


Feature - Enhancement #2232

modulecharge could use some more members

Added by Elusif over 1 year ago. Updated about 2 months ago.

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Take a missile launcher, slap literally any missile that fits in it, in it.

MyShip.Module[WhateverItsIDIs].Charge has hardly any members. We can tell how long a missile will fly and how fast, and the name and type of the missile, and thats it.
Currently I am using some jank nonsense with the base item from a DB with faked modifiers. I'd like the real numbers. I want:

I think this info used to be attainable, but .Charge gives us modulecharge
lstype modulecharge has the following members

Members of type modulecharge -------------------- Type Group Category Location Slot Quantity MaxVelocity ChargeSize TypeID GroupID CategoryID LocationID SlotID MaxFlightTime Volume Methods of type modulecharge


Updated by Elusif over 1 year ago

Elusif wrote:

Take a missile launcher, slap literally any missile that fits in it, in it.

MyShip.Module[WhateverItsIDIs].Charge has hardly any members. We can tell how long a missile will fly and how fast, and the name and type of the missile, and thats it.
Currently I am using some jank nonsense with the base item from a DB with faked modifiers. I'd like the real numbers. I want:

I think this info used to be attainable, but .Charge gives us modulecharge
lstype modulecharge has the following members

Members of type modulecharge -------------------- Type Group Category Location Slot Quantity MaxVelocity ChargeSize TypeID GroupID CategoryID LocationID SlotID MaxFlightTime Volume Methods of type modulecharge

Not possible anymore. RIP.


Updated by Amadeus about 2 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

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