Feature - New #1900
Hauler support for Abscam
Hi BJ,
Thanks for all the effort you put into this.
I just need a hauler that can service the jet cans of all fleet members and either drop off at a POS corporate hanger array or a citadel.
The hanger array is optimal as its faster and doesn't mess with the mining foreman bursts like a citadel will, but as you've stated, its hard for you to test.
Since the Orca is too slow to use in an "automatic" fashion in Null sec, i use the Porpoise, however the fleet hanger on a Porpoise is only 5000 m3, far too small to use as a non jet can drop off point.
The perfect hauler for me would be a Porpoise, using the Ore hold, bursting while on grid in the field and either "not" bursting as it warps out to a citadel or just screw it and send it to the POS array and not care about the bursts.
Updated by bjcasey almost 8 years ago
- Project changed from BJScripts to AstroBot
- Status changed from New to Accepted
Updated by bjcasey almost 8 years ago
Looting - Change where it ignores a looted jetcan. Add pickup of fleet hangars.
Pickup Mode - Add when requested.
Updated by bjcasey over 7 years ago
- Status changed from Accepted to Implemented
The original feature request has been completed:
- Modules - AstroBot now knows how to handle modules that will prevent you from docking or using a stargate while active. It will deactivate these modules and prevent them from being activated while docking or using autopilot to warp through a stargate.
The additional requests have been split off into their own request (pickup when requested).