Feature - New #2001
Dreadnaught Detecting
I think it would be awesome if you could add the ability for the bot to detect when a dread warps into system. This would help with all the miners getting blown up in one shot.
The dreads spawn in null regular asteroid belts and anom belts, it seems that if you warp off for 10-15 minutes then come back the dread is gone but after some testing it seems like it will just warp around all the belts in system so it can can mining done in between it's warps. If the dread lands in the belt the bot should dock up for 15 minutes then blacklist that belt and move to the next belt and or anom in system.
Updated by Nerumph over 7 years ago
I double this; I also believe it would be adventageous if the same action were implimented with drifter battleships and circadian seekers, these too can decemate an unprepared fleet.