


ChangeLogs Archive 3


This changelog contains the recent changes made to ISXEVE. Users are encouraged to click on the "watch" tab at the top of this page in order to be informed of when ISXEVE is updated.

The Latest change log is available here:


For recent changes, please see ChangeLogs

August 20, 2009 [ISXEVE-20090820.0058]

  • Removed the 'asset' datatype.
  • The "GetAssets" MEMBER and "DoGetAssets" METHOD of the character datatype now populates an index of item datatype objects.
  • Fixed the "DoGetAssets" METHOD of the 'character' datatype (it was missing)

August 20, 2009 [ISXEVE-20090820.0005]

  • Adjusted some code that should make some things (such as drones) more stable

 than before

  • Added new METHODS to the 'eve' datatype:

  1. EnterCriticalSection
  2. LeaveCriticalSection

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'eve' datatype:

  1. InCriticalSection                    (bool type)

  • Removed the following MEMBERS from the 'Character' datatype

  1. GetFleet
  2. IsInFleet ( Use ${Me.Fleet.ID(exists)} instead)
  3. IsFleetCommander

  • Removed the following METHODS from the 'Character' datatype

  1. AcceptFleetInvite
  2. DoGetFleet
  3. FleetID
  4. GangID
  5. LeaveFleet
  6. RejectFleetInvite

  • Removed the following MEMBERS from the 'eve' datatype

  1. IsInvitedToFleet
  2. FleetInvitationText

  • Removed the following METHOD from the 'eve' datatype

  1. InviteToFleet

  • Added the following METHODS from the 'eve' datatype

  1. RefreshStandings
       This should be called at least once after logging into EVE. It will take time to complete, so
       do not rely on standing data being immediately available.

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'character' datatype

  1. Fleet                                (fleet type)

  • Added new datatype fleet
  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'fleet' datatype

  1. ID                                   (int64)
  2. InvitationText                       (string)  Note: This is the text of the 'gang invitation' window..including html.
  3. Invited                              (bool)
  4. IsFleetCommander                     (bool)
  5. Member[CharID                       (FleetMember)
  6. Size                                 (int)
  7. IsMemberCharID                     (bool)
  8. WingNameWingID                     (string)  Note: Returns "Wing WingID" unless a custom name has been set
  9. WingNameToIDWingName               (int64)   Note: Only for use with user-specified wing names
 10. SquadNameSquadID                   (string)  Note: Returns "Squad SquadID" unless a custom name has been set
 11. SquadNameToIDSquadName]             (int64)   Note: Only works with user-specified wing names

  • Added new METHODS to the 'fleet' datatype

  1. AcceptInvite
  2. Broadcast_AlignTo[EntityID
  3. Broadcast_EnemySpotted
  4. Broadcast_HealArmor
  5. Broadcast_HealCapacitor
  6. Broadcast_HealShield
  7. Broadcast_HoldPosition
  8. Broadcast_InPosition
  9. Broadcast_JumpBeacon
 10. Broadcast_JumpToSolarSystemID
 11. Broadcast_Location
 12. Broadcast_NeedBackup
 13. Broadcast_TargetEntityID
 14. Broadcast_TravelToSolarSystemID
 15. Broadcast_WarpToEntityID
 16. ChangeSquadNameSquadID, Name       Name is limited to 10 characters
 17. ChangeWingNameWingID, Name         Name is limited to 10 characters
 18. CreateSquadWingID
 19. CreateWing
 20. DeleteSquadSquadID
 21. DeleteWingWingID
 22. GetMembersindex:fleetmember
 23. GetSquadsindex:int64, WingID       Return list of squads in WingID, or all squads if WingID is left off
 24. GetSquadsindex:int64               Return list of all squads
 25. GetWingsindex:int64
 26. LeaveFleet
 27. RejectInvite
 28. WarpFleetToMemberFleetMemberCharID, OptionalDistance (Default 0)]

  • Added the following MEMBERS of the 'fleetmember' datatype

  1. SquadID                              (Int64) (type change)
  2. WingID                               (Int64) (type change)

  • Added new METHODS to the 'fleetmember' datatype

  1. AddToWatchList
  2. Move[WingID, SquadID
  3. MoveToSquadCommanderWingID, SquadID
  4. MoveToFleetCommander
  5. MoveToWingCommander
  6. RemoveFromWatchList
  7. SetScout1], SetScout[0   Set Scout Status
  8. SetBoosterrole]     Set Booster Status

July 9, 2009 [ISXEVE-20090629.0501]

  • ISXEVE now utilizes https (secure http) when doing authentication. Please see for more information.

July 3, 2009 [ISXEVE-20090629.0293]

  • Added new datatype, "attack" with the following MEMBERS:

 1. Name                            (string type)          [Name of the effect (ie, "effects.WarpScramble") ..only works for attacks that have a 'visual' effect]
 2. TimeStarted                     (evetime type)
 3. ToJammer                        (jammer type)

  • Added a new datatype, "attacker" with the following MEMBERS:

 1. GetAttacks                      (int type)
    GetAttacks[index:attack]        (int type)
 2. IsCurrentlyAttacking            (bool type)
 3. ToEntity                        (entity type)

  • Added new METHOD to the "attacker" datatype:

 1. DoGetAttacks[index:attack]

  • Added new datatype, "jammer" with the following MEMBERS:

 1.  Type                           (string type)
 2.  CycleTimeRemaining             (float type)
 3.  Origin                         (entity type)
 4.  StartTime                      (evetime type)

  • Added new MEMBERS to the "character" datatype:

 1.  GetAttackers                   (int type)
     GetAttackers[index:attacker   (int type)
 2.  GetJammers                     (int type)
     GetJammersindex:jammer]       (int type)

  • Added new METHOD to the "character" datatype:

 1.  DoGetAttackers[index:attacker
 2.  DoGetJammersindex:jammer]

  • Added new MEMBER to the "entity" datatype:

 1.  ToAttacker                     (attacker type)        [will return NULL if not a valid 'attacker']
 2.  IsWarpScramblingMe             (bool type)
 3.  IsTargetJammingMe              (bool type)

June 30, 2009 [ISXEVE-20090629.0195]

  • Removed the following MEMBERS from the 'station' datatype:

 1. Description
 2. Region
 3. Constellation
 4. Security
 5. Conquerable
 6. X
 7. Y
 8. Z
 9. Radius
 10. DockingCostPerVolume
 11. MaxShipVolumeDockable
 12. ReprocessingEfficiency
 13. ReprocessingStationTakes
 14. GetServices  (This will be re-added soon.  It will have more information, but only about your CURRENT station.)

