Bug #1949
Bug with hauling when using "return to dropoff" option when the pickup queue is empty
Unfortunately, I don't have much to add to this. Astrobot will appear to work fine for a long time.. hours at times. At some point, the hauler gets stuck in the station, doesn't leave and the miners get full. The message being spammed in console is something to the effect of "Astrobot(ISXEVE?) thinks we're in a station"
No issues with hauling when I switch back to Stay On Grid when empty pickup queue.
Updated by bjcasey about 7 years ago
When the hauler is coming out of the station to go to the next pilot on the list, the bot hangs if that pilot isn't in the belt anymore when the hauler gets there.
This happens when the miner is in the process of changing belts. I think thats the reason for the issue when using the "return to station" option in the hauler settings. It just happened to me with the hauler set to stay on grid... there is just more of a chance of it happening when the hauler is constantly moving back and forth.
Updated by bjcasey about 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Priority changed from Normal to High
Updated by bjcasey about 7 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
This has been resolved inĀ Version 1.025a
- Corrected a bug with the hauling routine when the Pickup type is When Requested. The hauler will now properly update the current location of their first pickup pilot.