


Bug #1691

Crash of entire Client on camp to character screen

Added by mattb over 8 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.



Happened most recently today 08/04/16 and has been occurring for a few weeks now. I camp my group of characters to the character select screen and randomly sometimes I will get one or more crashing completely (ie the client closes and this crash log appears). It isn't all the time, but often enough for me to get irritated by it. I get a text crash log. Here is an older one, I will upload todays one when at my PC next.


CrashLogJul16.txt (25 KB) mattb, 2016-08-03 07:04 PM

CrashLog08042016.txt (24.7 KB) mattb, 2016-08-04 11:32 AM

CrashLog08052016.txt (24.8 KB) mattb, 2016-08-04 12:05 PM

CrashLog08062016.txt (24.7 KB) mattb, 2016-08-06 03:56 AM

CrashLog08102016.txt (24.9 KB) mattb, 2016-08-09 09:53 PM


Updated by Amadeus over 8 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

Unfortunately, none of the crash reports I've seen thus far really help.  Just keep posting them until I see something that's useful.

You could test one thing though.   Since it's happening on a camp to character screen, you could try always doing "endscript *" (so that no scripts are running) before camping.  See if that helps.   If it still crashes, then it may be difficult to finally determine what's causing it.   If I can't fix it with tweaks in the next couple of weeks then I'll have to make a special test version and disable things until we find the version that doesn't crash.


Updated by mattb over 8 years ago

latest crash log


Updated by mattb over 8 years ago

Just happened again, was on char entering game from char select now instead of camping to char screen


Updated by Amadeus over 8 years ago

See if version 20160802.0004 (just patched) either helps or makes for different crash reports.


Updated by mattb over 8 years ago

new crash log


Updated by Amadeus over 8 years ago

I updated to version 0005  ....keep sending crash reports.   I'm still trying to narrow it down.    

I'd also love to see more crash reports that do not have any scripts running.....    It would be nice to know if it still crashes without scripts running and if it's the same crash or a different one.

Also, please make a list of the exact conditions for each crash.   In other words, are they ALL happening while zoning or while camping out or to another character?  etc.


Updated by mattb over 8 years ago

The thing is, is that it is so random as to its occurance that if I ran without my scripts I'd be potentially running multiple play sessions without them, and playing handicapped! Having said that, I have had every single character crash at some point or another, and not every character uses a script. It is definitely when zoning of some sort, and it seems to be either logging to char select or loading another toon from char select, but I won't say 100% that it's only that. It has calmed down since I started posting here. Last couple of play sessions have not had an incident. Will let you know if it's stopped completely.

Updated by mattb over 8 years ago

This crash happened choosing a character from character select and pressing enter world.


Updated by Kannkor over 8 years ago

Can you close Ogrebot before loging back in from the character select. If you can, close Ogrebot  down then wait at least 5 seconds. 

The idea here is to find out if Ogre is using a member of isxeq2 that is causing the crash, or if it's in pulse of isxeq2.


Updated by Amadeus over 8 years ago

Well, the good news is that all of the crashes are being caused by the same thing.  However, the bad news is that the crash report document isn't really helping narrow it down.

I just wish you all cound narrow it down or find a reliable way of reproducing it so that I could test and see it.  If I could make myself crash reliably, I could probably figure out exactly what's causing it.

I have an idea that I will impliment later today -- so, when you see a new patch of ISXEQ2 (probably version 0002), then let me know if it continues to crash after that.   If it does, then it may mean doing some serious reverting of code to see if I can backtrack to before it started.


Updated by mattb over 8 years ago

I will close ogre down when switching to see if it helps. May take a few days to get a conclusion as I can't narrow down the reason why it happens and it probably only occurs once in 40+ attempts

Updated by Amadeus over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Assignee set to Amadeus

I just updated to version 20160809.0003 has a significant internal change that may help.   If it continues to crash, please post new crash report text file.


Updated by Amadeus over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved

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