  • Removed the following METHODS from the 'station' datatype:

 1. DoGetServices

June 14, 2009 [ISXEVE-20090514.0151]

  • Fixed a crash bug associated with "LaunchAllDrones" METHOD of the 'ship' datatype. It is highly probable that all other

 methods for "launching" drones may still have the crash bug, so users are encouraged to stick with launching "all" drones
 for now.

  • Fixed the 'KeepAtRange' METHOD of the 'entity' datatype
  • Added new METHOD to the 'bookmark' datatype:

 1. ClearWaypoint

  • Added new METHOD to the 'interstellar' datatype:

 1. ClearWaypoint

  • Added new METHODS to the 'eve' datatype:

 1. ClearWaypoint[ID]
 2. ClearAllWaypoints

  • Addded new METHODS to the 'item' datatype:

 1. ConsumeBooster
 2. LeaveShip

  • Fixed the 'InviteToFleet' METHOD of the 'Pilot' datatype ( Local[charname]:InviteToFleet will work again )

June 2, 2009 [ISXEVE-20090514.0096]

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'ship' datatype:

 1. DroneBandwidth                      (float type)

May 26, 2009 [ISXEVE-20090514.0091]

  • Fixed the 'Standing' MEMBER of the "pilot" datatype

March 28, 2009 [ISXEVE-20090310.0083]

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'character' datatype:

 1. GetSkillQueue                      (int type)
    GetSkillQueue[index:queuedskill]   (int type)

  • Added new METHOD to the 'character' datatype:

 2. DoGetSkillQueue[index:queuedskill]

  • Added new DATATYPE: 'queuedskill'
  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'queuedskill' datatype:

 1. TrainingTo                         (int type)   [the level to which you're currently training the skill]
 2. ToSkill                            (skill type)

  • Fixed the 'ToPilot' MEMBER of the "character" datatype
  • Fixed the 'Name' MEMBER of the "being" datatype

March 28, 2009 [ISXEVE-20090310.0029]

  • Fixed the 'StartTraining' METHOD of the skill datatype. For most scripts that utilized the old "StartTraining" method, it should function

 as it always has.  However, for future reference (and for those that are intersted), it actually does this now:

March 24, 2009 [ISXEVE-20090310.0242]

  • Addded new MEMBERS to the 'item' datatype:

 1.  MaxFlightTime                (float type) (in seconds)
 2.  MaxVelocity                  (float type)
 3.  ExplosionRadius              (float type)
 4.  ExplosionVelocity            (float type)
 5.  SignatureRadiusBonus         (float type)
 6.  EMDamage                     (float type)
 7.  KineticDamage                (float type)
 8.  ThermalDamage                (float type)
 9.  ExplosiveDamage              (float type)
 10. MetaLevel                    (float type)

March 21, 2009 [ISXEVE-20090310.0191]

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'character' datatype:

1. InSpace    (bool type)

March 13, 2009 [ISXEVE-20090310.0106]

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'activedrone' datatype:

 1. Target             (entity type)

March 13, 2009 [ISXEVE-20090310.0084]

  • EVEWindow TLO now accepts "ByName" as a search parameter
  • Added new METHOD to the 'skill' datatype:

 1. AddToQueue[#     (# is the level to which you want to train it)
 (EXAMPLE:  Me.Skilltrade]:AddToQueue[1] )

March 11, 2009 [ISXEVE-20090310.0044]

  • Fixed the 'interstellar' datatype with the exception of the following MEMBERS (which will be re-added in the (near) future):

 - Region
 - Constellation
 - System
 - JumpsTo

March 5, 2009 [ISXEVE-20081127.0159]

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'Ship' datatype

 1. Name  (string)  Same as Me.Ship returns - the name of the ship.

  • Added a new TLO: "MyShip"

 ~ Syntax: ${MyShip} returns a Ship type. The same as ${Me.Ship} - this should be used from now on, as it will be more efficient over time.

February 1, 2009 [ISXEVE-20081127.0009]

  • Added new COMMAND: 'run'. This command will be called when a "run" call is issued instead of the innerspace command "runscript".

 If you wish to retain the old functionality, then use 'runscript' when starting a script.

      • The new 'run' command works almost identically to the InnerSpace 'runscript' with the singular exception that it will check for
      • a directory (of the same name as the script) before it gives up. For example, if you type "run EVEBot" it will check first to
      • see if /innerspace/Scripts/EVEBot.iss" exists. If it does, then it will run that file. However, if that file does not exist, it
      • will then check to see if /innerspace/Scripts/EVEBot/EVEBot.iss exists. If that file exists, it will run it -- otherwise, it will
      • give up.
      • NOTES:
      • 1. Arguments are passed to the script identically as they were with 'runscript'.
      • 2. Any 'run' command that is given that contains slashes will be passed immediately to the 'runscript' command to be
      • run as before. (ie, "run EVEBot/EVEBot" will function as it did originally.
      • 3. The 'run' command assumes that the file suffix will not be given. Therefore, while "runscript MyScript.iss" would be valid
      • "run MyScript.iss" would not. You will need to use the original 'runscript' if you have a burning desire to include the
      • file suffix.

