Feature - Enhancement #2133
Add extract planar essence method to object item
I would like to be able to do Extract Planar Essence as I can do Transmute or Salvage on a item.
Thank you
Updated by Amadeus almost 5 years ago
Try using the Salvage method with it and see what happens. Something like:
Me.Ability[id, #]:Use ;; I'm not sure the AbilityID# for Extract Planar Essence
wait 5
Me.Inventory["Item Name"]:Salvage
wait 10
while ${Me.CastingSpell}
Updated by ethreayd almost 5 years ago
OK I have done that :
Me.Ability[id, 406528868]:Use
wait 5
Me.Inventory["Spicy Wand of Nerobahan"]:Salvage
wait 10
while ${Me.CastingSpell}
and it says : "Failed to salvage [Spicy Wand of Nerobahan]"
(I have tested that this item can be extracted manually)
Updated by Amadeus almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
The casting time on the ability was lower than I thought it would be, so the sample script I provided didn't work. This one will though:
I will add a method called "Extract", but it will do EXACTLY the same thing as "Salvage" (Salvage, Refine, Transmute, Extract all work exactly the same: they all just "target" the item after you cast the ability), so, you can go ahead and use "Salvage" for now if you don't want to wait until the next release.
Updated by Amadeus almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Implemented
Added in 20200416.0003