


ChangeLogs Archive 2


This changelog contains the recent changes made to ISXEVE. Users are encouraged to click on the "watch" tab at the top of this page in order to be informed of when ISXEVE is updated.

The Latest change log is available here:


For recent changes, please see ChangeLogs

September 17, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070911.0231]

  • Added new DATATYPE: "being". (A 'being' is typically anything that exists or can exist in EVE that contains a 'CharID' - primarily NPCs and PCs.)
  • Added the following MEMBER to the 'eve' datatype:

 1. GetBuddies[                 (int type)
 2. GetAgents]                  (int type)    [the agents in your *addressbook*]

  • Added the following METHODS to the 'eve' datatype:

 1. DoGetBuddies[
 2. DoGetAgents]

  • Added new following METHOD to the 'being' datatype:

 1. InviteToGang

  • Added the following MEMBERS to the 'being' datatype:

 1. CharID                                    (int type)
 2. Name                                      (string type)
 3. IsOnline                                  (bool type)
 4. IsNPC                                     (bool type)
 5. IsPC                                      (bool type)

~ Here is a simple script for acquiring/manipulating your buddy list:

        function main(string test1, ... test2)
             variable int i = 1
             variable index:being Buddies
             variable int BuddiesCount
             echo Populating Buddies List:: ${BuddiesCount} modules total
               echo Buddy ${i} - ${Buddies.Get${i}].Name} (Online: ${Buddies.Get[${i}].IsOnline})
          while ${i:Inc} <= ${BuddiesCount}

September 17, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070911.0196]

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'station' datatype:

 1. GetCorpHangarItems[]             (int type)

  • Added new METHODS to the 'station' datatype:

 1. OpenCorpHangar
 2. DoGetCorpHangarItems[]

  • Added new EVEWindow parameter: "Corporation Hangar" Ex: ${EVEWindow[Corporation Hangar]}

September 17, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070911.0182]

  • Previously "Pilot" could be used to return the same information as "Local" (in regards to TLO). This is no longer the case. If you want to access pilots in your system, use the "Local" TLO.
  • Regarding 'Player Owned Structures' and 'Corporation Hangars':

 ~ When you use "OpenCargo" on any POS or Corporate Hangar, it will open a single window that will display all of the items in that structure/hangar.  
   The items will still be "categorized"; however, in this instance it will APPEAR as though everything is in one big hangar/container.
 ~ When you move items to your POS/Corp Hangar using the 'MoveTo' method of the item datatype, you will indicate to ISXEVE where you want the item to be 
   placed (ie, "Corporation Folder 1", "Corporation Folder 2", etc).  When you do this the item WILL be sent to the appropriate 'folder' within the 
   POS/hangar; however, as stated before, it will APPEAR as though all items are in one big container/hangar.
 ~ In other words, trust in the force -- use not your eyes.

  • The "MoveTo" METHOD of the 'item' datatype now accepts "Corporation Hangar" as a MoveTo destination. (If you do not provide a 3rd paramater, as explained below, the item will be moved to the "Corporation Folder 1" folder of the corporation hangar.)
  • The "MoveTo" METHOD of the 'item' datatype now uses the following as a THIRD argument when sending items to an entity (POS) or Corporation Hangar. When using a POS or Corporation Hangar, you MUST indicate a quantity as the second parameter. Also, sending items to a POS REQUIRES a third parameter (ie, there is no default folder location.)

     ~ Examples:  "Me.Ship.Cargo[1]:MoveTo[${Entity[Corporate Hangar Array].ID},${Me.Ship.Cargo[1].Quantity},Corporation Folder 1"
                  "Me.Ship.Cargo1]:MoveTo[Corporation Hangar,${Me.Ship.Cargo[1].Quantity},Corporation Folder 2]"
 1. Corporation Folder 1
 2. Corporation Folder 2
 3. Corporation Folder 3
 4. Corporation Folder 4
 5. Corporation Folder 5
 6. Corporation Folder 6
 7. Corporation Folder 7

September 14, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070911.0127]

  • The "MoveTo" METHOD of the 'item' datatype will now accept "DroneBay" as a destination parameter.
  • Added the following METHOD to the 'item' datatype:

 1. FitToActiveShip     

  • The "Repackage" METHOD of the 'item' datatype is now fully automated. Please be sure that if you're doing multiple repackagings, that you place at least a 'wait 20' or 'wait 30' between repackages in order to allow isxeve to properly accept the dialog boxes before moving on.

