Feature - New #1640
Cast Stack - Recast when X seconds or less left on duration
It would be nice to be able to specify, instead of just Ignore Duration, that you could cast the spell when a buff has X seconds or less left.
ex, once the group ward is down to 2 seconds left, start casting it
Additionally it might be nice if we could specify...
Cast ward when the HP left are less than X
Cast when Increments of a different spell are between Min/Max
(Warlock AA Increments make some spells cast much faster)
The name of a different buff to watch (seems like a lot of AAs have a different buff/effect that they trigger than the ability name)
Don't cast if a different Buff is up already
Cast only when a different buff exists already
Updated by Pork over 8 years ago
Also : Allow CAs to have a [Timer] where they wont cast that CA again for [x] amount of seconds. Useful when recast on CA is Really short.
Also usefull for wards and so on to get more dps.