Bug #1425
CHH: Sa'Dax Senshali
This fight needs some adjustment as well. The tank will not always move into range of the orbs... this is the code I use to make this fight 100%
This is called as part of a larger script... the pluse on the function call it is every 1.5 seconds. Won't work without modifcation but gives you the idea.
call senshali_helper "Sa'Dax Senshali"
function senshali_helper(string mob_name)
if ${Actor["${mob_name}"](exists)} && ${Actor["${mob_name}"].Health} < 15
if ${LoopKeepRunning}
if ${Actor["${mob_name}"].Health} < 95 && !${Actor["${mob_name}"].IsAggro} && ${Math.Distance[${Me.X},${Me.Z},95.779999,42.919998]} > 3
echo Get_AbsoluteCampSpot: ${Ogre_CampSpot.Get_AbsoluteCampSpot}
echo Current Loc: ${Me.X} ${Me.Y} ${Me.Z}
echo bjquest_helper: Changing the camp spot for this fight!
OgreBotAtom atom_OgreBotChangeCampSpotForWho ${Me.Name} 95.779999 -109.510002 42.919998
wait 5
OgreBotAtom a_MoveToCampSpot ${Me.Name} 1 29
while ${Actor["${mob_name}"](exists)} && !${Actor["${mob_name}"].IsAggro}