 ~ Here is a sample script.  Please keep this sample handy for future instances in which I instruct you to 'wait' between issuing commands
   due to isxeve limitations:
        variable int i = 1
        variable index:item HangarItems
        variable int HangarItemsCount
            if ${HangarItems.Get${i}.IsRepackable}
                wait 30
        while ${i:Inc} <= ${HangarItemsCount}  

September 13, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070911.0091]

  • Added new METHOD to the 'pilot' datatype:

 1. InviteToGang

  • Added new METHODS to the 'gangmember' datatype:

 1. Kick           (Note: You can also 'kick' yourself from a gang.)
 2. MakeLeader

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'character' datatype:

 1. IsInvitedToGang                          (bool type)
 2. GangInvitationText                       (string type)    [This is the text of the 'gang invitation' window..including html.]

  • Added new METHODS to the 'character' datatype:

 1. AcceptGangInvite     
 2. RejectGangInvite                  
 3. LeaveGang
 4. ResignGangLeadership
 5. ClaimGangLeadership

  • Added new METHOD to the 'eve' datatype:

 1. InviteToGang[CharID#]  

September 11, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070911.0017]

  • Update for Sept. 11 EVE patch
  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'bookmark' datatype:

 1. DateCreated                              (string type)
 2. TimeCreated                              (string type)

  • The 'skill' datatype is completely disabled until I have a chance to fix it. All 'skill' datatype methods/members will return NULL until the datatype is once again enabled.

September 4, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070724.0833]

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'entity' datatype:

 1. LootWindow                               (evewindow type)
    CargoWindow                              (evewindow type)   [Alias for 'LootWindow']
 ~ If you have used "OpenCargo" on this entity and a 'loot window' has appeared, then this member will return an evewindow datatype object representing that lootwindow.  Otherwise, it will return NULL. 

  • Fixed Entity searching by TypeID.

August 25, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070724.0816]

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'eve' datatype:

 1. Time                                     (string type)   [example: "18:23:55"
    Timeshort]                              (string type)   [example: "18:23"
 2. Date                                     (string type)   example: "2007.08.25"
 3. GetPilots                                (int type)
    GetPilots]                 (int type)

  • Added new METHOD to the 'eve' datatype:

 1. DoGetPilots[]

August 13, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070724.0791]

  • Changed the "CanLoot" member of the entity datatype to be "HaveLootRights" and fixed it.
  • "EVE:CreateBookmark" while *in* a station should work again.
  • Fixed a possible crash with "CloseAllChatInvites"
  • Added some debug strings to the console in regards to "Ship.ArmorPct" and "Ship.ShieldPct". Hopefully you'll never

 see them!

August 11, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070724.0768]

  • ISXEVE is now LIVE!! You will need to acquire an ISXEVE subscription to use this product -- visit and click on "Product Acquisition".  Enjoy!

August 10, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070724.0764]

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'character' datatype:

 1. GetActiveDroneIDs                       (int type)

  • Added new METHOD to the 'character' datatype:

 1. DoGetActiveDroneIDs[}

August 10, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070724.0763]

  • Added new datatype: 'activedrone'

 ~ Note: Any drone that is in space and NOT incapacitated is considered an 'active drone'.

