From 2015-12-13 to 2016-04-10
01:32 AM Feature - New #1578 (New): Tractor beam - Loot cans + wrecks
Just wanted to say great bot first of all, but I noticed last night that the tractor beam module appears under module...
08:57 AM Bug #1549 (New): TraveltoBookmark and Attack NON AGGRO NPCs Option
This option is very dangerous if there's circadian seekers on gates on the way to a mission. They can blow up most s...
01:50 PM Bug #1546 (New): Modules not activating while on Acceleration Gate Step in Missions
While flying to a Accelration gate no modules activate, module checks don't seem to be running while slowboating to t...
12:08 PM Feature - Enhancement #1545 (New): New Mission Step - Set Salvage Bookmark
Step Save Salvage Bookmark with a Parameter to save it to CORP or PERSONAL bookmarks
12:00 PM Bug #1544 (New): Flee - Nearest Station Option if no Station is in System
The Flee Option "TO NEAREST STATION" seems to break if there s no station in the system. It even turns off all module...
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