


Feature - New #2245

Reactive spell tracking

Added by Jiimbo over 1 year ago. Updated about 1 year ago.

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Would be great to have the ability to track how many ticks of a reactive has left.


Updated by Kannkor over 1 year ago

Jiimbo wrote:

Would be great to have the ability to track how many ticks of a reactive has left.

Did a little searching for this. And this is what I found.

When they changed reactives to be "on each person", they no longer show up in your maintained window at all, only in the spell effects window.

The spell effects window, to be honestly, is completely worthless. It only shows (50?) I think, and it changes so fast in combat, reading any of it is nearly worthless. All the worth while data from the spell effects window is a server call, which makes this window 10 times more worthless, because in combat it changes so fast and so much.

You can't even fire off an examine on it, because when examining it, it examines the actual ability, NOT the one that says the uses remaining.


Having said all that, there are some limited cases where it would actually be beneficial to have this, even in the spell effects window, and I believe something like this would be pretty easy for ama to find, and it helps fill out the data structures, which I feel like is a good thing too.

This can be tested with any class that has reactives. The one I'm using is an Inquisitor, and the ability level is level 12 called "Penance".

Cast it on yourself, then hover over it in the effects window, you will see how many uses remaining.



Updated by Amadeus about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from New to Implemented

Added with 20231212.0009

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