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'entity' datatype:

 1. CanLoot                                 (bool type)
 2. ToActiveDrone                           (activedrone type)  [If this is NULL, then the entity is either not a drone or it is incapacitated
 3. GetActiveDrones                         (int type)
    GetActiveDrones]    (int type)          [the populated index will contain only drones controlled by this entity]

  • Added new METHOD to the 'entity' datatype:

 1. DoGetActiveDrones[]

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'activedrone' datatype:

 1. ID                                      (int type)
 2. Owner                                   (pilot type)
 3. Controller                              (entity type)
 4. Type                                    (string type)
 5. TypeID                                  (int type)
 6. State                                   (int type)     [ie, 0 is 'idle', etc]
 7. ToEntity                                (entity type)

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'character' datatype:

 1. GetActiveDrones                         (int type)
    GetActiveDrones[]    (int type)     [the populated index will contain only your active drones.]

  • Added new METHOD to the 'character' datatype:

 1. DoGetActiveDrones[]

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'eve' datatype:

 1. GetActiveDrones                         (int type)
    GetActiveDrones[]    (int type)     [the populated index will contain ALL active drones.]

  • Added new METHOD to the 'eve' datatype:

 1. DoGetActiveDrones[]

August 9, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070724.0732]

  • Added new METHOD to the 'eve' datatype:

 1. CloseAllChatInvites

August 8, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070724.0726]

  • Added new METHODS to the 'eve' datatype:

 1. ConvertGangToFleet                                          [if you're in a gang and have access to do this, of course]
 2. ConvertFleetToGang                                          

  • Added new METHOD to the 'entity' datatype:

 1. WarpGangTo
    WarpGangTo[#]                                               [OPTIONAL -- # is the distance in meters from the entity]

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'character' datatype:

 1. IsInGang                                (bool type)         [ This will return TRUE if you're in a fleet as well
 2. IsInFleet                               (bool type)
 3. IsGangLeader                            (bool type)
 4. GetGang]             (int type)          [ Note: for the purposes of isxeve, fleets and gangs are the same ]

  • Added new METHOD to the 'character' datatype:

 1. DoGetGang[]

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'pilot' datatype:

 1. ToGangMember                            (gangmember type)   [returns NULL if this pilot is not in your gang]

  • Added new datatype: "gangmember"
  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'gangmember' datatype:

 1. ToPilot                                 (pilot type)
 2. CharID                                  (int type)
 3. Job                                     (string type)
 4. JobID                                   (int type)
 5. Role                                    (string type)
 6. RoleID                                  (int type)
 7. Boosting                                (int type)
 8. SquadID                                 (int type)
 9. WingID                                  (int type)

  • Added new METHODS to the 'gangmember' datatype:

 1. WarpTo       
    WarpTo[#]                                                   [OPTIONAL -- # is the distance in meters from the gang member
 2. WarpGangTo       
    WarpGangTo#]                                               [OPTIONAL -- # is the distance in meters from the gang member]     

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'isxeve' datatype:

 1. SecsToString[#]                         (string type)
 ~ This is simply a utility for scripts to convert any number of seconds into a string:
    > 0 - 59      = "# seconds"
    > 60 - 3599   = "# minutes and # seconds"
    > 3600+       = "# hours, # minutes, and # seconds"

August 7, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070724.0662]

  • Added new METHODS to the 'bookmark' datatype:

 1. SetDestination

  • Added new TLO: "Universe" (returns an 'interstellar' datatype object)

 ~ Syntax:  Universe[
            Universe]    ('ID#' or 'name' can refer to any solarsystem, region, or constellation.)

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'interstellar' datatype:

 1. ID                                      (int type)
 2. Name                                    (string type)  
 3. Type                                    (string type)
 4. TypeID                                  (int type)
 5. Region                                  (interstellar type)
 6. Constellation                           (interstellar type)    [applicable for systems and constellations only
 7. Security                                (float type)           "true" security]

  • Added new METHODS to the 'interstellar' datatype:

 1. AddWaypoint       [Only works for "Solar System" type interstellar types
 2. SetDestination    Only works for "Solar System" type interstellar types]

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'eve' datatype:

 1. GetToDestinationPath                    (int type)  [the index is populated with the "SystemIDs" of the systems along your current destination (autopilot) route
    GetToDestinationPath       (int type)  
 2. GetWaypoints                            (int type)  the index is populated with the "SystemIDs" of the waypoints in your current route
    GetWaypoints]               (int type)  

  • Added new METHODS to the 'eve' datatype:

 1. DoGetToDestinationPath[]                 [the index is populated with the "SystemIDs" of the systems along your current destination (autopilot) route
 2. DoGetWaypoints]                         [the index is populated with the "SystemIDs" of the waypoints in your current route]

August 4, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070724.0581]

  • Fixed a few issues dealing with bookmarks. Also, at least for now, the "Bookmark" member of the 'eve' datatype does a substring

 match of the label rather than an exact match -- so, be sure to use unique bookmark labels.