December 04, 2008 [ISXEVE-20081127.0004]

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'charselect' datatype

 1. SelectedChar  (int) CharID of the currently selected character, or -1

  • Fixed the ChannelMessage event to correctly return the message instead of the charname

December 03, 2008 [ISXEVE-20081127.0002]

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'charselect' datatype

 1. CharExists[#]  (bool) True if the given charid is in any of the boxes on the Character Select screen

November 27, 2008 [ISXEVE-20081127.0001]

  • Update for the November 27 patch of EVE

November 11, 2008 [ISXEVE-20081111.0001]

  • Update for the November 11 patch of EVE

September 30, 2008 [ISXEVE-20080930.0001]

  • Update for the September 30 patch of EVE

August 28, 2008 [ISXEVE-20080610.0634]

  • Added new METHODS to the 'module' datatype:

1. ToggleOverload
2. SetManualOn
3. SetManualOff

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'module' datatype:

1. AutoRepeat   (bool)
2. IsBeingRepaired  (bool) (From Overload/Heat Damage)

July 25, 2008 [ISXEVE-20080610.0632]

  • Fixed the 'HaveLootRights' MEMBER of the "entity" datatype

July 17, 2008 [ISXEVE-20080610.0624]

  • Added new DATATYPE: 'standing'
  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'standing' datatype:

 1. CorpToAlliance                   (float type)     [MY Corp to THEIR Alliance
 2. CorpToCorp                       (float type)     MY Corp to THEIR Corp
 3. CorpToPilot                      (float type)     MY Corp To THIS Pilot
 4. MeToCorp                         (float type)     ME to THEIR Corp
 5. MeToPilot                        (float type)     ME to THIS Pilot
 6. AllianceToAlliance               (float type)     MY Alliance to THEIR Alliance]

  • Removed the "StandingTo" MEMBER of the pilot datatype
  • Removed the "Standing" MEMBER of the character datatype
  • Removed the "Standing" MEMBER of the eve datatype
  • The "Standing" MEMBER of the pilot datatype will now return a 'standing' datatype object.
  • The "StandingTo" MEMBER of the character datatype will now utilize the following syntax:

 1. StandingTo[ToCharID#,ToCorpID#,ToAllianceID#]      (standing type)
    (NOTE:  All three ID#s are required.  Zero or -1 are valid arguments for those without a corp and/or alliance.)

July 16, 2008 [ISXEVE-20080610.0607]

  • The 'PutOffline' METHOD of the "module" datatype should no longer ask for confirmation
  • The 'Orbit' METHOD of the "entity" datatype should now properly accept a distance parameter.

July 15, 2008 [ISXEVE-20080610.0567]

  • Added new METHODS to the 'eve' datatype:

 1. Toggle3DDisplay
 2. ToggleUIDisplay

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'eve' datatype:

 1. Is3DDisplayOn           (bool type)
 2. IsUIDisplayOn           (bool type)

      • The "3D" display is everything on the outside of your ship, the "UI" display is everything else. So, practically
      • speaking, turning off the "3D" display would be similar to flying a ship without windows. You could still fly and
      • do everything needed, you just would not have the 'visual' representation of it. Therefore, turning off the "3D"
      • display would be a great way to improve your FPS (especially in large battles!) without harming your ability to
      • play the game. Turning both the "3D" and the "UI" displays off leaves your window with only the InnerSpace console.
      • This would be useful for botting on weaker/older computers, shaving a LOT of fps off of a particular client
      • instance, etc.
      • Both the "3D" display and "UI" displays will revert to 'on' any time you dock or undock from a station.

July 13, 2008 [ISXEVE-20080610.0522]

  • Fixed a crash bug
  • The "ByCaption" parameter of the EVEWindow TLO will now search exclusively for a 'substring' match.

 In other words, if the window has a caption of "Three Little Pigs Went To Market", then 
 ${EVEWindow[ByCaption,Three Little Pigs} would match it.  This should not, as far as I know, make
 script adjustments necessary, nor should it cause any issues; however, if it does, please make a 
 feature request for something like ${EVEWindowByCaption,exactname,xxxx]}

July 13, 2008 [ISXEVE-20080610.0496]

  • Added new METHODS to the 'module' datatype:

 1. Activate                      (if target is required, it will activate on the current ACTIVELY targetted entity)
    Activate[TargetID#]           (TargetID# must be the ID# of an entity that is currently 'locked')
 2. Deactivate

July 13, 2008 [ISXEVE-20080610.0488]

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'module' datatype:

 1. TimeLastClicked                       (evetime type)   
 2. TargetID                              (int type)       [-1 if target destroyed, no target, or N/A]
    ~ Note:  "LastTarget" already existed in the extension and works.  I've added "Target" (entity type)
             as an alias for clarification and simplicity of scripting.

July 11, 2008 [ISXEVE-20080610.0435]

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'pilot' datatype:

 1. WarFactionID                          (int type)

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'eve' datatype:

 1. GetOnlineCorpMembers                  (int type)
    GetOnlineCorpMembers[]   (int type)

  • Added new METHOD to the 'eve' datatype:

 1. DoGetOnlineCorpMembers[]

July 10, 2008 [ISXEVE-20080610.0377]

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'fleetmember' datatype:

 1. ToEntity      (entity type)

July 5, 2008 [ISXEVE-20080610.0236]

  • All "IsValid()" warnings will now be written to a file in the 'Extensions' directory called

 "ISXEVEDebug.txt" rather than to the console.  This file will be reset every time you load ISXEVE, 
 so there is no danger of it becoming overly large.  These warnings will also be sent to the debugger
 for those that wish to see them in real time.

June 21, 2008 [ISXEVE-20080610.0157]

  • Removed the 'GetActiveDrones' and 'DoGetActiveDrones' member/method from the "eve" datatype. (It was a duplicate of what is

 found in the 'character' datatype (which is what you should be using.)

  • Fixed the 'GetActiveDrones' MEMBER and 'DoGetActiveDrones' METHOD of the "character" datatype.

