


Feature - New #2288

Donate LP

Added by jsmb768ypl about 1 month ago.

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I am requesting the ability to handle LP donations. This would allow us to script donating LP from our character to a corporation. You could even go one step further if you wanted and add the ability to donate corporation LP to another corporation. 

How to transfer LP:
1) Open your in game wallet by either using the wallet icon on your side nav or pressing Alt + W.
2) Select the Loyalty Point Tab at the top of your personal wallet labeled LP Corporations 
3) There are now 3 tabs "Overview", "Incursion LP" & "Donate" select the "Donate" tab
4) Fill in who you are transfering to, this is the corporation name, just typing it isn't enough. You have to type it and then select it from the dropdown list that appears. 
5) Select the corporation whos LP you want to transfer, if you only have 1 the box will default to that one and only show that one. If you do not have any LP at all no corp will appear. If you have more than 1 a dropdown list will appear.
6) Input desired amount to donate. 
7) Hit Transfer

I am requesting this as it would be useful to be able to make scripts to assist with cleaning up characters. (Cleaning up characters that you run missions on or even characters you purchase from the bazaar for stripping)

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