August 3, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070724.0556]

  • Added new METHOD to the 'eve' datatype:

 1. CloseAllMessageBoxes         (closes any of the simple 'information message boxes', etc that might be up.)

  • The "GetAvailableAmmo" member and "DoGetAvailableAmmo" method of the 'module' datatype will not work while in a station.

August 3, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070724.0538]

  • Fixed a bug that was making it impossible for you to create a bookmark while in a space station.
  • Some "Entity.Mode"s for your use:

 1. Stopped (or coming to a stop)
 2. Approaching something or following something
 3. In Warp
 4. Orbiting something

  • Hint: ${Me.AutopilotOn} returns FALSE immediately after your ship begins its final jump in the sequence. Therefore, to determine if your

        ship has finished the jump, simply check to see if ${Me.ToEntity.IsCloaked} is TRUE.

August 2, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070724.0516]

  • The restriction on loading isxeve during startup has been removed. Please put ISXEVE in your innerspace game configuration as part of the

 startup routine to test and let me konw if it causes any problems.

  • Added new datatype: "login"
  • Added new TLO: "Login" (returns a 'login' datatype object or NULL if not at login)
  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'login' datatype:

 1. IsConnecting          (bool type)
 2. ServerStatus          (string type)     [tranquility only 
 3. ServerPopulation      (int type)        tranquility only] 

  • Added new METHODS to the 'login' datatype:

 1. SetUsername[
 2. SetPassword]
 3. Connect

  • Added new datatype: "charselect"
  • Added new TLO: "CharSelect" (returns a 'charselect' datatype object or NULL if not at character select)
  • Added new METHODS to the 'charselect' datatype:

 1. ClickCharacter[  
 * If you use "ClickCharacter" with no arguments, it will enter the game using the 'active' character.  Moreover, if you use "ClickCharacter"
   using the CharID# of the 'active' character, you will enter the game.  However, if you use the CharID# of one of your other two characters,
   it will simply make that character the 'active' one (ie, as it works while you're using the UI manually).  Therefore, in using this method
   in your script with a CharID# argument, you should do something like this:
                wait 50
                if ${CharSelect(exists)}

July 31, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070724.0405]

  • The "Warp to 0km of stargate while using autopilot" feature has been reinstated. Enjoy.
  • Clarification: Any datatype member/method called while "zoning" (ie, from station->space, etc) will return NULL during the time that

 NOTHING is readily available to isxeve, INCLUDING ${Me.InStation}.  Therefore, your scripts will need to take into account that things
 that could be called during "zoning" (such as ${Me.InStation} have the possibility of returning TRUE, FALSE, or NULL.

  • The following MEMBERS of the 'module' datatype will now return NULL if you're in a station: IsGoingOnline, IsWaitingForActiveTarget, IsChangingAmmo,

 IsReloadingAmmo, IsOnline, IsAutoReloadOn, CurrentCharges, IsActivatable, IsActive, IsDeactivating, IsOffensive, IsAssistance, EffectCategory, 
 DefaultEffectName, DefaultEffectDescription, LastTarget, Charge, MaxCharges.

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'module' datatype:

 1. WarpScrambleStrength                     (double type)

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'item' datatype:

 1. IsRepackable                             (bool type)   

~ Note: This returns TRUE if the item is a 'repackable' type AND if it's currently in a state to be repackaged. However, it does not

make sure that the item is in a location where it CAN be repackaged (ie, your hangar.)