June 21, 2008 [ISXEVE-20080610.0151]

  • Renamed the 'ShieldBoostBonus' MEMBER of the "module" datatype to:

 1. ShieldBonus           (double type)

June 21, 2008 [ISXEVE-20080610.0148]

  • The 'DoGetAgentMissions' METHOD and 'GetAgentMissions' MEMBER of the "eve" datatype will now only return

 actual agent missions.  Active Research Agent information will be included in the extension soon as a seperate 
 datatype and will be retrieved via a different member/method.

June 20, 2008 [ISXEVE-20080610.0136]

  • Added a new METHOD to the 'agentmission' datatype:

 1. GetDetails

June 20, 2008 [ISXEVE-20080610.0131]

  • Fixed the Local TLO when using the name of the pilot as the argument (and related crashes.)

June 13, 2008 [ISXEVE-20080610.0116]

  • Added new METHODS to the 'module' datatype:

 1. RemoveCharge
 2. Unfit
 (NOTE:  Both require you to be in a station with the fitting window open.)

June 13, 2008 [ISXEVE-20080610.0052]

  • Fixed the 'HTML' member of the evewindow datatype.

June 11, 2008 [ISXEVE-20080610.0026]

  • Fixed the "IsWarpScrambled" MEMBER of the 'Entity' datatype (Me.ToEntity.IsWarpScrambled will work as well)
  • Added new MEMBER to the 'entity' datatype:

1. Velocity (double type)

June 10, 2008 [ISXEVE-20080610.0015]

  • Added new METHOD to 'entity' datatype:

 1. AlignTo

May 11, 2008 [ISXEVE-20080415.0007]

  • Added new command: "DebugSpew"

 ~ Syntax: DebugSpew ""           (sends text directly to the debugger using the C/C++ call to OutputDebugString)
    - Note:  ALWAYS include your string to be written in quotation marks.

April 15, 2008 [ISXEVE-20080415.0004]

  • Update for the April 15 patch of EVE

April 10, 2008 [ISXEVE-20080312.0132]

  • Fixed the "Type" MEMBER of the 'agentmission' datatype
  • Fixed the "WarpTo" METHOD of the 'bookmark' datatype.
  • Added new METHOD to the 'bookmark' datatype:

 1. Approach     (Note: As in game, this only seems to work for agent bookmarks)

April 9, 2008 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20080312.0097]

  • Modified the "EVETime" TLO to return the current time (as an 'evetime' datatype) if no argument is given (ie, ${EVETime})

March 22, 2008 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20080312.0092]

  • Fixed ${EVEWindow[Local]}

March 13, 2008 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20080312.0052]

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'module' datatype:

 1. SensorRecalibrationTime     (double type)   [in seconds
 2. ReactivationDelay           (double type)   in seconds]
 3. ScanResolutionBonus         (int type)

March 13, 2008 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20080312.0048]

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'bookmark' datatype:

 1. JumpsTo                     (int type)

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'interstellar' datatype:

 1. JumpsTo                     (int type)

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'eve' datatype:

 1. JumpsTo[#]                  (int type)   [argument is the SolarSystemID# to which you want to measure from your current location
 2. JumpsBetween#,#]           (int type)   [arguments are the "from" SolarSystemID# and then the "to" SolarSystemID# to determine the distance between in jumps.]

March 12, 2008 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20080312.0041]

  • Updated for Trinity 1.1 patch
  • Added new MEMBER to the 'bookmark' datatype:

 1.  ItemID                    (int type)

  • Fixed the "IsWarpScrambled" MEMBER of the 'entity' datatype.
  • Added new MEMBER to the 'ship' datatype:

 1. WarpSpeedMultiplier        (double type)

  • Removed the "WarpFactor" MEMBER of the 'ship' datatype

March 2, 2008 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20071218.0698]

  • Fixed the 'Close' METHOD of the 'evewindow' datatype to work properly with agent interaction windows

February 29, 2008 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20071218.0512]

  • Added new MEMBER to the EVEWindow datatype:

 1. HTML                                       (string type)   [only works for 'browser' type windows]

  • Fixed the bookmark datatype methods to work properly with agentmission bookmarks.
  • Added new MEMBER to the 'module' datatype:

 1. ShieldTransferRange                        (double type)

February 24, 2008 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20071218.0474]

  • The "ByCaption" parameter of the 'EVEWindow' TLO will now search first for an exact match. If no exact match is found, it will then search for a window with a substring match. For example, if there is a window with a caption of "Agent Conversation - Pavari Naeed", ${EVEWindow[Agent Conversation]} will now work for returning that window.
  • Added a new datatype: 'dialogstring'
  • Added new MEMBER to the 'dialogstring' datatype:

 1. Text                                       (string type)

  • Added new METHOD to the 'dialogstring' datatype:

 1. Say[ToWhomID#]

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'agent' datatype:

 1. Dialog                                     (string type)
 2. GetDialogResponses                         (int type)
    GetDialogResponses[]   (int type)
 ~~ NOTE: These only work for agents with whom you are already have a conversation...obviously.
 ~~ NOTE: You must retrieve the "Dialog Reponses" again after each dialog response or other similar action that is taken.

