


Bug #2188

ExplosionRadius and ExplosionVelocity returns NULL for missiles

Added by smokemonkey about 3 years ago. Updated about 3 years ago.

Feedback Required
broken feature(s)


I tested with torpedo and failed to get these 2 attributes, but MaxFlightTime and MissileVelocity is retrieved correctly.


Updated by Amadeus about 3 years ago

  • Category set to broken feature(s)
  • Status changed from New to Feedback Required
  • Assignee set to Amadeus

Give me an example loadout for a ship that has an missle/torpedo weapon with a that's the cheapest I can buy.  I need to know the ship type/name, the weapon type/name, the missle/torpedo type/name, ...EVERYTHING.

For all bug reports, I need to know how to re-create the bug from nothing.  I do not play the game, so I only have the ships/modules/knowledge required for the bug reports I get -- so, you need to give me ALL of the information I need for every bug report for re-creating the bug with an account that has nothing in it.


Updated by smokemonkey about 3 years ago

I tested with ammo 'Scourge rage torpedo' in weapon 'Torpedo Launcher II', fitted to a Golem. You can try to retrieve the attributes in the title and you will get NULL. I assume this should happen to all missile-like weapons, not necessarily to be T2 or battleship.

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