Bug #1375
Brokenskull Bay : Hoist the Yellowjack : Navigator Barius curse
The script for this encounter doesn't appear to consider the curse "sickness of the mind". Ignoring this curse, and allowing power to get low, increments a multiplier on the encounter DOT, making it hit for millions.
16:19:08 Navigator Barius the Cursed slash slashing TANK 68159815 None None
16:19:08 Navigator Barius the Cursed Killing Death TANK Death None None
There's a pretty good run-down on the encounters in this zone here : http://www.eq2stuff.com/?page_id=198
He periodically casts an un-curable arcane “Sickness of the Mind” on the entire group which causes abilities to consume 1280% more power.. if a group members power drops too low the “Greed Monger” detriment will start to increment for the entire group. This isn’t AoE blockable so you’ll need to run with an Enchanter (or Dirge that’s “Exuberent Encore” specced) or simply not cast anything when you have Sickness of the Mind” in order to keep your power up at all times)
As a fix, I'd try maybe any of these things: 1. stop entire group casting, other than maybe group heal/HoT 2. stop individual casting who has it, when they're below 50% power 3. stop individual casting who has it. |
Thank you in advance!
Updated by blammo over 9 years ago
Tried several of the ideas by hand, I understand the way the curse works better now.
If -anyone- in the group has low power, say sub 1 bubble, the curse increments whether people cast or not. The only fix is to bring the power up. (enchanter, warden hierophantic genesis, troub energizing ballad etc)
Updated by bjcasey over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
This fight has been modified in Patch # 110.
*Brokenskull Bay: Hoist the Yello Jack (Heroic)
**Navigator Barius the Cursed
***GR1 will no longer load an autotarget list. When Sickness of the Mind is on the group, GR1 will target themselves. It is up to you to have your OgreBot profile handle power replenishment for this fight.
Updated by blammo over 9 years ago
Thank you. This change is good progress, but the fight still won't complete. The targeting change seems to work while the curse is on, however there needs to be some sort of power management when an individual in the group is low.
My test group includes bard, enchanter, and mystic with spirit tap, so it's not a case of not being able to return power.
Updated by bjcasey over 9 years ago
Power management is your responsibility with your OgreBot profile.
Updated by blammo over 9 years ago
I agree.. Power management is the responsibility of the user.. and after watching the fight again, the script is trying.. All power management items were used, from the bard to the enchanter. Still not enough.
I gave the script a few more runs -- 10 runs, all between 2 mins 30 seconds and 3 minutes 30 seconds.. somehow worse than before. I'm going to spend some time going through the logs to figure out why, but something is wrong. The last fight had >2 million power drain on each person, so we're still missing something.
Updated by blammo over 9 years ago
I think we missed something obvious. It looks like you have to kill the chests that spawn, or you get the detrimental..
Updated by blammo over 9 years ago
It looks like the Healers have to kill the chests. The never showed up on track for tank/etc.