  • Added new METHODS to the 'agent' datatype:

 1. DoGetDialogResponses[]
**** See this thread for an example script using the above new features:

February 23, 2008 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20071218.0439]

  • Added a new datatype: "evetime".
  • Added a new TLO: "EVETime"

 ~ Syntax: EVETime[#]    (returns an 'evetime' datatype)   [# is an int64 value representing time as EVE stores it]

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'evetime' datatype:

 1. DateAndTime                             (string type)
 2. Date                                    (string type)
 3. Time                                    (string type)
 4. AsInt64                                 (int64 type)         [the value as used by EVE and the 'EVETime' TLO]

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'bookmark' datatype:

 1. AgentID                                 (int type)           [agent bookmarks only
 2. LocationID                              (int type)           agent bookmarks only
 3. LocationNumber                          (int type)           agent bookmarks only
 4. LocationType                            (string type)        agent bookmarks only]

  • Added a new datatype: "agentmission"
  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'agentmission' datatype:

 1. State                                   (int type)           [ 1 = offered mission ("not accepted"), 2 = accepted, etc..
 2. Type                                    (string type)
 3. Name                                    (string type)
 4. AgentID                                 (int type)
 5. Expires                                 (evetime type)
 6. GetBookmarks                            (int type)           returns the number of bookmarks attached to this mission
    GetBookmarks]          (int type)

  • Added new METHOD to the 'agentmission' datatype:

 1. DoGetBookmarks[]

  • Added new MEMEBER to the 'eve' datatype:

 1. GetAgentMissions                        (int type)           [returns the total number of missions
    GetAgentMissions]  (int type)   
 ~ NOTE: This does not, as yet, include "research missions".

  • Added new METHOD to the 'eve' datatype:

 1. DoGetAgentMissions[]  

February 15, 2008 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20071218.0365]

  • ISXEVE will no longer load if an EVE patch has occurred and an update of ISXEVE is required.
  • When encountering critical errors such as a mismatched executable or subscription problems, ISXEVE will now automatically open the console window.
  • The patcher should now run properly when called from the innerspace post-startup routine (ie, as shown in the subscription/setup walkthrough.)
  • Fixed the "CargoCapacity" MEMBER of the 'item' datatype (used only for 'secure container' item types)

February 5, 2008 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20071218.0352]

  • The 'pilot', 'module', and 'bookmark' datatypes have now been converted to use the system which will allow multiple members/methods to be called in the same frame. They have also been added to the 'Flush' command.

January 18, 2008 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20071218.0329]

  • Added new METHOD to the 'entity' datatype:

 1. Activate           (only works for acceleration gates!)

  • Added new TLO, "Agent" using the following syntax:

 ~ Agent            (int type)   [returns the number of agents, total, in the game
 ~ Agent#]         (agent type) [# is between 1 and the total number of agents in the game -- ie, the "Index" of the agent
 ~ Agentid,#]      (agent type) [# is the id of the agent
 ~ AgentNAME]      (agent type) [NAME is the name of the agent]
 *** NOTE:  Searching by NAME or ID can be very detrimental to performance if used more than rarely.  Therefore, scripters are urged to only search once by NAME or ID, then store the Agent's "Index" and use that for any other calls to that particular agent within your script.  You will notice that using the "Index" is a LOT faster and more efficient than searching by ID or NAME.

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'agent' datatype:

 1.  ID             (int type)
 2.  Name           (string type)
 3.  TypeID         (int type)
 4.  Division       (string type)
 5.  DivisionID     (int type)
 6.  Level          (int type)
 7.  Quality        (int type)
 8.  CorporationID  (int type)
 9.  FactionID      (int type)
 10. StandingTo     (float type)           (Your personal standing to the agent)
 11. Solarsystem    (interstellar type)
 12. Station        (string type)
 13. StationID      (int type)
 14. Index          (int type)             (The index of where the agent is in the list of agents in the game -- used for ${Agent[#]} )

  • Added new METHODS to the 'agent' datatype:

 1.  StartConversation

January 5, 2008 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20071218.0253]

  • ISXEVE should now better handle a situation in which the primary authentication server is alive but the MySQL daemon is dead.

December 23, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20071218.0246]

  • Removed some internal code added in 20071218.0231 that was causing problem with .NET applications.

December 21, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20071218.0235]

  • Added the following METHODS to the 'character' datatype:

 1. OpenCorpHangar
 2. StackAllHangarItems
 3. DoGetCorpHangarItems
 4. DoGetHangarItems
 5. DoGetHangarShips

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'character' datatype:

 1. GetHangarItems
 2. GetHangarShips
 3. GetCorpHangarItems

December 20, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20071218.0231]

  • Updated the ISXEVEWrapper
  • Fixed the 'Login' TLO
  • Removed "GetActiveDrones/DoGetActiveDrones" from the 'eve' datatype. Use the 'character' or 'entity' datatype instead.
  • Made a pretty extensive overhaul to the extension that should make memory management much easier/better as well as handle multiple calls to datatype member/methods within the same frame.
  • Due to limitations inherent with dealing with the python interpreter from a reverse engineering standpoint, ISXEVE is forced to make certain consessions as it operates in regards to proper memory management. To remedy this, I have added a METHOD to the 'isxeve' datatype called "Flush". This method will flush any outstanding objects that are still dangling in memory due to using ISXEVE datatype methods and members. This is not something that is needed for small scripts and/or simply running ISXEVE while playing the game. It is only necessary for extensive/complex scripts (and .NET applications) that are running for longer than an hour or two. Even so, one only needs to call the Flush" METHOD of the 'isxeve' datatype once every 20-30 minutes. Finally, I would state that 'Flush' is most effective when you're in a station; however, it is safe to use (and still highly effective) at any point.
  • The following MEMBERS/METHODS of the 'station' datatype will only work if you're currently in a station (and will only acquire/manipulate data from within said station):

 ~ GetCorpHangarItems/DoGetCorpHangarItems, GetHangarItems/DoGetHangarItems, GetHangarShips/DoGetHangarShips, OpenCorpHangar, StackAllHangarItems

  • Added a new MEMBER to the 'eve' datatype:

 1.  Station[#]                    (station type)         [would be the ID# of any station]

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'station' datatype:

 1.  Name                          (string type)
 2.  Description                   (string type)
 3.  ID                            (int type)
 4.  TypeID                        (int type)
 5.  Type                          (string type)
 6.  OwnerID                       (int type)
 7.  Owner                         (string type)
 8.  OwnerTypeID                   (int type)
 9.  OwnerType                     (string type)
 10. SolarSystem                   (interstellar type)
 11. Constellation                 (interstellar type)
 12. Region                        (interstellar type)
 13. X                             (double type)
 14. Y                             (double type)
 15. Z                             (double type)
 16. Radius                        (double type)
 17. Security                      (int type)
 18. DockingCostPerVolume          (double type)
 19. MaxShipVolumeDockable         (double type)
 20. OfficeRentalCost              (int type)
 21. ReprocessingEfficiency        (double type)
 22. ReprocessingStationTakes      (double type)
 23. Conquerable                   (bool type)
 24. GetServices[]   (int type)

  • Added new METHOD to the 'station' datatype:

 1.  DoGetServices[]

December 12, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20071205.0032]

  • Fixed the 'HaveLootRights' MEMBER of the 'entity' datatype to work properly using the following forumla:

 ~ Return TRUE if the entity is owned by you, someone in your corporation, or someone in your fleet
 ~ Return FALSE otherwise.

