


Feature - New #2219

Open Ore Compression Window

Added by jsmb768ypl over 2 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

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The ore compression window can be opened from space at any time, you have to right click on any uncompressed ore, and then click compress. That will open the Compression window. The reason to be able to open this window is important is once the window is open, we can have the bots check if the compress button is available, and if it is they can press it and compress the ore in their cargo hold on their own. This would allow someone to be in a fleet with a booster running compression allowing them to not need to dock to drop off ore or without having to jetcan. 


Updated by jsmb768ypl over 2 years ago

Be in space
Have ore in ship inventory
Right click the ore
Compress option is present in the menu
This will open a compression window.

The reason to be able to open this window is important is once the window is open, we can have the bots check if the compress button is available, and if it is they can press it and compress the ore in their cargo hold on their own. This would allow someone to be in a fleet with a booster running compression allowing them to not need to dock to drop off ore or without having to jetcan. 


Updated by jsmb768ypl over 2 years ago

This has been fixed and now works as expected. 

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