannkor.


Updated by LittleOgress about 8 years ago



Updated by appleuser over 7 years ago

Any chance this could be implemented? The plant will give the rares for PoP once that expac is released, so I'm sure will continue to be useful. Thanks.


Updated by appleuser about 7 years ago

Me again! :D

There is one change to the way the houseplant works in PoP.

Either: right click: Check for Harvests (top option) or single click the plant.

The KA rare goes straight into your inventory as before, but now you also receive [a bushel of harvests], which pops a reward window, which needs to have 'Accept' clicked on it, as with a quest reward. This gives a decent quantity of commons and rares, and as the new tier hasn't been added to the GH harvesters / pack pony etc this will be the best way for us to get harvests.



Updated by Kannkor almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Implemented

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