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'entity' datatype:

 1. IsWreckEmpty            (bool type)      [ie, does the wreck have loot in it 
 2. IsOwnedByCorpMember     (bool type)      ie, is the container/wreck/etc owned by someone in your corp.
 3. IsOwnedByAllianceMember (bool type)      ie, is the container/wreck/etc owned by someone in your alliance]
******* (You will need to update EVEBOT via SVN) **

  • Renamed the following METHODS in the 'character' datatype:

 1. AcceptGangInvite -> AcceptFleetInvite
 2. RejectGangInvite -> RejectFleetInvite   

  • Fixed the two methods above
  • Renamed the following MEMBER of the 'pilot' datatype:

 1. ToGangMember -> ToFleetMember

  • Removed the 'InviteToGang' METHOD from the 'pilot' datatype
  • Removed the following METHODS from the 'eve' datatype:

 1. ConvertGangToFleet
 2. ConvertFleetToGang
 3. InviteToGang 

  • Removed the following MEMBERS from the 'character' datatype:

 1. IsInGang     (use "IsInFleet" instead)
 2. GangID

  • Removed the following METHODS from the 'character' datatype:

 1. ResignGangLeadership
 2. ClaimGangLeadership

  • Renamed the following MEMBERS/METHODS in the 'character' datatype:

 1. GetGang -> GetFleet
 2. IsGangLeader -> IsFleetCommander
 3. IsInvitedToGang -> IsInvitedToFleet
 4. GangInvitationText -> FleetInvitationText
 5. DoGetGang -> DoGetFleet
 6. LeaveGang -> LeaveFleet

  • Added the following MEMBER to the 'character' datatype:

 1. FleetID     (int64 type)         [returns the same value as was previously returned by 'GangID']

  • Renamed the following METHOD in the 'entity' datatype:

 1. WarpGangTo -> WarpFleetTo

  • Renamed the "gangmember" datatype to "fleetmember"
  • Renamed the following METHOD in the 'fleetmember' datatype:

 1. WarpGangTo -> WarpFleetTo

  • Renamed the following METHOD in the 'being' datatype:

 1. InviteToGang -> InviteToFleet

December 9, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20071205.0008]

  • Fixed ${EVEWindow[Local]}

December 6, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20071205.0000]

  • Updated ISXEVE for 'Trinity'
  • Added new MEMBER to the 'module' datatype:

 1. UsesFrequencyCrystals    (bool type)

November 23, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20071106.0281]

  • The 'GivenName' MEMBER of the 'item' datatype will now work for "Secure Cargo Containers" as well as "ships"
  • Added new MEMBER to the 'item' datatype:

 1. CargoCapacity            (double type)
 2. UsedCargoCapacity        (double type)
 3. GetCargo                 (int type)
    GetCargo[]   (int type)
 ~ NOTE: These methods only work for 'secure cargo container' type items (GroupID: 340)

  • Added new METHOD to the 'item' datatype:

 1. DoGetCargo[]
 2. Open
 3. Close
 ~ NOTE: These methods only work for 'secure cargo container' type items (GroupID: 340)

November 16, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20071106.0267]

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'item' datatype:

 1. GivenName       (string type)      [Ships only]

November 16, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20071106.0263]

  • Added new METHOD to the 'eve' datatype:

 2. MoveItemsTo[, MyShip
    MoveItemsTo, Hangar
    ~ In the methods above, the first parameter is an index of item IDs of the items you wish to move.  The remainder of the parameters work the same as the "MoveTo" method of the item datatype with the exception of the fact that it moves the entire stack for each item that is given that contains a quantity.

November 10, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20071106.0232]

  • The following datatypes should now register as 'persistant' when using .NET: "character", "EVE", "ISXEVE".
  • Added the .NET wrapper to the patcher.

November 10, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20071106.0229]

  • Made some internal optimizations to how "myorders" are retrieved/handled.
  • Fixed "ModifyOrder" and "PlaceSellOrder" to accept a float value for a price.

November 9, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20071106.0191]

  • Added new DATATYPE: 'marketorder' (ie, "Market Order") with the following MEMBERS

 1.  Price                                             (double type)
 2.  InitialQuantity                                   (int type) 
 3.  QuantityRemaining                                 (double type)
 4.  MinQuantityToBuy                                  (int type)
 5.  ID                                                (int type)
 6.  TimeStampWhenIssued                               (uint64 type)
 7.  DateWhenIssued                                    (string type)
 8.  TimeWhenIssued                                    (string type)
 9.  Duration                                          (int type)     [The max length of the order, in days
 10. StationID                                         (int type)     Station where the order is located
 11. Station                                           (string type)
 12. RegionID                                          (int type)     Region where the order is located
 13. Region                                            (string type)
 14. SolarSystemID                                     (int type)     Solar System where the order is located
 15. SolarSystem                                       (string type)
 16. Range                                             (int type)     In Jumps, the range from which the item can be bought/sold
 17. Jumps                                             (int type)     Jumps to the station where the order is located]
 18. IsSellOrder                                       (bool type)
 19. IsBuyOrder                                        (bool type)
 20. TypeID                                            (int type)
 21. Name                                              (string type)
 (NOTE: The order's "Jumps" must be <= to the "Range" in order to buy/sell.)