  • Added new METHOD to the 'item' datatype:

 1. Repackage
   ~ Note: This method works properly, but will raise the 'confirmation window' for each item you want to repackage and there's no
           way around that.  However, even so, a little script like this snippet below is handy to run "manually" while you're in the station
           with your hangar open.  (Saves a ton of clicks.)
                     variable int i = 1
                     variable index:item HangarItems
                        if ${HangarItems.Get${i}.IsRepackable}
                            wait 10
                     while ${i:Inc} <= ${HangarItemsCount}    

July 30, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070724.0326]

  • MASSIVE rewrite of internal extension code for everything related to 'items'. You shouldn't notice anything; however, it is definately more

 efficient now.  Please report any new bugs that might arise.

  • New EVEWindow name: "Local" (local chat window while in space)
  • Pass through of internal code to make it impossible to return or retrieve any data related to an entity (or entities) while

 in a space station.

  • Pass through of internal code to make it so that using any datatype/TLO while "zoning" should fail (this does not mean that you should not

 check Me.InStation before doing things that are station or space specific!)

  • Added new METHOD to the 'entity' datatype:

 1. WarpToAndDock      (for stations, similar to choosing 'Dock' from the station right click menu while in space)

  • Added new METHOD to the 'item' datatype:

 1. MakeActive         (ie, for ships in your "${Me.Station.GetHangarShips}".)

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'module' datatype:

 1. MiningAmountBonus                        (double type)
 2. CPUPenaltyPercent                        (double type)

July 28, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070724.0166]

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'eve' datatype:

 1.  JumpsToStation[]             (int type)    [Note: returns -1 if you're currently IN the station (ID) given.]

  • Added new TLO: "EVEWindow"

 ~ Syntax: EVEWindow[]                  Possible "Names" include: "MyShipCargo", "MyDroneBay", "Market", "hangarFloor", "shipHangar" (more added as needed/requested)

(Note: "ByCaption" should only be used for windows not available otherwise (ie, cargo containers)

 ~ NOTE:  If the TLO returns NULL, then the window is not open.

  • Added new DATATYPE: "evewindow"
  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'evewindow' datatype:

 1.  Caption                                  (string type)
 2.  Minimized                                (bool type)

  • Added new METHODS to the 'evewindow' datatype:

 1.  Close
 2.  Maximize
 3.  Minimize

July 28, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070724.0081]

  • Added new arguments to the "Entity Search Parameters"

 1. Entity[fromID,,...]         (Uses the Entity (ID) given as the center for all location based entity searching)

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'entity' datatype:

 1. IsNPC                                        (bool type) 
 2. IsPC                                         (bool type)

  • Added new METHOD to the 'bookmark' datatype:

 1.  Remove

  • Added new METHOD to the 'eve' datatype:

 1.  AddWaypoint[]         (Note: If you only have one waypoint, it acts as your 'Destination' in regards to the auto pilot.)

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'eve' datatype:

 1.  Bookmark[]                           (bookmark type)

July 27, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070724.0041]

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'entity' datatype:

 1. DistanceTo[]                      (double type)

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'eve' datatype:

 1. DistanceBetween[,]   (double type)

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'item' datatype:

 1. Capacity                                     (double type)
 2. Radius                                       (double type)
 3. Volume                                       (double type)
 4. BasePrice                                    (double type)
 5. RaceID                                       (int type)
 6. GraphicID                                    (int type)  
 7. PortionSize                                  (int type)       [ie, "Units to Refine", etc]
 8. MarketGroupID                                (int type)
 9. Description                                  (string type)

July 27, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070724.0008]

  • The "ToItem" member of the 'module' datatype is now more stable.

July 24, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070724.0000]

  • Updated ISXEVE for the 7.24.2007 EVE patch

July 20, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070717.0015]

  • Fixed the 'Charge' member of the module datatype.
  • General Note: The 'where' command will not work while you're in a station.

