


Bug #2283

MyShip.ToItem:GetRepairQuote Does Not Work In Citadels

Added by jsmb768ypl 3 months ago. Updated 3 months ago.

broken feature(s)


This is what allows us to repair our ship. It currently works in NPC stations but not player owned Citadels. 

To test this you can dock in one of the many Citadels in Perimeter (next door to Jita) 
- Once in a system with a Citadel you can right click in space, Highlight over structures and a lsit will appear select a structure and dock at it


Once docked make sure you are in a ship, if you are not in a ship you can click board my corvet under the undock buttom.

Once in a ship run the command below:


This should open the repair quote for that specific ship, currently it does not do this. 

To open the repair quote manually go to your inventory, then ship hanger, right click your ship and press Get Repair Quote



Once That is working we would probably need to make sure the actual repair is working but to do that you would need a damaged ship. If you have the skill Thermodynamics you can overheat a module allowing you to have something to repair. Once you have Thermodynamics to one undock in your new corvette. Above the Afterburner module you will see a small green area in the module ring. Press that then activate the afterburner. After it runs for some time a red ring will begin to appear, that ring is damage to the module. You can now dock and repair your ship! 

**Side note, citadels will repair your ship while tethered so you may need to move away from the citadel to create the overheat damage. 

Once back inside you should be able to run the following command (if its fixed)

That will open the repair window for the current ship we are flying and then you can run the following command:

That should repair all items for our active ship (including the ship). It currently works this way in NPC stations but citadels do not work. This makes living in any space outside of Highsec or lowsec almost impossible as there are no NPC stations in nullsec anymore (and even in some HS and LS systems). 


Updated by Amadeus 3 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

Fixed in version 20240603.0009.

Also available in: Atom PDF