  • Added new DATATYPE: 'myorder' (ie, "My Orders" tab) with the following MEMBERS:

 1.  Price                                             (double type)
 2.  InitialQuantity                                   (int type) 
 3.  QuantityRemaining                                 (double type)
 4.  MinQuantityToBuy                                  (int type)
 5.  ID                                                (int type)
 6.  TimeStampWhenIssued                               (uint64 type)
 7.  DateWhenIssued                                    (string type)
 8.  TimeWhenIssued                                    (string type)
 9.  Duration                                          (int type)     [The max length of the order, in days
 10. StationID                                         (int type)     Station where the order is located
 11. Station                                           (string type)
 12. RegionID                                          (int type)     Region where the order is located
 13. Region                                            (string type)
 14. SolarSystemID                                     (int type)     Solar System where the order is located]
 15. SolarSystem                                       (string type)
 16. Range                                             (int type)    
 17. TypeID                                            (int type)
 18. Name                                              (string type)
 19. IsContraband                                      (bool type)
 20. IsCorp                                            (bool type)
 21. IsSellOrder                                       (bool type)
 22. IsBuyOrder                                        (bool type)  

  • Added the following METHODS to the 'myorder' datatype:

 1. Cancel 
 2. Modify[#]                   {# = new price of the item in isk}

  • Added the following METHODS to the 'EVE' datatype:

 1. UpdateMarketOrders_A[#     {# = the TypeID of the item for which you're searching.}
 2. UpdateMarketOrders_B#]     {# = the TypeID of the item for which you're searching.}
 ***** NOTES:
 ***** 1. BOTH methods should *ALWAYS* be called before using "GetMarketOrders" (each time), because it will refresh the data in your client.
 ***** 2. You MUST place a wait of at least a couple of seconds in between UpdateMarketOrders_A and UpdateMarketOrders_B and then again after
 *****    UpdateMarketOrders_B.  I typically used 'wait 40' between, and then 'wait 10' afterwards, while testing.
 ***** 3. This should be considered sinonymous with "GetMarketOrders" (ie, "Refresh" will "Get" orders if you don't have them already.) 
 2. ClearMarketOrderCache     {This clears your market order cache.  It is useful if you're doing a lot of market transactions and want 
                               to keep things tidy.}

  • Added the following MEMBER to the 'EVE' datatype:

 1. GetMarketOrders[           (int type) {retrieves all buy/sell orders currently cached by your client}          
    GetMarketOrders,#         (int type) {retrieves all buy/sell orders currently cached by your client for the given TypeID#}
    GetMarketOrders,"Buy"     (int type) {retrieves all buy orders currently cached by your client}
    GetMarketOrders,"Buy",#   (int type) {retrieves all buy orders currently cached by your client for the given TypeID#}
    GetMarketOrders,"Sell"    (int type) {retrieves all sell orders currently cached by your client}
    GetMarketOrders,"Sell",#]  (int type) {retrieves all sell orders currently cached by your client for the given TypeID#}

  • Added the following METHODS to the 'EVE' datatype:

 1. DoGetMarketOrders[                    {retrieves all buy/sell orders currently cached by your client}          
    DoGetMarketOrders,#                  {retrieves all buy/sell orders currently cached by your client for the given TypeID#}
    DoGetMarketOrders,"Buy"              {retrieves all buy orders currently cached by your client}
    DoGetMarketOrders,"Buy",#            {retrieves all buy orders currently cached by your client for the given TypeID#}
    DoGetMarketOrders,"Sell"             {retrieves all sell orders currently cached by your client}
    DoGetMarketOrders,"Sell",#           {retrieves all sell orders currently cached by your client for the given TypeID#}  
 2. PlaceBuyOrderStationID#, TypeID#, Price#, Quantity#, , MinQuantity#, ]
    ~  can be: "Station", "System", "Region", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40
    ~ Duration is in DAYS
    ~ To get your current stationID# use ${Me.StationID}
    ~ Quantity# is the MAX quantity you will buy overall, while MinQuantity# is the minimum that you will buy in a single transaction
    ~ NOTE: If you place a buy order that already matches a sell order that's on market, it will act as an 'instant' buy order.

  • Added new METHOD to the 'item' datatype:

 1. PlaceSellOrder[Price#, Quantity#, Duration]
    ~ Duration is in DAYS
    ~ NOTE: If you place a sell order that already matches a buy order that's on the market, it will act as an 'instant' sell order'
    ~ NOTE: As of now, you may only sell items within a station (and they will sell from THAT station) with ISXEVE.
    ~ NOTE: As of now, ISXEVE does not take into account your current/maximum number of sell orders.  Your script must handle that.

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'character' datatype:

 1. GetMyOrders[           (int type) {retrieves all "My Orders" cached by your client}          
    GetMyOrders,#         (int type) {retrieves all "My Orders" cached by your client for the given TypeID#}
    GetMyOrders,"Buy"     (int type) {retrieves all *buy* "My Orders" cached by your client}
    GetMyOrders,"Buy",#   (int type) {retrieves all *buy* "My Orders" cached by your client for the given TypeID#}
    GetMyOrders,"Sell"    (int type) {retrieves all *sell* "My Orders" cached by your client}
    GetMyOrders,"Sell",#]  (int type) {retrieves all *sell* "My Orders" cached by your client for the given TypeID#}        

  • Added the following METHODS to the 'character' datatype:

 1. DoGetMyOrders[                    {retrieves all "My Orders" cached by your client}          
    DoGetMyOrders,#                  {retrieves all "My Orders" cached by your client for the given TypeID#}
    DoGetMyOrders,"Buy"              {retrieves all *buy* "My Orders" cached by your client}
    DoGetMyOrders,"Buy",#            {retrieves all *buy* "My Orders" cached by your client for the given TypeID#}
    DoGetMyOrders,"Sell"             {retrieves all *sell* "My Orders" cached by your client}
    DoGetMyOrders,"Sell",#]           {retrieves all *sell* "My Orders" cached by your client for the given TypeID#}       
 2. UpdateMyOrders   
    ~ This method should be called before any calling of "GetMyOrders" or "DoGetMyOrders".