July 17, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070703.1024]

  • Added a new datatype: 'bookmark'. Some members of the bookmark datatype are only available for bookmarks that are custom created while in space (ie, the x/y/z values). If they are not available, then they will return NULL.
  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'bookmark' datatype:

 1.   ID                                 (int type)
 2.   Type                               (string type)
 3.   TypeID                             (int type)       [ex: bookmarks created in space with no entity reference have a TypeID of 5]
 4.   ToEntity                           (entity type)
   ~ If the bookmark refers to an entity currently available on your overhead, it will return said entity.  Otherwise, it will return NULL.
 5.   SolarSystemID                      (int type)
 6.   X                                  (double type)
 7.   Y                                  (double type)
 8.   Z                                  (double type)
 9.   Label                              (string type)
 10.  Note                               (string type)

  • Added new METHODS to the 'bookmark' datatype:

 1.   WarpTo                             (warp to zero distance)
 2.   SetDestination
 3.   AddWaypoint

  • Added new METHOD to the 'entity' datatype:

 1.   CreateBookmark

  • Added new METHODS to the 'eve' datatype:

 1.   CreateBookmark
 2.   DoGetBookmarks]

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'eve' datatype:

 1.   GetBookmarks                      (int type)
      GetBookmarks[]    (int type)

July 15, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070703.0991]

  • Sorry, but I've had to disable the 'autopilot to 0km of stargate' feature again. It's causing problems with other aspects of the script and needs to be reworked.

July 15, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070703.0985]

*** The follow added METHODS are exact copies of their MEMBERS that have the same name (minus the 'Do').  The only difference is that they do not 
*** return a value, they simply populate the index.

  • Added new METHODS to the 'character' datatype:

 1. DoGetTargets[
 2. DoGetTargetedBy
 3. DoGetTargeting
 4. DoGetSkills]

  • Added new METHOD to the 'entity' datatype:

 1. DoGetCargo[]

  • Added new METHOD to the 'eve' datatype:

 1. DoGetEntities[
 2. DoGetEntityIDs]

  • Added new METHODS to the 'ship' datatype:

 1. DoGetCargo[
 2. DoGetDrones
 3. DoGetModules]

  • Added new METHOD to the 'module' datatype:

 1. DoGetAvailableAmmo[]

  • Added new METHODS to the 'station' datatype:

 1. DoGetHangarItems[
 2. DoGetHangarShips]

July 15, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070703.0975]

  • Reinstated the 'warp to 0km of stargate on autopilot' feature.

July 15, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070703.0964]

  • Removed the "Undock" METHOD of the 'character' datatype. You should use "EVE:Execute[CmdExitStation]" instead.
  • Temporarily removed the 'warp to 0km of stargate on autopilot' feature while I do some fixing.

July 15, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070703.0949]

  • MAJOR updates to the internal workings of ISXEVE...TONS! Bug fixes, memory issues, etc have all been worked on extensively. There may still be some instability while I work out all of the kinks; however, things should be much better in the long run.
  • Added the following METHODS to the 'eve' datatype:

 1. LaunchDrones[
 2. DronesMine
 3. DronesMineRepeatedly
 4. DronesReturnToDroneBay
 5. DronesReturnAndOrbit
 6. DronesScoopToDroneBay
 7. DronesEngageMyTarget]
 ~ In the methods above, the method takes as a parameter an index of entity IDs of the drones you wish to control.  Be sure that when you're creating the index, that the ownerIDs matches your Me.CharID and that the category/groupIDs match that of a drone. (ie: CategoryID: 18 for "Drone" or GroupID: 100 for "Combat Drone")
 ~ See the forums for an example snippet of how to utilize these methods to control your drones. (

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'eve' datatype:

 1. GetEntityIDs[]         (int type)
 ~ This member works indentically to the 'GetEntities' member except for that it populates your index with an array of integers that are the ID#s of the entities that match the search.

  • Added the following METHOD to the 'item' datatype:

 1. Launch          (drones only)

  • Added the following METHODS to the 'entity' datatype. These methods are for use with drones and, for the most part, require that you 'own' the drone/entity in question.

