


Feature - Enhancement #1286

Anomaly Ratting

Added by stlambe over 10 years ago.

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I would for sure resub to the bot if it offered anomaly ratting. Belt ratting is fine, but where I am in null sites will do better per hour for isk. I've looked at H-Bot but I don't know if I trust it. I've used ISX and EVEBot before and was impressed by it. The core idea would be the following:

  • Scan for anomalies
  • Check results against a white/black list to see what ones are good to use
  • Warp to site
  • Check if there is someone else there (then logic to go to next one unless there is some option that basically says to do it anyways)
  • From there it would just kill the rats as they spawn.
    • I would personally not tell the bot to do a site unless I was 100% sure I could handle the event that it pops all the triggers and spawns the whole site.
    • It would be nice though if it was smart enough to know triggers, but that's asking A LOT. Maybe have it be a customizable list of what to shoot last in the waves based on site name?
  • Once site is done I'd persnally like an option to BM it in corp BMs so my salvager can go salvage the site.
  • Move on to the next one.

Guess I should say that there would need to be the obvious HP tracking and tanking options like there likely already is in the ratting bot. This is something I would normally look into maybe trying myself, but with school and work currently I can't devote the time to it. I'm sure you've heard it before but I figured I'd send it along.



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