From 2015-03-02 to 2015-06-29
12:43 PM Feature - New #1400 (New): No movement
Requesting an option to have no movement and keep the ship still unless fleeing.
This is useful for sentry boat sh...
12:40 PM Bug #1399 (New): Anomaly Ratting Blood Raider sites
Had all anoms selected until the Squ...
11:57 AM Feature - Enhancement #1381 (New): Use % of Ore/Cargo Hold
It would be convenient to have an option to "Use X% of Ore/Cargo Hold" so that when you swap ships (ie: when swapping...
07:55 PM Bug #1380 (New): Freighter Mode & Corp Hangar Issues
Whenever I try to use the Corp Hangar via Freighter mode, the bot continually tries to open the Corp Hangar Division ...
07:51 PM Bug #1379 (New): Not Utilizing Miasmos Ore Hold
ISXEVE returns true for GetOreHold but StealthBot still does not make use of the Ore Hold on the Miasmos when using H...
08:42 AM Feature - New #1362 (New): Orbit a wreck or Large Collidable Object
When in ratting/running anomalies mode add the possibility to orbit a wreck or an object within the anomaly.
08:39 AM Bug #1361 (New): Omnidirectional Tracking Link - midslot
StealthBot doesn't recognize the Omnidirectional Tracking Link module and when starting a ratting session it doesn't ...
07:22 AM Feature - Enhancement #1309: Recognize ore sites
Sumpin Fishy wrote:
It already does ratting sites, ore sites can't be much harder... Check boxes for 1,2,3,4,5 ple...
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