


Actor Search Parameters


Set Search Source from Pawn or Location

  • loc,X,Y,Z
    • Returns the Actor located at X,Y,Z. This parameter should not be used with any other Range or from parameters. If you want it to ignore "Z", use -99999
  • from,<X>,<Y>,<Z>
    • Uses the X/Y/Z location given as the "center" for all location based actor searching. This argument must come before the following 'location based' search terms, which are affected by this setting: Radius, Radiusr, xyrange, and zrange.
  • from,dtarget
  • from,target
    • Uses your current target/dtarget's location as the "center" for all location based actor searching. This argument must come before the following 'location based' search terms, which are affected by this setting: Radius, Radiusr, xyrange, and zrange.
    • Note that for both from,target and the from,dtarget options: If you don't have a target, it will simply return the actor as though you did not use the 'from' parameter in the first place.

Search Radius/Range

  • radius,#
    • Returns the nearest actor within the given three-dimensional radius (Your character being the center, out to the range specified.)
  • radiusr,#,#
    • Returns the nearest actor within the given three-dimensional radius (The first number being the inner range and second number being the outer range.)
  • xyrange,#
    • Returns the nearest actor within the given two-dimensional radius (range) from your present position. Currently, 'range' is aliased to be equivalent to 'xyrange'
  • zrange,#
    • Returns the nearest actor within the given radius (range) on the Z-axis from your present position.

Search Options

  • IsCollidable
    • Returns the nearest actor that provides collision.
  • <string>
    • Returns the nearest actor with the BASE name that contains the string given (case insensitive)