 1. Mine          
 2. MineRepeatedly 
 3. ReturnAndOrbit
 4. ReturnToDroneBay
 5. ScoopToDroneBay
 6. ScoopToCargoBay
 7. EngageMyTarget

  • Added the following METHOD to the 'ship' datatype:

 1. LaunchAllDrones
*** To utilize the drone methods properly, your drones must be UNSTACKED in your drone bay.  To do this, you can either 
*** SHIFT-DRAG the drones to your drone bay and select a quantity of 1, or you can go in space, launch all your drones, and
*** then recall them to your drone bay.  When drones return to your drone bay, they always go back 'unstacked'.

July 13, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070703.0662]

  • Made some internal changes to how the Entity lists work:

 1. Using ${Entity[#]} now uses the ID# of the entity as an argument rather than an index.  So, in your scripts, be sure to change ALL instances of ${Entity[id,#]} to ${Entity[#]}.  This is VERY important.

  • Added new METHOD to the 'entity' datatype:

 1. Jump                           ('stargate' entities only, of course.  You must also be in range to jump.)

  • Added new METHOD to the 'ship' datatype:

 1. OpenCargo

  • Added new MEMBER to the 'module' datatype:

 1. SpecialtyCrystalMiningAmount   (double type)
 2. DefaultEffectName              (string type) 
 3. DefaultEffectDescription       (string type)  
 4. LastTarget                     (entity type)  
    ~ This member returns the last target upon which the module was activated. 

  • Added new METHODS to the 'isxeve' datatype:

 1. Unload             
 2. Reload
    Update    (Note: These three methods have identical functionality.  Aliases are being provided for ease-of-use sake.)
 ~ Using "ISXEVE:Unload", "ISXEVE:Update", etc are the only crash-free safe way of unloading and reloading the isxeve extension. If you use "ext -unload isxeve" you will probably crash.  This is a limitation of the InnerSpace software.

July 12, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070703.0514]

  • Removed the "IsCargoAccessible" MEMBERS from the 'entity' and 'ship' datatypes. They are unreliable and should not be used. Scripts should begin with all windows closed, and then the script should open any cargo windows before using ANY datatype members/methods related to items, modules, etc. For example, a very simple mining script would warp to an asteroid field, approach the asteroid, lock target, OPEN THE SHIP'S CARGO HOLD, mine until full, CLOSE SHIP'S CARGO HOLD, warp to base, dock, wait until in station, OPEN SHIP'S CARGO HOLD, OPEN HANGAR, unload ore, CLOSE SHIP'S CARGO HOLD, undock, ...repeat.

July 12, 2007 -- By Amadeus [ISXEVE-20070703.0512]

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'skill' datatype:

 1.  TrainingTimeMultiplier        (double type)
 2.  SkillPoints                   (int type)
 3.  Level                         (int type)

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'module' datatype. Please note that members are only available for modules for which the member's data would be pertinent. A non-activatable module, for example, will most likely not have a "MaxRange". Moreover, a low slot module that does not require PowergridUsage will not return a value for that. Therefore, please note that if a member is not available, it will return

