


Bug #2066

Citadel Item Hangar is

Added by bobbyjayblack almost 7 years ago. Updated almost 7 years ago.

broken feature(s)


When running the below code, I receive the error message, "You don't seem to have the right keys for the ship's ignition switch. Perhaps you left them in your other jacket?"


function main()
    call MoveShipCargoHoldToItemHangar

function MoveShipCargoHoldToItemHangar()
    if !${Me.InStation}
        echo Not InStation
    wait 30
    variable index:item MyCargo
    variable int i = 1
        echo Moving ${MyCargo.Get[${i}].Name} to Hangar
    ;    wait 30
    ;while ${i:Inc} <= ${MyCargo.Used}


Updated by bobbyjayblack almost 7 years ago

I ran and it printed several Inventory windows. It also activated the Structure Item Hangar window, which is the one that would be used to move items to.

Making Active:
--| 4. Name: 'StructureShipHangar'
-----| HasCapacity: FALSE
-----| LocationFlag: Folder1
-----| LocationFlagID: 4
-----| IsInRange: TRUE
-----| ItemID: [Valid number but removed for account safety]


Updated by bobbyjayblack almost 7 years ago

When executing:


I received the original post error, "You don't seem to have the right keys for the ship's ignition switch. Perhaps you left them in your other jacket?"



Updated by bobbyjayblack almost 7 years ago

Sorry, posted the wrong window infow above:

Making Active:
--| 5. Name: 'StructureItemHangar'
-----| HasCapacity: FALSE
-----| LocationFlag: Folder1
-----| LocationFlagID: 4
-----| IsInRange: TRUE

Still generates same error.


Updated by bobbyjayblack almost 7 years ago

Here is a name of an open Structure in high sec. Simply search for it using People and Places. Set Destination to the 1 result, travel to it and dock.

Perimeter - IChooseYou Tatara Max Reprocess



Updated by Amadeus almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

This should be fixed in 20180306.0002.

Please note that you must use "MyStationHangar" as the first argument for MoveTo.    The ID# argument is only used for when specifying an ENTITY_ID# (i.e., when moving items to a cargo container, etc.)     I know the documentation isn't clear on this and it needs to be updated.

But anyway, using something like MyCargo.Get[${i}]:MoveTo[MyStationHangar] should work now.

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