


Feature - New #2289

Deposit Isk Into A Specific Corp Wallet

Added by jsmb768ypl 1 day ago.

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I am requesting the ability to donate/deposit isk to a specific corporation wallet. Currently we can donate isk to a corporation the same way we would donate to another player. That then has the money go into the main wallet. I would like to see a different method of donate/deposit be added. This would allow us to donate/deposit isk to only the wallet we may have access to and or to a specific wallet. 

1) Be in a corp
2) Have some type of rolls in the corp that allow you either access to all wallets or a specific wallet.
3) Have the wallet you want to donate/deposit isk to set as your active wallet (it defaults to the master wallet if you have access to all wallets OR the the first wallet you have access to if you only have specific wallet access)

How to donate/deposit isk using the wallet:
1) Open your in game wallet either by using the icon on your side menu bar or pressing alt + W
2) Select the Corporation tab at the top
3) Since you have the wallet you want to donate/deposit isk into already set as your active wallet you would select Deposit Isk at the bottom of the window. (See Image 1)
4) In the new box that popped up you insert the amount of isk you wish to deposit from your personal wallet. (See Image 2)
5) Input a reason if any (See Image 2)
6) Hit Ok (See Image 2)

Image 1:

Image 2:

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