From 2014-06-19 to 2014-10-16
07:47 AM Feature - New #1237: undock bookmarks
And by undock bookmarks, you mean undock insta-warp bookmarks?
07:16 AM Feature - New #1237 (New): undock bookmarks
please join us in 2003 and provide functionality for using undock bookmarks, thanks.
07:18 AM Feature - New #1239 (Implemented): repair on station dock
as we now have access to this function via isxeve, it would be super duper awesome if sb would repair muh drones (and...
07:17 AM Feature - New #1238 (Implemented): close mission info window
since we have this functionality available via isxeve now, can we have sb close them (its a minor nit, but i can't he...
06:17 AM Feature - Enhancement #1235: Support declining of anomic missions
Cleared up the bug description a bit.
02:34 PM Feature - Enhancement #1235 (Implemented): Support declining of anomic missions
The new randomly seeded Anomic (aka Burner) missions amongst the normal encounter missions screws up the logic of Ste...
01:57 PM Bug #1234 (New): Stop moving if we were moving when the last target is killed
When dequeueing a destination or removed entity, if we have no more targets / movement goals, stop the ship.
01:53 PM Feature - Enhancement #1233 (Resolved): Add ability to click/drag to re-arrange Mining ore priorities
As title says
01:53 PM Feature - Enhancement #1232 (New): Add ability to select / deselect all ores for Mining configuration
As title says
01:48 PM Bug #1231 (New): Miner mines nearby rocks for extremely short periods of time before bounce-warping
If I'm on a given high-priority rock, and the next best rock after this one is on the other side of the belt, when I ...
01:46 PM Feature - Enhancement #1230 (New): Add a means of specifying that we -should not- use drones on a mission target
Mission targets such as Kruul's Pleasure Hub blow up when destroyed, destroying any nearby drones.
We need a means...
01:45 PM Feature - Enhancement #1229 (New): Use tractor beams when looting mission objectives
Make use of tractor beams on cans when looting objectives in missions so as to speed up mission completion.
01:40 PM Feature - Enhancement #1228 (New): Make Mining ore selection group-based (e.g. Veldspar, Scordite) instead of type-based (e.g. Concentrated Veldspar)
As the title says.
01:39 PM Feature - New #1227 (New): Optionally log out after max runtime is reached
Add the optional ability to save and exit StealthBot then exit EVE after we've safed up from max runtime being reached
01:31 PM Feature - Enhancement #1226 (In Progress): Make TTS alerts optionally fire only once every few minutes
Currently, TTS alerts will spam every second or so.
Add an option to make TTS alerts respect a cooldown timer befo...
10:50 PM StealthBot v0.9.2.7 Released
StealthBot v0.9.2.7 has been released and is available for update. This build brings improvements to movement, anomal...
10:50 PM and previous releases
In weapon rearming, replace the null check on module.charge with a null or invalid check
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