Bug #1680
bjinventory 1.63 : salvaging wrong items
I have a BJ Inventory "Salvage all bag 1" runlist I've been using for months, hadn't tried bj inventory since the 'no items appearing' fix.. tried it today, and it salvaged items out of ALL bags, including some items I can't replace now. :(
set up as: Step 1: |Salvage| Step 2: |All| Step 3: |@All| Parameter1: |1| Parameter 2: |TRUE| Parameter 3: |1| Parameter 4: |110|
that should salvage everything it can, from bag 1.
The first one I noticed was the Yothshaval Ring from bag 5. :(
I also noticed it got some armor pieces from bag 4.
Screenshot attached, couple of items to note:
Sszra Ring of Flames - Says 1:06, is in fact 5:06
Home Uniform Mani - Says 1:07, is visible in 2:07
Gnostics Elixir - says 1:09, visible in 1:12