 NULL, not zero.
 1.  IsDeactivating                (bool type)     ['Activatable' modules only -- Indicates when the module is glowing red
 2.  PowergridUsage                (double type)
 3.  OptimalRange                  (double type) 
 4.  TechLevel                     (double type)
 5.  ActivationCost                (double type)
 6.  HP                            (double type)   module's hit points
 7.  Damage                        (double type)   hit points damaged
 8.  ActivationTime                (double type)
 9.  Duration                      (double type)   ActivationTime and Duration are identical values, and equate to the same thing in EVE
 10. Volume                        (double type)
 11. AccessDifficultyBonus         (double type)
 12. CPUUsage                      (double type)
 13. Capacity                      (double type)
 14. MaxTractorVelocity            (double type)
 15. Mass                          (double type)
 16. OverloadSpeedFactorBonus      (double type)
 17. MassAddition                  (double type)
 18. HeatDamage                    (double type)
 19. Thrust                        (double type)
 20. MaxVelocityBonus              (double type)
 21. MaxVelocityPenalty            (double type)
 22. StructureHPBonus              (double type)
 23. CargoCapacityBonus            (double type)
 24. ShieldBoostBonus              (double type)
 25. CapacitorRechargeRateBonus    (double type)
 26. ShieldRechargeRateBonus       (double type)
 27. CapacitorBonus                (double type)
 28. PowergridBonus                (double type)
 29. ShieldHPBonus                 (double type)
 30. VelocityModifier              (double type)
 31. ChargeRate                    (double type)
 32. RateOfFire                    (double type)
 33. OverloadRateOfFireBonus       (double type)
 34. MiningAmount                  (double type)
 35. CrystalsDamage                (double type)
 36. TargetGroup                   (int type)
 37. SurveyScanRange               (double type)
 38. CPUOutputBonus                (double type)
 39. TrackingSpeed                 (double type)  this rounds to the nearest thousanth]
 40. DamageModifier                (double type)
 41. EMDamage                      (double type)
 42. KineticDamage                 (double type)
 43. ThermalDamage                 (double type)
 44. ExplosiveDamage               (double type)
 45. ChargeSize                    (double type)
 46. AccuracyFalloff               (double type)
 47. SignatureResolution           (double type)
 48. OverloadOptimalRangeBonus     (double type)
 49. OverloadRepairBonus           (double type)
 50. OverloadDurationBonus         (double type)
 51. ArmorHPRepaired               (double type)
 52. ExplosiveDmgResistanceBonus   (double type)
 53. KineticDmgResistanceBonus     (double type)
 54. ThermalDmgResistanceBonus     (double type)
 55. EMDmgResistanceBonus          (double type)
 56. ArmorHPBonus                  (double type)
 57. RateOfFireBonus               (double type)

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'ship' datatype:

 1.  MaxCapacitor                  (double type)
 2.  CapacitorPct                  (double type)  
 3.  Shield                        (double type)  
 4.  MaxShield                     (double type)
 5.  ShieldPct                     (double type)
 6.  Armor                         (double type)
 7.  MaxArmor                      (double type)
 8.  ArmorPct                      (double type)
 9.  Structure                     (double type)
 10. MaxStructure                  (double type)
 11. StructurePct                  (double type)
 12. CPULoad                       (double type)
 13. CPUOutput                     (double type)
 14. PowerLoad                     (double type)
 15. PowerOutput                   (double type)
 16. TurretSlotsLeft               (double type)
 17. HeatCapacityHigh              (double type)
 18. HeatCapacityMedium            (double type)
 19. HeatCapacityLow               (double type)
 20. RigSlots                      (double type)
 21. RigSlotsLeft                  (double type)
 22. ScanSpeed                     (double type)
 23. MaxTargetRange                (double type)
 24. LowSlots                      (double type)
 25. MediumSlots                   (double type)
 26. HighSlots                     (double type)
 27. Radius                        (double type)
 28. TechLevel                     (double type)
 29. HeatLow                       (int type)
 30. HeatMedium                    (int type)
 31. HeatHigh                      (int type)
 32. MaxVelocity                   (double type)
 33. ScanResolution                (double type)
 34. ScanRadarStrength             (double type)
 35. Agility                       (double type)
 36. LauncherSlotsLeft             (double type)
 37. CapacitorRechargeRate         (double type)
 38. ShieldRechargeRate            (double type)
 39. SignatureRadius               (double type)
 40. WarpFactor                    (double type)
 41. MaxLockedTargets              (double type)   [See also the 'MaxLockedTargets' member of the character datatype for the character's restrictions on locked targets]

  • Added new MEMBERS to the 'character' datatype:

 1.  Intelligence                  (double type)
 2.  Perception                    (double type)
 3.  Charisma                      (double type)
 4.  Willpower                     (double type)
 5.  Memory                        (double type)
 6.  MaxLockedTargets              (double type)   [See also the 'MaxLockedTargets' member of the ship datatype for the ship restriction on locked targets 
 7.  MiningDroneAmountBonus        (double type)   percent bonus]
 8.  MaxActiveDrones               (double type)
 9.  DroneControlDistance          (double type)
 10. MaxJumpClones                 (double type)