November 8, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20071106.0033]

  • Fixed an issue where skill information (in particular "IsTraining") was not reporting and/or updating properly.
  • Added new MEMBER to the 'character' datatype:

 1. SkillCurrentlyTraining            (skill type)

November 7, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20071106.0026]

  • Fixed all of the METHODS related to launching drones that was broken in the latest patch.

November 6, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070911.0558]

  • Fixed/Updated the ISXGamesUtility.exe DOTNET application

November 5, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070911.0511]

  • Added new METHOD to the 'item' datatype:

 1.  TrainSkill                                                      [Only works for skill books...obviously]

November 4, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070911.0505]

      • 1. "GetAssets" will NOT include items that are in the same station you are currently residing (if applicable). However,
      • "GetStationsWithAssets" and "NumAssetsAtStation" WILL contain information about your current station.
      • 2. ISXEVE cannot override the 5 minute updating delay present in EVE. In other words, the information given by ISXEVE
      • will match what you see in your UI.
      • 3. StationID#s match the "LocationID" member of the 'asset' datatype as well as the "ID" member of the 'entity' datatype.
      • 4. You will need to open the assets window and have all stations expanded to have access to the items at that station.

 1.  ID                                                (int type)
 2.  OwnerID                                           (int type)
 3.  Group                                             (string type)
 4.  GroupID                                           (int type)
 5.  Category                                          (string type)
 6.  CategoryID                                        (int type)
 7.  Type                                              (string type)
 8.  TypeID                                            (int type)
 9.  MacroLocation                                     (string type)
 10. MacroLocationID                                   (int type)
 11. Location                                          (string type)
 12. LocationID                                        (int type)
 13. Location                                          (string type)
 14. Quantity                                          (int type)
 15. Description                                       (string type)
 16. GraphicID                                         (int type)
 17. Volume                                            (double type)
 18. MarketGroupID                                     (int type)
 19. BasePrice                                         (double type)
 20. Capacity                                          (double type)
 21. Radius                                            (dobule type)

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'character' datatype:

 1. GetAssets[]                            (int type)   [Retrieves all items that are in your assets window
    GetAssets,#]                          (int type)   [Retrieves all items that match the StationID# given
 2. GetStationsWithAssets]                  (int type)   [Retrieves a list of StationID#s where you currently have assets.]

  • Added new METHODS to the 'character' datatype:

 1. DoGetAssets[]                                       [Retrieves all items that are in your assets window
    DoGetAssets,#]                                     [Retrieves all items that match the StationID# given
 2. DoGetStationsWithAssets]                             [Retrieves a list of StationID#s where you currently have assets.]  

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'eve' datatype:

 1.  NumAssetsAtStation[#]                             (int type)    [Returns the number of items currently housed at the StationID# given.
 2.  GetLocationNameByID#]                            (string type) [Useful for changing a StationID# to an actual name.]

November 4, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070911.0428]

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'EVE' datatype:

 1. NumOpenChannels                                    (int type) [number of channels currently open in your UI
 2. GetChannelMessages]                 (int type) [Retrieve all channel messages 
    GetChannelMessages,CHANNELNAME]     (int type) [Retreives all messages from the given channel
    GetChannelMessages,#]               (int type) [Retrieve all channel messages since timestamp #
    GetChannelMessages,CHANNELNAME,#]   (int type) [Retrieves all messages from the given channel since timestamp #]

  • Added new METHOD to the 'EVE' datatype:

 1. DoGetChannelMessages[]                          [Retrieve all channel messages 
    DoGetChannelMessages,CHANNELNAME]              [Retreives all messages from the given channel
    DoGetChannelMessages,#]                        [Retrieve all channel messages since timestamp #
    DoGetChannelMessages,CHANNELNAME,#]            [Retrieves all messages from the given channel since timestamp #]

  • Added a new EVENT:

 1. EVE_OnChannelMessage(int64 TimeStamp, string Date, string Time, string Channel, string Author, int AuthorID, string MessageText)
 ~ By default, this event is *NOT* active.  You will have to activate it within every script you wish to use it though the EVE datatype method "ActivateChannelMessageEvents".  Again, EVERY script that uses this event MUST 'turn on' these events.  (NOTE: It will not have any effect to 'activate' the channel message events more than once in a session.)

  • Added new METHOD to the 'EVE' datatype:

 1. ActivateChannelMessageEvents[#]                 [# is the interval, in seconds, that you wish for ISXEVE to check for new messages.  The default is 3 seconds.]
 ~ NOTE: This command works as a toggle and does not require the interval argument.

  • When "Channel Message" events are activated, channel messages will be sent to the innerspace trigger system using the same format as is returned with the GetChannelMessages" member of the 'eve' datatype. They will be sent to the trigger system simultanous to when the event is fired.

November 2, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070911.0361]

  • Just an informative note for script writers: the 'OwnerID' of an entity that is a PC/PLAYER is the same as that player's 'CharID'.
  • The following changes are made to the 'pilot', 'character', and 'entity' datatypes:

 1. Added the following MEMBERS:
    a) CorporationTicker             (string type)
    b) AllianceTicker                (string type)
 2. The "Corporation" and "Alliance" MEMBERS will now properly show the full name rather than the 'ticker' names.    

  • Fixed all of the entity search parameters that use distance/radius as a search argument.

October 21, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070911.0279]

  • Reactivated the "Skill" MEMBER of the 'character' datatype and related datatypes. Please post bugs on the forums, along with specific methodology for recreating any bugs, as you find them.
  • Major update to the .NET ISXEVEWrapper thanks to Cybertech and Risky.