


Bug #2197

Item 'IsRepackable' attribute is FALSE when it should be TRUE

Added by smokemonkey over 2 years ago. Updated about 2 years ago.




dock at a station with some (used) drones which means there is no quantity displayed on their icon, 
and run script



        variable index:item items

        variable iterator itemIterator

        ; Repackage unloaded drones.

            EVEWindow[Inventory].ChildWindow[${Me.Station.ID}, StationItems]:GetItems[items]


            if ${itemIterator:First(exists)}




                    This:LogInfo[ ${itemIterator.Value.Name} ${itemIterator.Value.Group} is repackageable ${itemIterator.Value.IsRepackable}]

                    if ${itemIterator.Value.Group.Find[Drone]}


                        echo repackaging ${itemIterator.Value.Name}

                       ; equivalent of wait 30



                while ${itemIterator:Next(exists)}


you will find the IsRepackable is always FALSE, and nothing happens when you Repackage them. This is not expected.

In short:
IsRepackable attribute 
and Repackage method are both not working, at least for drones.


Updated by Amadeus about 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

This is fixed in version 20220510.0012:

May 15, 2022
* Added new datatype 'evemessageboxwindow' that inherits all methods/members of the 'evewindow' datatype.
* The EVEWindow TLO will now return an 'evemessageboxwindow' datatype object if you use "MessageBox" as a parameter and
  a Message Box exists.
* Fixed the IsRepackable MEMBER of the 'item' datatype
* Fixed the Repackage METHOD of the 'item' datatype

However, you will need to manage the popup windows that appear now, including the windows that state that the item is damaged and cannot be repackaged.   Here is an updated version of the script you provided that works like a charm in my testing:

function main()
    variable index:item items
    variable iterator itemIterator

    ; Repackage unloaded drones.
    EVEWindow[Inventory].ChildWindow[${Me.Station.ID}, StationItems]:GetItems[items]


    if ${itemIterator:First(exists)}
            if ${itemIterator.Value.Group.Find[Drone]}
                if (${itemIterator.Value.IsRepackable})
                    echo "-- Initiating repackaging for ${itemIterator.Value.Name}"

                    wait 20
                    if (${EVEWindow[MessageBox](exists)})
                        if (${EVEWindow[MessageBox].Text.Equal["Are you sure that you want to repackage this item?"]})
                            echo "--- Clicking YES to repackage ${itemIterator.Value.Name}."

                            wait 20
                            if (${EVEWindow[MessageBox](exists)})
                                if (${EVEWindow[MessageBox].Text.Equal["This item can not be repackaged as it or one of its components is damaged. Please take the item to a repair shop and have it fixed before trying again."]})
                                    echo "---- ${itemIterator.Value.Name} is DAMAGED...skipping."
                                wait 20
                            echo "--- ERROR --> Something happened that we did not expect"
                            wait 20
        while ${itemIterator:Next(exists)}

You can mess around with the routine above to see which waits you can remove or reduce, if any.

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