Feature - New #1174
Dockable Station Repair Access
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I'd like the ability to use in-station repair facilities.
Updated by Amadeus over 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to Amadeus
Updated by Amadeus over 10 years ago
- File TestRepairShopWindow.iss added
- Status changed from In Progress to Implemented
I have attached a sample script (TestRepairShopWindow.iss) which provides utilization examples for all new ISXEVE features related to the Repair Shop.
September 22, 2014 [ISXEVE-20140826.0004] * Datatype: 'station' New Method: 1. GetRepairableItems[index:item] * Datatype: 'item' New Method: 1. GetRepairQuote (HINT: To get a quote for your current ship: "MyShip.ToItem:GetRepairQuote") * NEW Datatype: 'everepairshopwindow' [inherits 'evewindow'] New Members: 1. AverageDamage (string) 2. TotalCost (string) New Methods: 1. RepairAll * EVEWindow TLO: Using the argument "RepairShop" or "Repair Shop" will return a 'everepairshopwindow' datatype object if the repairshop window is currently open/available.
Updated by Amadeus about 10 years ago
- File TestRepairShopWindow.iss TestRepairShopWindow.iss added