Feature - Enhancement #1345
Cicardian Sleeper Attack
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With the new EVE update Cicardian Sleeper are Spawning in regular Belts and Fighting back.
After SB shoots and kills the first 5 Seeker 5 new ones warp in. And the new ones have adaptet to your Damage. You will do 1-5 DMG to them and SB will shot them for hours.
If you warp to another Belt the will follow you until they are Dead.
Thats why you cant use SB for Beltratting annymore:(
I Hope you find an sulution fpr this :( Mayby a "do not Kill list" ore something.
Updated by Futureman about 10 years ago
Edit: Cicardian Sleeper do not spawn in every system i think, only in them wit a "unidentified Structer" in system.